विषय सूची पर जायें

गण्डमाला चिकित्सा

S.Chi.22, U.39, A.H.U.29, 30, N.R. (Galagan`d`a, Gan`d`amaalaa, Apachee, Granthi, Arbuda)

The glands are formed on the cheek (Gan`d`a) in such a way that it looks like garland of the Granthi (glands); therefore it is called as Gan`d`amaalaa.

Saamaanya Chikitsaa

Urdhvaga S`hodhana.
Dan`ee Moolaadi Ghrita Sevana.
Kaphaghna and Meda Naas`haka Dhooma, Gand`oosha and नस्य.
Rasaanjana should be administered with Gomootra as Anupaana.
S`hameeyaadi Takra Lepa.

Vishesha Chikitsaa

Paakonmukha Raktamokshan`a, Pitta S`hleshmahara Chikitsaa.
Apakva Shalya, Kshaara and अग्निकर्म.
Chirakaaree, Pooyayukta and Assadhya Abhyantara, Abhyanga, Sthaanika Lepa and नस्य.

If Gan`d`amaalaa does not respond, surgery and अग्निकर्म at the following sites are indicted.

The symmetrically opposite side
Mid posterior part of thigh except the site of Indrabasti Marma (above or below)
अग्निकर्म should be done after removing Meda from the site.

Bhagvaan Nimi advocates removal of Meda in following way:

The person should be made to stand upright.
Meda should be surgically removed from posterior part of leg above ankle joint.The site should be approximately at the level of length of ones own foot.
Agnikarma should be done after removal of Meda.

Other opinion about this surgery is:

The length from the tip of the nose to ankle joint should be noted.
One eighth of the distance should be marked from the ankle joint.
One Aksha (10 gm) Maamsa should be removed

Gan`d`amaalaa associated with Jvara, Chhardi, S`hvaasa, Rujaa, Kaasa, Peenasa are Asaadhya.


Rasa – Kat`u,
Gun`a/Karma – Rooksha, Deepana
Dhaanya – Jeern`a S`haalee, Raktas`haalee, Mudga, Yava
S`haaka – S`higru Phala, Pat`ola, Kat`t`hilaka, S`haalincha S`haaka, Vetaagra
Dugdha – Jeern`a Ghrita|
Other – Guggulu, S`hilaajita, Vamana, Rechana,S veda, Nasya, Dhoomapaana, Siraavyadha, Daaha, Kshaara, Lepa, Langhana


Rasa – Amla, Madhura
Gun`a/ karma – Guru, Kledakaaraka
Maamsa – Aanoopa Maamsa
Dugdha – Dugdha, Dadhi
Other – Paisht`ika Padaartha, Kaphakaaraka Padaartha, Gud`a, Phaan`ita, Lavan`a, Ikshu Vikaara

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खोज करें Kalpa, Dravya, Aahaara, Chikitsaa Karma, Vihaara

Vyaadhi Gan`d`amaalaa
Karma Lekhana, Rookshan`a
Vyaadhi Prakaaara – Medapradoshaja Vikaara

Last updated on March 2nd, 2021 at 10:00 am

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