Prakaara Paribhaashaa:
- ºÉÆvÉÉxɨÉ µÉhÉÉè¹`ÉÊnù ºÉƪÉÉäVÉxɨÉ * D`alhan`a
- Approximation of the wound edges is termed as Sandhaana.
- The process to control bleeding is also termed as Sandhaana.
- Sandhaana is achieved by Seevana (Suturing).
- When suturing is not possible then the wound edges are to be approximated and Bandha should be applied.
- When Maamsa is protruding through the wound it should be cut before approximation.
- The tying of bleeders (in surgical procedures) to control bleeding also comes under this procedure.
Last updated on April 30th, 2021 at 06:37 am