विषय सूची पर जायें


C.Chi.1, M.N.51, B.R.56, Y.R(Uttaraardha),N.R. अम्लपित्त

अम्लपित्त includes hyperacidity, acid peptic disease and related diseases.
Consumption of food having attributes like Viruddha, Dusht`a, Amla, Vidaahee, Pitta Prakopa (Pitta aggravating) causes Vidagdha State (decomposed) of Pitta.

In this disease, Pitta is a causative Dosha. But, there is association of Kapha and Vaata also. As per the association of Doshaa_s the symptoms get manifested.


  1. Vidaahaadyamlagun`odriktam Pittam Amlapittam | M. N. 51/1 Madhukos`ha
  2. Amlagun`odriktam Pittam Amlapittam | Ch. Chi. 1/45-49 Chakrapaan`i

Due to indigestion (VidaahaAmla attribute of Pitta gets aggravated. Therefore, this disease is called अम्लपित्त.


  1. Oordhvaga
    It is associated with Kapha. There is vomiting. It may be of different colours. The vomit is mixed with Kapha.
  2. Adhoga
    There is तृष्णा (Thirst), दाह (burning sensation), Moorchchhaa (syncope), भ्रम (vertigo), Moha, Hrillaasa, Kot`ha (urticaria), Analasaada (decreased digestive capacity), Harsha (bristling of hairs), Sveda, Angapeetava.

Doshaja Types:

  1. VaatajaMain signs are Kampa, Pralaapa, Moorchchaa, Chimachimaayana, Gaatraavasaada, S`hoola, Tamo Dars`hana, Vibhrama, Vimoha, Harsha.
  2. KaphajaKapha Nisht`heevana, Gaurava, Jad`ataa, Aruchi, S`heeta, Saada, Vami, Lepa, Dahana Saada, Bala Saada, Kan`d`oo, Nidraa are the manifested symptoms.
  3. Vaata Kaphaja: Symptoms of Vaataja and Kaphaja Amlapitta manifest in the VaataKaphaja Amlapitta.

S`hleshma Pitta:
S`hleshma Pittais another state of अम्लपित्त, which is described by Maadhava Nidaana. It is manifested with Tiktodgaara, Amlodgaara, Kat`ukodgaara, Hriddaaha, Kukshidaaha, Kan`t`ha Daaha, Bhrama, Moorchchhaa, Aruchi, Chhardi, Aalasya, S`hirorujaa.

KrichchhrasaadhyaKasyachit Chirotthita

Last updated on February 9th, 2021 at 07:24 am

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