Dravya | Indrayava |
General Classification | Udbhija |
Synonyms | Indraahva (Indrayava) |
Indraahvaya | |
Indrabeeja (Indrayava) | |
Kalinga | |
Kalingaja | |
Kalingaka | |
Kalingakaa | |
Kut`ajabeeja | |
Kut`ajaphala | |
Kut`ajayava | |
Kut`ajodbhava | |
S`hakraahva | |
S`hakraahvaya | |
S`hakrayava | |
Vatsaahvaya (Indrayava) | |
Vatsakabeeja | |
Vatsakaphala | |
Vtshaavdaya | |
Botanical Name | Holarrhena antidysenterica Wall. (Apocynaceae) |
Useful Part | Beeja |
Period of Collection | Yathaaritu |
Specific Classification | Aasthaapanopaga Mahaakashaaya |
Audbhid | |
Perennial | |
Stanyas`hodhana Mahaakashaaya | |
Tree | |
Vaanaspatya | |
Quality Parameters | These are seeds of Holarrhena antidyseneterica and very bitter in taste |
Rasa | Tikta |
Kat`u | |
Veerya | S`heeta |
Vipaaka | Kat`u |
Karma | Aasthaapanopaga |
Deepana | |
Graahee | |
Stanya S`hodhana | |
Vaamaka | |
Prabhaava | Chhardana (Vamana) |
Route of Administration | Abhyantara |
Indicated in Vyaadhi Prakaara | Raktapradoshaja Vikaara |
Indicated in Vyaadhi | Ars`ha |
Ars`ha –) Raktaja Ars`ha | |
Atisaara | |
Chhardi | |
Jvara | |
Kusht`ha | |
Raktapitta | |
Raktapitta –) Adhoga Raktapitta | |
Raktapitta –) Adhoga Raktapitta –) Santarpan`ottha + Balavaana Rugn`a + Bahudosha | |
S`hoola | |
Vaatarakta | |
Visarpa | |
Effect On Dosha | Kaphaghna |
Pittaghna | |
Vaataghna | |
Effect on Srotas | Annavaha Srotas |
Maatraa | 1-4 Mashaka |
Adulteration | Wrightia tinctoria R.Br. |
Classical Description | There are another seeds named Meethaa Indrayava are available which are seeds of Wrightia tinctoria- these are less bitter and used as tonic |
Other Information | Its powder is used after roasting and dose for making decoction is 1/4 – 1/2 karsha. |
Last updated on April 9th, 2021 at 08:58 am