Literally, अतत्वाभिनिवेश means feeling, affection, determination or adherence to the non-existing things. This is a psychological disorder. It is difficult to treat and due to its nature it is known as Mahaagada.
Following persons are prone for अतत्वाभिनिवेश.
Consumes dirty food.
Suppresses the natural urges
Indulge in the food habits having excessively cold (S`heeta), hot (Ooshn`a Atatvaabhinives`ha), unctuous (Snigdha), dry (Rooksha) attributes.
Whose soul (Aatman) is occluded by Rajas and Tamas.
Vitiated Dosha afflict the Manovaha and Buddhivaha Siraa (channels carrying the impulses of the mind and intellect) and get lodged into the heart (Hridaya). If a person is perplexed (Mood`ha) and mentally weak (Alpa Chetas) with a disturbed heart entirely filled with Dosha (Vyaakula), then his intellect gets perverted with respect to eternal (Nitya) and ephemeral (Anitya) things, wholesome and unwholesome things.
अतत्वाभिनिवेश: Summary
रोगमार्ग | Madhyama |
Vyaadhi classification | Maanasa Vikaara |
Svabhaava | Mahaagada |
Avayava | Hridaya (Vyaakula) |
Vyaadhi Vyavachchheda | Unmaada, Apasmaara, Madaatyaya |
Dosha | Vaata, Pitta, Kapha |
Srotas | Manovaha Srotas |
Avayava | Hridaya |
Mana | Rajo Moha AavritaAlpa Chetana |
Dhee Dhriti Smriti | Raja Tamobhyaam Aavrita Buddhi |
Last updated on February 9th, 2021 at 07:23 am