Prakaara Paribhaashaa:
- IÉÉ®ú ºÉÚjÉähÉ IÉÉ®ÉH ºÉÚjÉähÉ * D`alhan`a
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S. Chi. 17/29 - The Naad`ee Vran`a (fistula) present at the Marmasthaana and in weak, thin, frightened and pregnant patients should be treated with Kshaarasootra.
Medicine preparation:
- Preparation of Kshaara Sootra:
Stage I :
- A strong thread (Linen No. 20) should be taken and hung in the Kshaarasootra stand placed within the Kshaarasootra cabinet.
- A Kshaarasootra cabinet should be made which must comprise of a bright light, thermometer, Ultraviolet tube and drier.
- he thread should be dipped in Snuhee Ksheera andplaced in the cabinet to dryà this should be repeatedfor 11 times.
Stage II :
- After 11th time it should be dipped in Snuhee Ksheera and dusted with Apamaarga Kshaara andplaced in the cabinet to dry à this procedure should be repeated for 7 times.
Stage III :
- After 7th time it should be dipped in Snuhee Ksheera and dusted with Haridraa Choorn`a andplaced in the cabinet to dry à this procedure should be repeated for 3 times.
- After the Kshaarasootra gets well dried, it should be exposed to ultraviolet radiation and packed in a glass tube.
- The pH value should be in the range of 9.6 – 9.8
- Local cleansing should be done.
- The direction of the Naad`ee Vran`a is determined withthe help of a blunt Eshan`aa.
- Then the Kshaarasootra should be inserted with the help of a Soochi (needle).
- The needle should be inserted through one end of Naad`ee Vran`a and taken out through the other end.
- A knot of both ends of Kshaarasootra should be tied outside the wound. If the wound doesn’t heal by application of one Kshaarasootra then another Kshaarasootra should be applied.
- Kshaarasootra should be changed on every third or seventh day.
S. Chi. 17/30-33 - For management of भगन्दर also the same procedure should be applied.
- If the Kshaarasootra is applied to अर्श etc. then the resulting wound should be managed as regular wound.
- Local fomentation of Kshaarasootra is applied for management of भगन्दर (sitz bath)
- Management of wound by S`hothahara, Deepana and Anulomaka drugs.
Last updated on April 29th, 2021 at 09:46 am