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Chikitsa Prakara: Uttara Basti

Prakaara Paribhaashaa:

  • =kÉ®ú¤ÉκiÉ ºÉÆYÉÉ =kÉ®ú¨ÉÉMÉÇ nùҪɨÉÉxÉiɪÉÉ ËE ´ÉÉ ¸Éä¹` MÉÖhÉiɪÉÉ =kÉ®ú¤ÉκiÉ:*           Chakrapaan`ee
  • The Basti which is administered through Mootramaarga(Urethra)or Apatyapatha (cervical oss)is termed as Uttara Basti.
  • S`hresht`ha Gun`ayukta i.e. the Basti having best properties and effects is termed as Uttara Basti.


  • In female the Uttara Basti should be administered during Ritukaala (proliferative phase) only.
  • The Uttara Basti in female should never be administered before her menarche.

Poorvakarma (Prerequisites):

Patient Preparation:

  • The patient should be advised to consume Yavaagu, milk and ghee or meal containing Maamsarasa on the previous night.
  • The patient should be advised to pass urine and stools before the procedure.
  • Then Abhyanga (oil massage) should be done over buttocks, lower back, and waist and groin regions.


  • The procedure of Uttara Basti in males:-
  1. The patient should sit on a stool of knee height.
  2. Then oil massage should be applied over penis.
  3. Then a bladder sound should be inserted slowly and the approximate length up to the bladder should be assessed. Then it should be removed out slowly.
  4. Then the Basti Netra or rubber catheter should be inserted steadily and gently after lubricating it.
  5. When the catheter reaches bladder then syringe should be attached to the other end and the indicated lukewarm medicine should be injected with a moderate speed.
  6. Then the catheter should be removed gently.
  • The procedure of Uttara Basti in female:-
  1. The female should be advised to lie down on a table. Then she should be given the lithotomy position.
  2. Oil massage should be applied over groin region.
  3. If the Uttara Basti is to be administered in bladder then the probing should be done with the help of bladder sound and if it is to be administered in uterus, probing should be done with the help of uterine sound.
  4. Then Basti Netra or suitable lubricated rubber catheter should be inserted steadily.
  5. When the Uttara Basti is to be administered inside uterus the cervical oss should be held with the Sandams`ha Yantra (vulsellum) and then the catheter should be inserted.
  6. Uterine canula can be used instead of catheter.
  7. The syringe should be attached to the other end and then the lukewarm medicine should be injected with moderate speed.
  8. Then the catheter or Basti Netra should be removed gently.
  • If the medicine of Uttara Basti is in decoction form then the medicine comes out immediately after injection.
  • If the medicine of Uttara Basti is in the form of oil, then some amount of oil comes out immediately and the remaining part gets absorbed or comes out slowly after some time.


  • If Uttara Basti materialdoes not come out after 12 or 24 hours then suitable Varti should be administered to achieve Basti Pratyaagama.
  • In some cases the Uttara Basti may cause severe pain. To overcome this pain Vedanaahara medicine (Nidrodaya Rasa, Ahiphenaasava) should be administered after administering Uttara Basti.
  • After Basti Pratyaagama the patient should be advised to consume meal containing milk, Yoosha and Maamsarasa.

Other Description:

  • Now a days syringe, rubber catheter or uterine canula is used instead of Uttara Basti Yantra.
  • The dose of Uttara Basti (oil)in male at the age of one year it should be 1/6 Tolaa and should be increased by 1/6 Tolaa every year till 25th year of age. The final dose at 25th year of age should be one Prakuncha.
  • The dose of Uttara Basti (decoction) in male one Prasrita.
  • The dose of Uttara Basti (oil)in female one Prasrita.
  • The dose of Uttara Basti (decoction) in female two Prasrita.
  • The Uttara Basti should be administered continuously for 3 days followed by 3 days rest, then again should be administered for 3 days.
  • For formulations used for Uttara Bastisearch in Anveshakfor Search CategoriesKalpa Input field Used for Chikitsaa Karma Equal to Uttara Basti.
  • Similarlyspecific Kalpana like Taila related and indicated Vyaadhi can also be searched for through Anveshak.

Last updated on February 25th, 2021 at 03:04 pm

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