Dravya | Baakuchee |
General Classification | Udbhija |
Synonyms | Avalgujaphala |
Baakuchee | |
Baakuchikaa | |
Chandralekhaa | |
Chandras`hakalaa | |
Indulekhaa | |
Induraaji | |
Induraajikaa (Baakuchee) | |
Somaraajee | |
Somaraajeephala | |
Botanical Name | Psoralia corylifolia Linn. (Leguminosae / Fabaceae) |
Useful Part | Beeja |
Phala | |
Specific Classification | Annual |
Audbhid | |
Herb | |
Oshadhi | |
Quality Parameters | The fruit of Baakuchee and its seeds are inseperable from fruit, mangoshaped – sharp at the tip and broad at the base, black in colour, shining and show small pits under magnifying glass |
Rasa | Kat`u |
Veerya | Ushn`a |
Vipaaka | Kat`u |
Gun`a | Teekshn`a |
Karma | Hridya |
Kes`hya | |
Paachana | |
Rasaayana | |
Rochana | |
Tvachya | |
Route of Administration | Abhyantara |
Baahya | |
Indicated in Vyaadhi | Kaasa |
Krimi Roga | |
Kusht`ha | |
Paan`d`u | |
S`hotha | |
S`hvaasa | |
Effect On Dosha | Kaphaghna |
Pittakara | |
Vaataghna | |
Effect on Srotas | Medovaha Srotas |
Raktavaha Srotas | |
Other Effect | Aamapaachana |
Maatraa | 1-3 Mashaka |
Substitute | Chakramarda Phala |
Last updated on April 12th, 2021 at 09:02 am