C.Chi.15, A.H.Su.8/28, S.U.56/9, Y.R Poorvardha Visoochyaadi Chikitsaa
- It is the chronic and serious stage of Aamaajeern`a dominated by Leena Kapha and Vaata Dosha.
- The undigested food stays in the gut without any movement for long time results in this disease (Vaayu and Kaala two of the six Aahaara Parin`aamakara Bhaava_s are at fault due to which the food stays stagnant in the Annavaha Srotas for a longer than normal interval and thus results in Annavisha due to failure of conversion) .
- According to Sus` hruta Samhitaa, it is Duhchikitsya (difficult to cure).
- Hemaadri opines that Annavisha explained in Charaka Samhitaa (C.Chi.15/42) is the disease Vilambikaa itself where Vitiated Agni is not capable to digest even Laghu diet which leads further to gain S`huktatva (fermentation) finally causing toxicity . (A.H.Su.8/28 -T`eekaa)
Saamaanya चिकित्सा
- It should be treated with understanding of its difficult tendency to cure.
- It should be treated similar to Aamaajeern`a. (A.H.Su.8/28)
- Urdhva and Adha S`hodhana
- Naalen Phala Varti
- S`hodhana Bheshaja (Y.R)
- Langhana is the main / major treatment of Aamaajeern`a.
- Further the treatment should be done according to signs and symptoms.
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खोज करें Dravya, Kalpa, Aahaara, Vihaara, Chikitsaa Karma For
- Indicated in Vyaadhi Amadosha,
- Indicated in Vyaadhi Ajeern`a
- Indicated in Vyaadhi Ajeern`a Aamaajeern`a (as Chikitsaa is similar to this)
- For details of Chikitsaa Ajeern`a Chikitsaa HTML
- Other Effect Aamanaas`hana , Aamapaachana (as Chikitsaa is similar to this).
Last updated on February 22nd, 2021 at 09:06 am