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Ayurveda`s ancient and most popular Samhitaa_s are Charaka and Sus`hruta. Amongst these both Samhitaa_s, Ayurveda has been described in eight different branches. These are
- Kaayachikitsaa Tantra
- Kaumaarabrutya Tantra
- Grahachikitsaa Tantra
- S`haalaakya Tantra
- S`halya Tantra
- अगद तंत्र
- Rasaayana Tantra
- Vaajeekaran`a Tantra
These eight branches are scattered in two Samhitaa_s. Where as in Charaka Samhitaa the description is based upon the medicinal aspect [Kaayachikitsaa] of diseases and in Sus`hruta Samhitaa description is based upon the surgical aspects [S`halya and S`haalaakya] ofdiseases. These two Samhitaa_s, are too big and also the subjects of the above branches are scattered in various chapters. To overcome these problems Asht`aanga Samgraha has been written which became more popular.
In Asht`aanga Samgraha all the eight branches of Ayurveda has been described. This Samhitaa again becomes big to read. So after that, based on Asht`aanga Samgraha more easy and compressed Samhitaa has been written. It is non other than the Ashatanga Hridaya, which became and is still more popular than Asht`aanga Samgraha.
Author of Asht`aanga Hridaya
There are so many differences of opinions regarding the author of Asht`aanga Hridaya. But according to majority of commentators author of Asht`aanga Samgraha and Asht`aanga Hridaya is same.He is Vaagbhat`a.
In Asht`aanga Hridaya all the eight branches are described [i.e. Asht`aanga]. They are described very specifically according to chapters and subjects. And more over it is a summarized form of Asht`aanga Samgraha so called as Hridaya i.e. Asht`aanga Hridaya.
Structure of Asht`aanga Hridaya.
It is described in six Sthaana_s.
No. | Name of Sthaana | Number of chapters |
1. | Sootra Sthaana | 30 |
2. | S`haareera Sthaana | 06 |
3. | Nidaana Sthaana | 16 |
4. | Chikitsaa Sthaana | 22 |
5. | Kalpa Sthaana | 06 |
6. | Uttara Sthaana | 40 |
Name of the Chapters of each Sthaana
Sootra Sthaana
- Aayushkaameeya
- Dinacharyaa
- Rutucharyaa
- Rogaanutpaadaneeya
- Dravadravya Vidnyaaneeya
- Annasvaroopa Vidnyaaneeya
- Annarakshaa
- Maatraashiteeya
- Dravyaadi Vidnyaaneeya
- Rasabhedeeya
- Doshaadi Vidnyaaneeya
- Doshbhedeeya
- Doshopakraman`eeya
- Dvividhopakraman`eeya
- S`hodhanaadi gan`a Samgraha
- Sneha Vidhi
- Sveda Vidhi
- Vamana virechana Vidhi
- Nasya Vidhi
- Basti Vidhi
- Dhoomrapaana Vidhi
- Gand`oosha Vidhi
- Aashchotana Anjana Vidhi
- Tarpan`a Put`apaaka Vidhi
- Yantra Vidhi
- S`hastra Vidhi
- Siraavyadha Vidhi
- S`halyaharan`a Vidhi
- S`hastra Karma Vidhi
- Kshaaraagni Karma Vidhi
Nidaana Sthaana
- Sarvaroga Nidaana
- Jvara Nidaana
- Raktapitta Kaasa Nidaana
- S`hvaasa Hikkaa Nidaana
- Raajayakshmaadi Nidaana
- Madaatyaya Nidaana
- Ars`hasaam Nidaana
- Atisaara Grahan`ee Nidaana
- Mootraaghaata Nidaana
- Prameha Nidaana
- Vidradhivruddhi Gulma Nidaana
- Udara Nidaana
- Paan`d`uroga S`hopha Visarpa Nidaana
- Kusht`ha S`hvitra Krumee Nidaana
- Vaatavyaadhi Nidaana
- Vaatas`hon`ita Nidaana
S`haareera Sthaana
- Garbhaavakraanti
- Garbhavyaapada
- Anga Vibhaaga
- Marma Vibhaaga
- Vikruti Vidnyaaneeya
- Dootaadi Vidnyaaneeya
Chikitsaa Sthaana
- ज्वर
- रक्तपित्त
- कास
- S`hvaasa Hikka
- राजयक्ष्मा
- Chhardi Hrudroga Trushn`aa
- Madaatyaya
- Ars`hasaam
- अतिसार
- ग्रहणी
- Mootraaghaata
- प्रमेह
- Vidradhivrudhhi
- गुल्म
- उदर
- Paan`d`uroga
- S`hayathu
- विसर्प
- कुष्ठ
- S`hvitra Krumee
- वातव्याधि
- Vaatas`hon`ita
Kalpa Sthaana
- वमन
- Virechana
- Vamana-virechana Vyaapada
- Basti Kalpa
- Basti Vyaapada Siddhi
- Bheshaja Kalpa
Uttara Sthaana
- Baalopachaaran`eeya
- Baalaamaya Pratishedha
- Baalagraha Pratishedha
- Bhoota Vidnyaana
- Bhoota Pratishedha
- Unmaada Pratishedha
- Apasmaara Pratishedha
- Vartmaroga Vidnyaana
- Vartmaroga Pratishedha
- Sandhi Sitaasita Vidnyaana
- Sandhi Sitaasita Pratishedha
- Drushtiroga Vidnyaana
- Timira Pratishedha
- Linganaas`ha Pratishedha
- Sarvaakshiroga Vidnyaana
- Sarvaakshiroga Pratishedha
- Karn`aroga Vidnyaana
- Karn`aroga Pratishedha
- Naasaaroga Vidnyaana
- NaasaarogaPratishedha
- Mukharoga Vidnyaana
- Mukharoga Pratishedha
- S`hiroroga Vidnyaana
- S`hiroroga Pratishedha
- Vran`a Pratishedha
- Sadyovran`a Pratishedha
- Bhagna Pratishedha
- Bhagandara Pratishedha
- Granthyarbudas`hleepadaapacheenaad`ee Vidnyaana
- Granthyarbudas`hleepadaapacheenaad`ee Pratishedha
- Kshudraroga Vidnynaneeya
- Kshudraroga Pratishedha
- Guhyaroga Vidnyaana
- Guhyaroga Pratishedha
- Visha Pratishedha
- Sarpavisha Pratishedha
- Keet`a lootaadi visha Pratishedha
- Mushikaalarka visha Pratishedha
- रसायन
- Vaajeekaran`a
Merits and features of Asht`aanga Hridaya
- In Asht`aanga Hridayaevery Vyaadhi is described considering all the medicinal and surgical aspects of Chikitsaa.
- The language is simple, easy to understand and very specific.
- Repetitions of topics are avoided.
- Every topic is described accordingly, considering the opinions of previous great authors with their references.
- Over descriptions of topic is restricted.
- During the descriptions of Kalpa where ever important the measurement of Dravya is given and its preparations procedure is also mentioned.
- More over it is the proper book for new Ayurveda`s learner.
Comentaries and Comentators of Asht`aanga Hridaya.
Many commentaries have been written on Asht`aanga Hridaya. In Vaaghbhat`a Vimars`ha, list of 34 commentaries and 23 commentators have been identified. Among them the most famous and easy to read commentary is Sarvangasundara Vyaakhyaa by Arun`datta.
Other one is Ayurvedarasaayana by Hemaadri.
Last updated on May 17th, 2021 at 05:53 am