विषय सूची पर जायें

स्त्री रोग निदान

The diseases those mainly occur in females and are related to reproductive system. The major area of the diseases is covered by Yonivyaapad mentioned in Samhitaa which are related to menstruation and female genital organs. The rest are related to the various states of female like diseases in pregnancy, diseases during and after delivery and diseases during lactation.

Mood`ha Garbha

C.Sha.8, S.Ni.8, S.Chi.15, A.H.Sha.2, M.Ni.64

A completely mature foetus when comes to the Apatya Patha with abnormal presentation and gets obstructed due to Vigun`a Apaana is called as Mood`ha Garbha.

Tam Eva Kadaachit Vivriddham Asamyag Aagatam Apatyapatham Anupraaptam Anirasya Maanam Vigun`aapaana Sammohitam Garbham Mood`ha Garbham Iti Aachakshate | S.Ni.8/3

Sarvaavayava Sampurn`a Mano Budhyadi Samyutah, Vigun`o Apaana Sammud`ho Mud`hagarbho Abhidhiyate | S.Ni.8/2 Nibandha Samgraha


  • Keela
  • Pratikhura
  • Beejaka
  • Parigha

Keela Eva Sa Keelah |
Where hands and legs are in the upward direction obstructing in the vagina is Keela Mood`ha Garbha.

Where Kaaya is Niruddha (obstructed) is Pratikhura Mood`ha Garbha.

When one hand and head is out, it is Beejaka.

When it obstructs YoniMukha completely, it is Parigha.

Mood`ha Garbha Gati:

  1. Sometimes comes by two Sakthi towards Yoni Mukha
  2. Sometimes curved with one Sakthi (Aabhugna)
  3. Sometimes Aabhugna Sakthi S`hareera by Sphig
  4. Sometimes either by Urah, Paars`hva, Prisht`a etc.
  5. Sometimes by one hand
  6. By Aabhugna S`hira and by two hands
  7. Aabhugna Madhya by Hasta Paada and S`hira
  8. By one Sakthi or Paayu

Asaadhya Criteria:

  1. Yon`i Amvaran`a Peed`ita
  2. Pooti Udgaara Yukta Stree
  3. Hemaangee
  4. Bhrams`ha Yukta
  5. Makkalla Yukta
  6. S`hvaasa Peed`ita
  7. Aabhugna Madhyo Hasta Paada S`hirobhih
  8. Ekena Sakthnaa YoniMukham Pratipadyate Aparen`a Paayum
  9. Vipareeta Indriyaarthaa
  10. Aakshepaka Yukta
  11. Kaasa Yukta
  12. Bhrama Yukta

Rakta Pradara Asrig Dara

C. Chi. 30, S. Sha. 2, M. Ni. 61

Rakta Pradara is a disease related to the Rajah Sraava.
Asrigdara is a menstruation where the menstrual bleeding occurs in large amount.
Or there may be a situation that menstruation takes place for a longer period. (S. Sha. 2/18-20 D`alhan`a)


  1. Rajaj Pradeeryate Yasmaat Pradarah Tena Sa Smritah | C. Chi. 30/209
  2. Raktam Pramaan`am Utkramya Iti Raktam Pramaan`Aadhikam Kritvaa Raktam Aadaaya Yad Rajo Yasmaad Vivardhayati Pavanah Tasmaad Asrig Rajo Melaka Roopatvaad Ayam Vyaadhih Asrigdara Iti Uchyate | C. Chi. 30/204-224 Chakrapaan`i
  3. Pradeeryate Iti Vistaarito Bhavati Iti Pradarah | C. Chi. 30/204-224 Chakrapaan`i
  4. Asrig Deeryate Yasmin Iti Asrigdara | C. Chi. 30/204-224 Chakrapaan`i
  5. Tadevaatiprasangena Pravrittam Anritau Api |
  6. Asrigdaram Vijaaneeyaat Ato Anyad Rakta Lakshan`Aad || S. Sha. 2/18


  • Due to the causative factors, Vaayu gets aggravated.
  • This aggravated Vaayu, gets harbored in to the Garbhaas`haya Siraa.
  • It increases the amount of the Raja.
  • Vaayu increases the amount of the Raja by increasing the amount of blood and entering into the Rajovahaa Siraa.
  • Therefore, the amount of the menstrual blood gets increased.
  • This disease is called as Asrigdara because Vaayu mix the Asrig (Rakta) in to the Raja by increasing its amount. It gets menstruated out, through the Rajovahaa Siraa. Therefore it is called as Asrigdara.


  • Vaataja
  • Pittaja
  • Kaphaja
  • Saannipaatika


  • The menstruated blood is Phenila, Tanu, Rooksha, S`hyaava, Arun`a.
  • It resembles to the Kims`hukodaka.
  • There may or may not be pain.
  • There is pain in the Kat`i, Vamkshan`a, Hrit, Paars`hva, Prisht`ha, S`hron`i.
  • According to Maadhava Nidaana, the blood resembles to Pis`hitodaka.


  • The menstruated blood may be Neela or Peeta.
  • It may be hot (Atyushn`a) or Asita.
  • There is continuous flow of blood.
  • There is pain.
  • There is Daaha, Raaga, Trishaa, Moha, Jvara, Bhrama.
  • According to Maadhava Nidaana, there is heavy menstruation.


  • The menstruated blood is Pichchhila.
  • It is white colored.
  • It is heavy (Guru), SnigdhaS`heetala.
  • It is Ghana (Dense).
  • There is mild pain.
  • There is छर्दिHrillaasaअरोचकश्वास and कास.
  • According to Maadhava Nidaana, the menstruated blood is Aama and Sapichchha, Paan`d`u.
  • It resembles to Pulaakatoya.


  • In this condition, a lady becomes weak.
  • Therefore, Vaayu gets aggravated in more amounts.
  • This aggravated Vaayu causes the flow of Kapha, with the menstruation blood.
  • The menstruation blood is Durgandhee, Pichchhila, Peeta, Vidagdha.
  • It carries Vasaa and Medas with it.
  • This menstruation blood resembles to Sarpi, Majjaa, Vasaa.
  • There is continuous secretion of the menstrual blood.
  • There is Trishn`aa, Daaha and Jvara.
  • According to Maadhava Nidaana, it is Kun`apa. It resembles to KshaudraSarpiHaritaala Varn`a.

Laks`hana (General symptoms)
According to Sus`hruta, there is AngamardaVedanaa.
If it remains for long time, then the symptoms are Daurbalyaभ्रमMoorchchhaaTamaTrishaaDaaha, PralaapaPaan`d`utvaTandraa, other Vaata Dominant diseases.
Vaagbhat`a has considered Raktapradara under Rakta Yonivyaapad

Rakta Yonyaakhyaa Asirg Atisrite |

Comparative Study of Sampraapti of Various Types of Raktapradara

Rakta PradaraRakta PradaraVaatajaPittajaKaphajaSaannipaatika
AvayavaYoniApatya MaargaKat`iVamkshan`aHritPaars`hvaPrisht`haS`hron`iYoniApatya MaargaYoniApatya MaargaYoniApatya Maarga
AsaadhyaKsheen`a Raktaa Stree, Durbala     
DoshaVaata PrakopaVaata PrakopaPitta PrakopaKapha PrakopaTridosha Prakopa
DhaatuRakta VriddhiRakta Dusht`i   Rakta VriddhiRakta Dusht`iMedas Dusht`i
UpadhaatuGarbhaas`hayagata SiraaRajovahaa SiraaRaja Dusht`i   Vasaa Dusht`i

Raktapradara is Asaadhya in a lady who is Ksheen`araktaa and Durbalaa.

Sootikaa Roga / Makkalla

C. Sha. 8, S. Sha. 10, S. Ni. 8, A.H.Sha.1M. Ni. 65


  • According to Sus`hruta, a female after delivery until one and half of the month, is said to be Sootikaa. Therefore, the diseases that manifests in this period to a female are called as Sootikaa Roga. These diseases are Daarun`a by nature.
  • Symptoms of Sootikaa Roga :-
  • Angamarda
  • ज्वर
  • Kampa
  • Pipaasaa
  • Gurugaatrataa
  • शोथ
  • S`hoola
  • अतिसार M. Ni. 65
  • If a Sootikaa disobeys the rules of diet and life style during Sootikaa Avasthaa she can suffer from
  • ज्वर
  • अतिसार
  • शोथ
  • S`hoola
  • आनाह
  • BalaKshaya
  • Tandraa
  • Aruchi
  • Praseka
  • Kapha Vaataja Vikaara.

These all are Krichchhrasaadhya Vikaara; as Maamsa, Bala and Agni are depleted. These diseases also manifest as Upadrava.
The disease which gets manifested in the Sootikaa due to Mithyaachaara is a Krichchhrasaadhya disease. It turns to Asaadhya condition due to Apatarpan`a.


It is a disease caused after delivery due to the improper Garbhaas`haya S`hodhana. It resembles to the Granthi and विद्रधि. It is Krichchhrasaadhhya.


  • Makkallah Tu Prasootaayaah Vaayuh Asrig Aarodhya Basti S`hirah PrabhRutiShu S`hoolam Karoti Sa Makkallah; Tat Sambhooto Vidradhih Api Makkallah |
    S. Ni. 8/6 D`alhan`a and Gayadaasa.
  • Prajaataayaah Prajanana S`hon`itaSanjanitaS`hoolo Makkallah | S.Sha.10/22 D`alhan`a
  • Avaruddha Paaka Janito Vidradhih Api Makkallah | S. Sha. 10/22 D`alhan`a
  • Vaayuh Prakupitah Kuryaat Samrudhya Rudhiram Chyutam |
    Sootaayaa Hrit S`hiro Basti S`hoolam Makkalla Samdnyitam ||
  • Prasootaayaa Vaayuh Asrig Aarodhya Basti S`hirah Prabhritishu S`hoolam Karoti Sa Makkallah | S. Ni. 8/6 D`alhan`a


  • Due to accumulation of blood by Vaayu Rodha after delivery in the uterus, there is formation of Granthi under the umbilical region, Paars`hva, Basti and Basti S`hira.
  • It causes pain in the Naabhi, Basti, Udara. There is Mootra Sanga also.

It is called as Makkalla.

Asaadhya Criteria

  • Apatarpan`a S. Sha. 10/19
  • S`hithila Sarva Dhaatu C. Sha. 8
  • Garbha Vriddhi Kshayita
  • Pravaahan`a Vedanaa Kledana Rakta Nihsrutih Vis`hesh S`hoonya S`hareeratvaat C. Sha. 8

Stana Roga

S. Ni. 10, S.Chi.17, M. Ni. 66


  • Stana Roga are the diseases related to the female breast. Sus`hruta has explained that the causative factors of Stana Roga are same as of Gati or नाड़ी रोग. (S. Ni.10.15)This is Sootikaa Vis`hisht`a Vikaara.
  • StanaRoga are not seen in the girls (who have never been pregnant) as the Stanasams`hrita Dhamanee_s are Samvrita (closed). Due to the closure of the Stanasams`hrita Dhamanee_s, Dosha cannot move or travel through them causing any Stana Roga.
  • It means that after pregnancy and delivery of fetus only, StanaRoga are seen in the females as Stanasams`hrita Dhamanee get activated (they become Vivrita open for movements of Dosha) and Dosha can travel through them.
    S. Ni. 10.16-17
  • Stanya (breast milk) is the essence of the Rasa Dhaatu. It is Madhura and is formed from the completely digested food. This essence comes to the breasts (Stana) for the nourishment of the new born, therefore it is called as Stanya. Su. Ni. 10.18 (Stanabhavam Stanyam Su. Ni. 10.18 Gayadaasa).


  • Dosha along with Stanya or without Stanya get harboured in to the Stana. They vitiated Rakta and Maamsa causing the Stana Roga.
  • Stanarogaa_s resemble to the विद्रधि except Raktaja Vidradhi because Raktaja Stana Roga is not seen. M. Ni. 66.2 Madhukos`ha

Raktajasya Asambhavo Vyaadhisvabhaavaat |


  1. Vaataja
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. Saannipaatika
  5. Kshataja (Aagantu)

Stana Roga: Sampraapti Factors

Stana RogaVaatajaPittajaKaphajaSaannipaatikaKshataja (Aagantu)
UpadhaatuStanya Stanasams`hrita Dhamanee
SrotasRasa, Rakta, Maamsa

Stanya Dusht`i

C. Chi. 30/236,C. Sha. 8/55, S. Ni. 10/23-24, A.H. U. 2/2-5, M. Ni. 67

Stanya Dusht`i is the vitiation of the breast milk.

Dosha vitiated the Stanya by entering in to the Ksheeravaha Siraa.


  1. Virasa Stanya
  2. Phena Sanghaata
  3. Rooksha Stanya
  4. Vivarn`a Stanya
  5. Durgandhee Stanya
  6. Atisnigdha Stanya
  7. Pichchhila Stanya
  8. Guru Stanya

Vaataja Stanya Dusht`i:

  • It becomes tasteless, frothy (Phenasanghaata), and Rooksha in the Stanya.
  • If Vaata Dusht`a, Stanya is consumed by a child then he becomes weak (Ksheen`a). There is no taste to it. The nourishment of the child is poor. There is painful lactation. It becomes frothy (There is Phena on it). The voice of the child becomes Kshaama. The Vit`, Mootra and Maaruta become staganant (Baddha Vit`Mootra Maaruta).
  • It may cause Vaatika S`heersharoga, Peenasa. There is decrease in the unctuous property of the Stanya that causes weakness (Balahraasa).
  • According to Maadhava Nidaana, the taste of the Vaata Dusht`a Stanya becomes Kashaaya. It floats on the water.

Pittaja Stanya Dusht`i:

  • There is Vaivarn`ya, Daurgandhya in the Stanya.
  • Vitiated Pitta cuases Vaivarn`ya in the Stanya like Neela, Peeta, Asita. A child suffers from Trishn`aa, Pureesha Bheda. The body temperature rises. A child does not wish for breast feeding. The Stanya becomes Durgandhee. A child sufferes from Paan`d`u, Kaamalaa.
  • According to Maadhava Nidaana, the taste of the Stanya becomes Kat`u, Amla, Lavan`a. It makes yellow lines when dropped in to the water.

Kaphaja Stanya Dusht`i:

  • There is Snigdhataa, Paichchhilya and Gaurava in the Stanya.
  • The Stanya becomes AtiSnigdha. There is Chaardi, Kunthana and Laalaasraava. As there is coating of the channels (Upadigdha Srotas), a child suffers from Nidraa, Klama, S`hvaasa, Kaasa, Praseka.
  • A child becomes Laalaalu, S`hoona Akshi and Vaktra, Jad`a, Hridroga.
  • According to Maadhava Nidaana, it sinks in to the water. It becomes Pichchhila.
  • According to Vaagbhat`a, it turns to Lavan`a taste. It becomes Saandra.

Dvandvaja Stanya Dusht`i:
The symptoms gets manifested as per the Dosha Dusht`i.

Tridoshaja Dosha Dusht`i:
All the symptoms due to Tridosha get manifested.


C. Chi. 30, S. U. 38, A. H. Ni. 33


  • Birth of a child is dependent on female (Stree). A female is named as Stree in Sanskrit as she gives birth to the child. She (a female) is responsible for proper growth of fetus. Hence, any disease related to female reproductive organs lead to the damage to the progeny or infertility. Therefore, it becomes necessary to discuss about the diseases related to female reproductive organs.
  • व्यापद is called as derangement; therefore Yonivyaapad refers to the derangement of YoniYoni refers to the female organs of generation. This derangement of Yoni is primarily caused by the vitiation of Vaata Dosha (Na hi Vaataad Rite Yonirnaarin`aam Sampradushyati).
  • Therefore, Yonivyaapad are the diseases related to female reproductive organs.
  • According to Sus`hruta, when a woman suffering from dryness, weakness or who is younger by age – a girl (Baala), when perform sexual act with a man having elongated penis, Vaayu gets aggravated. This aggravated Vaayu vitiates Yoni manifesting Yoniroga (Yonivyaapad) S. U. 38/3
  • These are 20 conditions wherein S`hukra is not accepted by woman and the vaginal canal & all other reproductive organs are vitiated by Doshaa_s. Ultimately, there is no conception or there may be many diseases like Gulma, Ars`ha, Pradara etc.
  • Unwholesome diet (Dusht`a Bhojana) is the main cause of Yonivyaapad. A. H. U. 33/27

Yonigada C. Chi. 30/3-8 Chakrapaan`i; A. H. U. 33/52
Yoniroga S. U. 38/1 D`alhan`a
There are basic four causes of Yonivyaapad

  1. Mithyaachaara This is unwholesome diet (Asamyag Aahaara and Aachaara C. Chi. 30/8 Chakrapaan`i).
  2. Pradusht`a Aartava This is vitiation of Aartava.
  3. Beeja Dosha This is vitiation of the Stree Beeja (Aartavagata Beeja).
  4. Daiva Praaktana Adharma C. Chi. 30/1-8 Chakrapaan`i.

Yonivyaapad: Types from Different Classics

TypeCharakaSus`hrutaVaagbhat`aMaadhava Nidaana
Vaatalaa / Vaatalaa / VaatikeeAs per Doshic DominanceVaatajaaVaatajaa                    Same as Sus`hruta
Pittalaa / Pittalaa / PaittikeeAs per Doshic DominancePittalaaPittajaa
S`hleshmalaa / S`hleshmalaa /S`hlaishmikeeAs per Doshic DominanceKaphajaaKaphajaa
Saannipaatika / Sarvajaa /SaannipaatikeeSannipaatikaSannipaatikaSannipaatika
Asrijaa /RaktayoniPittaja Pittaja
Arajaskaa / Vandhyaa Vaatajaa 
Acharan`aa /ViplutaaVaataja No doshic dominance
Aticharan`aa / Aticharan`aa /Aticharan`aaVaatajaKaphajaaVaatajaa
PraakCharan`aa / PraakCharan`aaVaataja Vaataja
Upaplutaa /UpaplutaaVaata Kaphaja Vaata Kaphaja
Pariplutaa / Pariplutaa /PariplutaaVaata PittajaVaatajaa 
Udaavartinee / Udaavartaa /UdaavrittaaVaatajaVaatajaaVaatajaa
Karn`inee / Karn`inee /Karn`ineeVaata KaphajaKaphajaaVaata Kaphaja
Putraghnee / Putraghnee /JaataghneeVaatajaPittalaa 
Antarmukhee /AntarmukheeVaataja Vaatajaa
Soocheemukhee / Soocheevaktraa / SoocheemukheeVaatajaSannipaatajaaVaatajaa
S`hushkaa /S`hushkaaVaataja Vaatajaa
Vaaminee / Vaminee / VaamineeVaata PittajaPittajaaVaatajaa
Shan`d`hee / Shan`d`hee / Shan`d`hasamdnyaaVaatajaSannipaatajaaVaatajaa
Mahaa Yoni /Mahaa Yoni /Mahatee YoniVaatajaSannipaatajaaVaataja
Viplutaa /Viplutaa (Acharan`aa) VaatajaaNo Doshic dominanace
Rudhiraksharaa Pittajaa 
Sramsinee Pittajaa 
Atyaanandaa Kaphajaa 
Acharan`aa Kaphajaa 
Phalinee/An`d`lee Sannipaatajaa 
Lohitakshayaa  VaataPittajaa

Description of each Yonivyaapad

Vaatalaa Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka
    A female having Vaata dominance constitution, Vaata gets aggravated when she indulges in Vaata aggravating dietary and behavioral regimen in the Yoni. This manifests with pain, stiffness of Yoni. There is feeling as if ants are traveling over the skin. It leads with the roughness, numbness of Yoni and other Vaataja diseases.
    Menstrual blood is flowed out with sound, pain. It becomes frothy (Saphena), thin (Tanu), and dry (Rooksha). (C. Chi. 30/10)
  • Opinion of Sus`hruta
    According to Sus`hruta, there is roughness (Karkas`atva), numbness, and pain in the Yoni, in Vaatalaa Yonivyaapad. (S. U. 38/11)
  • Opinion of Vaagbhat`a
    Vaagbhat`a has added symptoms as: In Vaatikee Yonivyaapad, there is Arun`a (Slightly red), Krishn`a (Black) Varn`a of menstrual blood and in less quantity (Alpa). There is uterine prolapse (Yoni Bhrams`ha). There is pain in the groin region and in the flanks and successively it leads to the गुल्म (Raktaja). (A. H. U. 33/29-31)

Pittalaa Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka and Vaagbhat`a
    Indulgence in consuming pungent (Kat`u), salty (Lavan`a) and alkaline (Kshaara) food stuffs leads to aggravation of Pitta. It manifests with systemic symptoms like burning sensation (दाह), fever (ज्वर). Menstrual blood turns to dark blue, black or yellow colour. There is heavy flow of menstrual blood. It becomes hot and with foul smell. (C. Chi. 30/11-12; A. H. U. 33/43)
  • Opinion of Sus`hruta
    According to Sus`hruta, there is burning sensation in Yoni, there is Paaka and there is ज्वर. This is Pittalaa Yoni. (S. U. 38/14)

S`hleshmalaa Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka and Vaagbhat`a
    Kapha gets aggravated due to consumption of slimy (Abhishyandee) food. It vitiates Yoni making it Pichchhila (Sticky), cold and with itching. There is relatively less pain. The menstrual blood turns to have stickiness and whitish colour. (C. Chi. 30/13; A. H. U. 33/44)
  • Opinion of Sus`hruta
    According to Sus`hruta, Yoni becomes sticky (Pichchhila) and temperature goes down, it becomes cold. There is itching also. This is S`hleshmalaa Yonivyaapad. (S. U. 38/17)

Saannipaatika Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka and Vaagbhat`a
    All the three Doshaa_s are aggravated by consumption of food having all the six tastes. They vitiate Yoni and Garbhaas`haya (Uterus). This Yonivyaapad manifests with burning sensation (दाह), pain (S`hoola). The menstrual blood becomes white and sticky (Pichchhila).( C. Chi. 30/14-15; A. H. U. 33/51)
  • Opinion of Sus`hruta
    This is called as Sarvajaa Yonivyaapad by Sus`hruta. In Sannipaatajaa Yonivyaapad, there is manifestation of symptoms due to all the Dosha. This is incurable.
    (S. U. 38/19, 20)

Asrijaa (Aprajaa) Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka
    Labdhe Garbhe Api Raktam Atipravartate, Ten Asyaa Garbho Na Tisht`hatiSa Asrijaa Raktayoinh Iti Arthah | Chakrapaan`i

    When a conceived woman consumes Rakta and Pitta aggravating diet, aggravated Pitta vitiates Rakta. This vitiated Rakta flows out through vagina. This causes miscarriage or abortion. This is Asrijaa Yonivyaapad. (C. Chi. 30/16)
  • Opinion of Vaagbhat`a
    Vaagbhat`a has not pointed out the pregnant state of a woman; but only said that there is excessive blood loss through vagina in Raktayoni. (A. H. U. 33/43)

Arajaskaa (AnaartavaaYonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka
    Arajaskaa Iti Anaartavaa | Chakrapaan`i

    Pitta residing at Yoni and Garbhaas`haya (uterus) vitiates Rakta (Aartava). This manifests in Kaars`hya (emaciation) and Vivarn`atva.

    There is loss of menstruation; therefore it is called as Arajaskaa Yonivyaapad. (C. Chi. 30/16)
  • Opinion of Sus`hruta
    According to Sus`hruta, there is loss of menstruation (Nasht`a Aartava) and there is pain. This is Vandhyaa Yoni. (S. U. 38/10)

Acharan`aa Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka and Vaagbhat`a
    Acharan`aa Iti Dhaavana Acharan`aad Acharan`aa | Chakrapaan`i

    Due to poor hygiene and uncleanness of vagina, there is formation of कृमि (Jantu). This manifests in itching which leads to the excessive sexual desire (Ati Nara Kaamkshin`ee).( C. Chi. 30/ 18; A. H. U. 33/49)
  • Opinion of Sus`hruta
    Acording to Sus`hruta, in a sexual act a woman gets orgasm or sexual satiety before man. This is Acharan`aa Yonivyaapad. (S. U. 38/16)

    This is named as Viplutaa Yoni by Vaagbhat`a.

Aticharan`aa Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka
    Vyavaayasya Aticharan`ena Utpannaa Vyaapad Aticharan`aa | Chakrapaan`i

    Due to excessive sexual act Vaata gets aggravated. This aggravated Vaayu causes oedema (S`hopha), numbness (Supti), pain (Ruk) in the vagina (Yoni). This is Aticharan`aa Yonivyaapad. (C. Chi. 30/ 19)
  • Opinion of Sus`hruta
    According to Sus`hruta, though there is repeated sexual contacts, a woman does not conceive, this is Aticharan`aa Yonivyaapad. (S. U. 38/16)

    According to Sus`hruta, Aticharan`aa Yonivyaapad is same as of Vaatikee Yonivyaapad. But in addition to it, there is oedema due to excessive sexual act. (A. H. U. 33/31)

Praak Charan`aa Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka and Vaagbhat`a

    Uchita Vyavaaya Kaalaad Praak Vyavaaya Aacharan`aat Praak Charan`aa | Chakrapaan`i
    When a girl before a proper age to experience a sexual act indulges in excessive sexual act, Vaayu gets aggravated.
    This aggravated Vaayu causes pain in back, waist, thighs and groin region. It also vitiates Yoni.
    This is PraakCharan`aa Yonivyaapad. (C. Chi. 30/ 20; A. H. U. 33/32)

Upaplutaa Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka and Vaagbhat`a

    Kapha Vaata Aamayaih Upaplutatvaat Upaplutaa | Chakrapaan`i

    Vaayu gets aggravated in a pregnant woman. Again if she remains consuming Kapha aggravating diet (S`hleshmala Abhyaasa) and also suppresses natural urges of vomiting and exhalation; in this situation, aggravated Vaayu takes away Kapha with itself towards vagina. Thus, it vitiates vagina (Yoni) (C. Chi. 30/ 21-22; A. H U. 33/48). The vaginal secretions turns to whitish colour and it is painful or there may be the secretions of white coloured mucous (Kapha). Ultimately, a woman suffers with the diseases from Kapha and Vaata Dosha. This is Upaplutaa Yonivyaapad.

Pariplutaa Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka
    Sarvato Vaata Pitta Vikaara Upaplutatvaat Praiplutaa | Chakrapaan`i

    A woman of Pitta dominance constitution (Pitta Prakriti) at the time of sexual act, if suppresses urges of sneezing (Kshavathu) and belching (Udgaara), Vaayu in association with Pitta vitiates Yoni. (C. Chi. 30/ 23-24)

    It becomes edematous, and painful to touC. There is fever and pain in pelvic region (S`hron`i), groin region (Vamkshan`a), back (Prisht`ha). The blood is menstruated out with pain, which is dark blue or yellow coloured.
  • Opinion of Sus`hruta
    According to Sus`hruta, there is pain at the time of sexual act only. This is Pariplutaa Yonivyaapad. (S. U. 38/ 10)
  • Opinion of Vaagbhat`a
    Vaagbhat`a adds some symptoms like heaviness of Basti, Kukshi, Ateesaara, Arochaka. (A. H. U. 33/46-47)

Udaavartinee Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka and Vaagbhat`a
    Yonim Udavartayate Iti Yonim Udaavarta Vaataam Karoti | Chakrapaan`i

    Vikaaren`a Rajasah Oordhvagamanaat Udaavartinee Iti Uchyate | Chakrapaan`i

    Due to Vega UdaavartanaVaayu gets aggravated and it displaces uterus from its normal position (Ante Verted and Ante flexed). Rajas gets accumulated in the uterus (Rajasah Oordhvagamana). This Rajas gets covered by aggravated Vayu (Rajas Aavritam). It is difficultly menstruated out with pain. The pain is released as soon as menstrual blood is released. This is Udaavartinee Yonivyaapad. (C. Chi. 30/25-26; A. H. U. 33/33)
  • Opinion of Sus`hruta
    According to Sus`hruta, in Udaavartaa Yoni, menstrual blood is frothy (Saphena) and the menstruation is with pain. (S. U. 38/9 )

Karn`inee Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka and Vaagbhat`a

    Karn`ikaam Iti Karn`ikaakaaram granthim | Chakrapaan`i

    A pregnant lady, though uterine contractions are not started, tries to induce the contractions by the forceful and excessive straining leads to the any type of muscular growth (Karn`ikaa) in vaginal canal as Vaayu is obstructed due to the presence of fetus in the uterus. This Vaayu gets associated with Kapha and Rakta. The muscular growth manifested obstructs the path of menstrual blood. (C. Chi. 30/25-26; A. H. U. 33/50)
  • Opinion of Sus`hruta
    According to Sus`hruta, there is muscular growth (Maamsa Kandee D`lhan`a) in the Yoni due to vitiation of Kapha and Rakta. This is Karn`inee Yonivyaapad. )S. U. 38/15)

Putraghnee Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka and Vaagbhat`a
    Atra Saamaanyena Garbhavinaas`hah Uktah | Chakrapaan`i

    Due to the dryness Vaayu kills the fetus repeatedly. This fetus has origin in vitiated Aartava (Dusht`a S`hon`ita Aartava Dusht`i Chakrapaan`i). It leads to the death of newborn after delivery (Jaatam Jaatam Hanti Garbham). ( C. Chi. 30/25-26; A. H. U. 33/34)
  • Opinion of Sus`hruta
    After conception, fetus leads to death repeatedly is Putraghnee Yoni (Sthitam Sthitam Hanti Garbham). (S. U. 38/13)

Antarmukhee Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka and Vaagbhat`a
    Vaayuh Yoneh Aananam Antarmukham Vakrayati | Chakrapaan`i

    Vaayu gets resided in the Yoni of a lady, performing sexual act after overeating and relaxing in an untoward position. This aggravated Vaayu retracts the opening of the uterus. There is severe pain in bones, muscles. A lady can not perform sexual act then. This is Antarmukhee Yoni. (C. Chi. 30/29-31; A. H. U. 33/35)

    Vaagbhat`a add a symptom that there is severe pain in the opening of Yoni, bones and muscles (Maamsa).

Soocheemukhee Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka and Vaagbhat`a
    This is Maatri Beeja Doshaja Vikaara. This may be taken as genetic deformity. Consumption of Vaata aggravating food by pregnant woman is a causative factor. The Vaayu therefore gets aggravated in the mother. (C. Chi. 30/31; A. H. U. 33/36)

    Due to dryness of VaayuYoni (opening of uterus) of a female fetus remains very small (like a hole of needle Soocheemukhee). This is Soocheemukhee Yoni.
  • Opinion of Sus`hruta
    According to Sus`hruta, when the opening of uterus or vaginal canal is very minute, then it is Soocheevaktraa Yoni. (S. U. 38/19)

S`hushkaa Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka and Vaagbhat`a
    Yoni Mukha S`hoshaat S`hushka Sandnyaa | Chakrapaan`i

    At the time of coitus if natural urges are suppressed, Vaayu gets aggravated. There is Pureesha Sanga and Mootra Sanga. There is pain. It dries up the opening of Yoni. (C. Chi. 30/32; A. H. U. 33/37)

Vaaminee Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka and Vaagbhat`a
    S`hukravamanaad Vaaminee Iti Uchyate | Chakrapaan`i

    After receiving S`hukra in the coitus, it is vomited out within 6 to 7 days with pain or without pain, so it is called as Vaaminee Yoni. This is due to Vaata Prakopa according to Vaagbhat`a. (C. Chi. 30/33; A. H. U. 33/38)
  • Opinion of Sus`hruta
    According to Sus`hruta, S`hukra is vomited out with Aartava and Vaata, this is Vaaminee Yoni. (S. U. 38/12)

Shan`d`hee Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka
    This is Aartava Beeja Doshaja Vikaara. Aggravated Vaayu in the fetus vitiates the part of Beej responsible for development of uterus (Garbhaas`haya). Therefore, in the adulthood, female reproductive organs remain underdeveloped. She hates men. The breasts remain underdeveloped. This is Shan`d`hee Yoni. This Yonivyaapad can not be treated (Anupakrama). (C. Chi. 30/34)
  • Opinion of Sus`hruta
    According to Sus`hruta, in Shan`d`hee Yoni there is loss of menstruation, breasts are under developed, roughness in the Yoni can be felt at the time of coitus. This is Shan`d`hee Yonivyaapad. (S. U. 38/18)

Mahaa Yonivyaapad

  • Opinion of Charaka
    Vaayu gets aggravated due to Vishama Maithuna and performing it on uncomfortable bed. This aggravated Vaayu restrains the opening of the Yoni (Yoni Mukha) and Garbhaas`haya (Garbhakosht`ha). But the opening remains open (Vivritaa). There is pain. There is muscular growth, pain in interphalangeal joints and groin. The menstrual blood becomes dry, frothy. There is prolapse of Yoni (Srastaa). (C. Chi. 30/35-37)
  • Opinion of Vaagbhat`a
    According to Vaagbhat`a, the picture of this Yonivyaapad resembles to Vaatika Yonivyaapad with severe pain. (A. H. U. 33/41)

Viplutaa Yonivyaapad
In this Yonivyaapad, there is continuous pain. This can not be correlated with any Yonivyaapad told by Charaka.
There is vitiation of Vaayu in this Yonivyaapad. (S. U. 38/10)

Rudhiraksharaa Yonivyaapad
There is menstruation with burning sensation (Sadaaha), this is Rudhiraksharaa / Lohitaksharaa Yoni. (S. U. 38/12)

Prasramsinee Yonivyaapad
Irritated or displaced (KshobhitaYoni or a Yoni of woman delivering painfully is Prasramsinee Yoni. (S. U. 38/13)

Atyaanandaa Yonivyaapad
A woman can not get sexual satiety in the sexual contact. This is Atyaanandaa Yonivyaapad. (S. U. 38/15)

Phalinee Yonivyaapad
When a woman performs sexual act with a man having large penis, the Yonivyaapad manifested is Phalinee. (S. U. 38/18)

Lohitakshayaa Yonivyaapad
There is decrease in the quantity of menstrual blood due to vitiation of Vaata and Pitta. There is burning sensation (दाह), emaciation (Kaars`hya), and Vaivarn`ya. (A. H. U. 33/45)

Yoni Kanda

M. N. 63

Due to DivaasvapnaAtikrodhaVyaayaamaAtimaithuna and KshataDosha get aggravated. They cause a growth like Nikucha, which involves Pooya and S`hon`ita. It is manifested in the vagina which is called as Yoni Kanda.
According to Madhukos`ha, it manifests in an elder lady.

It is Rooksha, Vivarn`a, Sphut`ita.

It is associated with Pitta, Raaga and Jvara.

It resembles to the Neela Pushpa. There is Kan`d`oo.

It manifests with the all above mentioned symptoms.

Last updated on March 5th, 2021 at 09:25 am

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