विषय सूची पर जायें

चिकित्सा प्रकार: बस्ति

Prakaara Paribhaashaa

  • ¤ÉκiÉxÉÉ nüÒªÉiÉä <ÊiÉ ¤ÉκiÉ& *                                A. H. Su. 19 / 1
  • The procedure in which medicine is administered inside the rectum with the help of bladder of any animal is termed as Basti.


  • The time of administration should be decided according to the type of Basti.

Poorvakarma (Prerequisites):

  • This should be done according to the type of Basti.

Classification of Basti:

  • Based on the site of administration of Basti:
  1. Pakvaas`hayagata Basti – The Basti is administered through anal orifice.
  2. Garbhaas`hayagata Basti – The Basti is administered through vaginal orifice. This is also called as Uttara Basti.
  3. Mootraas`hayagata Basti – The Basti is administered through urethral orifice. This is also called as Uttara Basti.
  4. Vran`agata Basti – The Basti is administered through wound opening to achieve Vran`a Ropan`a or Vran`a S`hodhana.
  • Based on the type of drug used to prepare the Basti medicine:
  1. Nirooha Basti – The active ingredient of Nirooha Basti is decoction.
  2. Anuvaasana Basti – The active ingredient of Anuvaasana Basti is any unctuous drug like Taila.
  • Based on the effect of Basti:
  1. S`hodhana Basti – The effect of this type of Basti is mainly elimination of Dosha and Mala. This is again divided into two types i.e. Teekshn`a Basti and Mridu Basti based on the drugs used for Basti.
  2. Lekhana Basti – The effect of this type of Basti is Lekhana. The Basti mainly affects Meda Dhaatu.
  3. Snehana Basti – This Basti mainly comprises of Sneha Dravya.
  4. Utkles`hana Basti – This Basti does Utkles`ha (precipitation) of Dosha and Mala. Thus there is aggravation and liquefaction of Dosha.
  5. Doshahara Basti – This is a सौषधं type of Basti.
  6. S`hamana Basti – Pacifying Basti
  7. Brimhan`a Basti – This Basti acts as Brimhan`a i.e. it is indicated in Kaars`hya.
  8. Karshan`a Basti – This Basti acts as Karshan`a i.e. it is indicated in Sthaulya.
  9. Rasaayana Basti – This Basti acts as Rasaayana.
  10. Vaajeekaran`a Basti – This Basti acts as Vaajeekaran`a.
  11. Snehaneeya Basti – This Basti acts as Snehaneeya.
  12. Chakshushaya – This Basti is helpful in improving health of eye.
  13. Samgraahee Basti – This Basti acts as Pureesha Samgrahan`eeya.
  14. Varn`aprasaadana Basti – This Basti acts as Varn`ya.
  • Based on the number of Basti to be administered consecutively as a course:
  1. Karma Basti – This Basti course comprises of 30 Basti in total. The course should be started with Anuvaasana Basti. Then alternately 12 Aasthaapana and 12 Anuvaasana Basti should be administered. Then 5 Anuvaasana Basti should be administered at the end.
  2. Kaala Basti – This Basti course comprises of 16 Basti in totalThecourse should be started with Anuvaasana Basti. Then alternately 6 Aasthaapana and 6 Anuvaasana Basti should be administered. Then 3 Anuvaasana Basti should be administered at the end.
  3. Yoga Basti – This Basti course comprises of 16 Basti in total. The course should be started with Anuvaasana Basti. Then alternately 3 Aasthaapana and 3 Anuvaasana Basti should be administered. Then 1 Anuvaasana Basti should be administered at the end.
  • In classical texts some more types of Basti are mentioned with specific names. These are as follows:
  1. Yaapana Basti – This Basti can be administered at any time. Yaapana (prolonging) of life can be achieved by administration of this Basti.
  2. Siddha Basti – The Basti which cure a certain disease are called as Siddha Basti.
  3. Prasrita Yaugiki Basti –The Basti which should be administered in the dose of one Prasrita is called as Prasrita Yaugiki Basti.
  4. Dvaadas`ha Prasritikee Basti – The Basti which should be administered in the dose of twelve Prasrita is called as Prasrita Yaugiki Basti.
  5. Paadaheena Basti – The Basti which should be administered in the dose of nine Prasrita is called as Prasrita Yaugiki Basti.
  6. Teekshn`a Basti – The Basti which contains Teekshn`a (penetrating) Dravya such as Kshaara, Mootra or other drugs having Ushn`a property. If the basti doesn’t come out within indicated time then this type of Basti should be administered.
  7. Mridu Basti – The Basti which contains Mridu (mild) Dravya such as Dugdha, Maamsarasa, Ghrita, etc.
  8. Pichchhaa Basti – The Basti which contains drugs having Pichchhila (slimy) property is called asPichchhaa Basti. By administration of such type of Basti the flow of blood or flow of Pichchhaa out of body can be stopped. This has Samgraahee effect also.
  9. Rakta Basti – Administration of blood of animals like goat is called as Rakta Basti. This type of Basti should be administered to compensate the Raktakshaya due to any cause.

Other Description:

  • Pichchhaa Basti shouldbe administered in अतिसार associated with Alpaalpa Bahu Raktasraava,  S`hoola and Vibaddha Vaayu.
  • Pichchhaa Basti shouldbe administered in अतिसार associated with Apras`haamyanti Rujaa.
  • Pichchhaa Basti shouldbe administered in प्रवाहिका if there is no Vyaadhi Upas`haya due to Langhana and Paachana Chikitsaa.
  • Pichchhaa Basti shouldbe administered in Pittaja अतिसार if there is no Upas`haya due to all other measures.
  • Pichchhaa Basti should not be administered in अतिसार associated with Vibaddha Vaata, Vibaddha VarchaBahu S`hoola PravaahikaaSarakta Pichchha and having Trishn`aa.
  • Yaapana Basti should be administered in Vishama Jvara, Punaraavartaka Jvara, Pittaavrita Vaata.
  • Yaapana Basti should be administered in Haleemaka associated with Virikta Rugn`a.

Last updated on April 29th, 2021 at 07:16 am

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