The life span of an individual is divided in three stages i.e. Baala, Tarun`a and Vriddha. Ayurveda considers Baala since birth up to 16 years. Again the Baala stage is divided into:
Ksheerapa: Since birth up to one year.
Ksheeraannaada: From second year to third year.
Annaada: From fourth year to sixteen year.
In Baala stage all the body constituents such as Dhaatu, Upadhaatu are in Apakva stage. The environment has a direct influence on psychological and general growth of Baala, henceneeds special care and attention to cope up with the same. And therefore emphasis on बालक परिचर्या has been given utmost importance. The aim of this Paricharyaa is to help the child to get adjusted to the world he has recently joined for his / her healthy psychological, physiological and physical development. Also some diseases are specific for specific Avasthaa like Stanya related diseases take place in Ksheerapa and Ksheeraannaada Avasthaa and then Paricharyaa changes accordingly.
Navajaata S`his`hu Paricharyaa( Care of new born immediately after birth):
The attendant should take care of the new born in the following way:
- She should generate sound by striking or rubbing two stones together near thebase of ear of the neonate, Sprinkle hot or cold water alternately over face of the child or based on season i.e. cold water during summer and hot during winter. With these procedures the child gets relieve from the stress caused by at the time of delivery. This is not a rule but exceptional, in case the neonate does not cry for a long time.
- Ulba (vernix caseosa) should be removed with rock salt and Ghrita.
- Then bath should be given and anal orifice should also be cleaned.
- The woman should wrap the finger, nail of which is already trimmed with well washed cotton swab and cleanse the palate, lips, throat and tongue of the child and then cover the Brahmarandhra (anterior fontanelle) with cotton soaked in oil.
- Ghrita mixed with rock salt should be given orally for producing emesis.
- Cutting of the umbilical cord and Jaatakarma should be done according to the rituals of that particular area and then first feeding with honey and Ghrita chanted with Mantra should be given.
General Management:
- The child should be wrapped with linen cloth and made to sleep on a bed covered with linen cloth.
- Rakshoghna drugs should be hung on upper portion of the doorframe. Small packets of these drugs should be tied on neck of the puerperal woman and child. This entire Rakshaakarma is aimed at offering protection from infective disorders to the mother and child.
- Diet of the neonate from first to fourth day after birth:
On first day honey and Ghrita mixed with Aanantaa should be given thrice.
On second and third day Lakshman`aa Siddha Ghrita in the amount which fills the palm of neonate should be given. Then breast feeding should be initiated. Care should be taken first few drops to be squeezed and repelled before taking child for feeding, every time.After Jaatakarma Paricharyaa is over the Sanskaara Karma should be done according to rituals as prevalent in the family. The diet and life style in Ksheerapa, Ksheeraannaada and Annaada should be followed according to the place of residence and Constitution etc.
Last updated on March 5th, 2021 at 07:08 am