विषय सूची पर जायें

अपची चिकित्सा

S.Chi.18, A.H.U.30, N.R. Galagan`d`a, Gan`d`amaalaa, Apachee, Granthi, Arbuda

Granthi which are suppurated and burst out with secretions are called as Apachee. These are glandular swellings which resemble fish egg clusters, they tend to grow, burst ooze and disappear with appearance of newer swelling in various parts of body. Since they tend to grow and then disappear they are termed as Apachee.

अपची चिकित्सा:

        Baahya Upakrama:

  • Snehana, Svedana
  • Lepa
  • अग्निकर्म
  • Vran`a Karma

  • वमन
  • Virechana
  • S`hirovirechana (Avapeed`a Nasya)

        Aahaara Aushadha

  • Siddha Ghrita
  • Yava Bhojana

अग्निकर्म in अपची:

अग्निकर्म is indicated after removing the Apakva Granthi either by Lekhana or Kshaara Pratisaaran`a.
For अग्निकर्म, a cut over calf at twelve Angula distance from the heel, on the calf sparing the Indrabasti Marma should be taken to reveal the Matsyaan`d`a Jaalaअग्निकर्म should be performed at that site.
Also over Man`ibandha three lines should be made across the wrist keeping one Angula distance between each line with Agnikarma.
After Agnikarma, Vran`akarma should be preformed.
All Taila Kalpana advised for S`hleepada Vyaadhi should be used.


Rasa – Kat`u,
Gun`a/Karma – Rooksha, Deepana
Dhaanya – Jeern`a S`haalee, Raktas`haalee, Mudga, Yava
S`haaka – S`higru Phala, Pat`ola, Kat`t`hilaka, S`haalincha S`haaka, Vetaagra
Dugdha – Jeern`a Ghrita
अन्य – Guggulu, S`hilaajita, Vamana, Rechana,S veda, Nasya, Dhoomapaana, Siraavyadha, Daaha, Kshaara, Lepa, Langhana


Rasa – Amla, Madhura
Gun`a/ karma – Guru, Kledakaaraka
Maamsa – Aanoopa Maamsa
Dugdha – Dugdha, Dadhi
अन्य – Paisht`ika Padaartha, Kaphakaaraka Padaartha, Gud`a, Phaan`ita, Lavan`a, Ikshu Vikaara

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खोज करें Kalpa, Dravya, Aahaara, Chikitsaa Karma
Vyaadhi Apachee

Last updated on March 2nd, 2021 at 07:16 am

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