विषय सूची पर जायें


M. N. 50, C. Chi. 3

Introduction and Sampraapti
Kapha and Vaayu get vitiated due to cold wind. These vitiated Kapha and Vaata gets associated with Pitta and traverse in the body causing शीतपित्त, उदर्द and Kot`ha. M. N. 50/1

They cause the symptoms like as –

  1. Pipaasaa
  2. Aruchi
  3. Hrillaasa
  4. Dehasaada
  5. Angagaurava
  6. Raktalochanataa


S`heetapaaneeya Samspars`haad S`heetakaale Vis`heshatah |
S`hvayathuh S`his`hiraartaanaam Udardah Kaphasambhavah ||
A. H. Ni. 2/22 Arun`adatta

  • This is a शोथ in the shape of conch shell.
  • There is Kan`d`ooTodaछर्दिज्वरVidaaha.
  • This is called as उदर्द. Its another name is शीतपित्त.
  • उदर्द is Kaphaja and it is caused due to cold stuffs. (S`his`hiraja Vikaara)
  • शीतपित्त is Vaata dominant and उदर्द is Kapha dominant.

S`hetapitta, Udarda and Kot`ha are mentioned in the next Dhaatu also, like Antah Iti S`hon`itaadau| M. Ni. 50/1 Madhukos`ha

Therefore, involvement of Dhaatu other than Rakta should be considered.

Last updated on February 12th, 2021 at 05:26 am

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