C.Chi.11, M.Ni.10
- Ksheen`a S`habdena S`hukra Ojah Kshayayuktah Purushah | C.Chi.11/2 Chakrapan`i
- Ksheen`a means a person in which S`hukra and Ojas is emaciated.
- Ksheen`e Cha Purushe Kshatam Bhavati Iti Hetoh Kshataksheen`a Uchyate | C.Chi. 11/2 Chakrapan`i
When Kshata (wound) occurs in Ksheen`a (an emaciated person), he is called as Kshataksheen`a.
क्षतक्षीण is caused due to Urah Kshata. Urah Kshata is a prerequisite for a disease क्षतक्षीण. If any injury happens in the chest, then a person lands in to a disease Urah Kshata. Urah Kshata is then converted in to the क्षतक्षीण.
क्षतक्षीण is a status of disease in which patient has emaciated due to the wound in the chest. So it is sure that Urah Kshata is a prerequisite for क्षतक्षीण.
One may get confuse क्षतक्षीण with राजयक्ष्मा; but it is different from राजयक्ष्मा as the Sampraapti of them is totally different. It has been clearly said that राजयक्ष्मा is Anubandha (uninterrupted succession of Urah Kshata) if at all it remains untreated.
Lakshan`a of क्षतक्षीण:
- Uro Ruk chest pain
- S`hon`ita Chhardi vomiting with blood
- Vais`heshika Kaasa
- Sarakta Mootratva haematurea
- Paars`hva Graha seizing like pain in the region of ribs
- Prisht`ha Graha seizing like pain in the back
- Kat`ee Graha seizing like pain in waist region
In a person who is indulged in women and takes dry food (Unctuous food), food in small quantity, taking Ekarasaabhyaasa (food of one taste only), subjects himself to the injury to chest or due to the following reasons his chest gets injured.
- Straining excess with bow
- Lifting heavy weight
- Fighting with stronger persons
- Restraining a running bull, stallion or any other strong animal requiring control
- Throwing heavy stones, wooden block or equipments made of stone
- Killing powerful animals
- Reciting scriptures at the top of voice
- Covering a long distance walking too fast
- Crossing a big river by swimming
- Running along with a horse
- Sudden long or high jump
- Practicing violence for long time
- Being excessively injured by other violent and cruel acts
The disease gets manifested as a result of the injury to the chest due to the above causative factors. Because of the above mentioned factors, the chest gets broken, punctured and cracked. Sides of the chest get pressed. There are tremors in the limb and the patient gets emaciated.
Gradually, the Veerya (potency), Bala (strength), Varn`a (complexion), Ruchi (appetite) and Agni (digestive capacity) get reduced. The patient suffers from ज्वर (fever), Vyathaa (pain or any disease), Mano Dainya (mental depression) and अतिसार (diarrhoea) even though there is no अग्निमांद्य.
If क्षतक्षीण is untreated then it gets associated with Raajayakshmaa, therefore it is necessary that before it gets associated with, it should be treated.
रोगमार्ग: Madhyama
Vyaadhi Prakaara: Balavaan Vyaadhi
Vyaadhi Svabhaava: Daarun`a
Avayava: Vaksha, Ura
Saadhya: Alpa Linga,Balavaan Rugn`a, Deeptaagni, Nava Vyaadhi
Asaadhya: Sarva Lakshan`a Yukta
Yaapya: Parisamvatsara Vyaadhi
Dosha: Vaata Prakopa, Pitta Prakopa, Kapha Prakopa
Dhaatu: Rakta Nisht`heevana, S`hukra Kshaya
Mala: Sarakta Mootra Pravritti, Vid` Bheda
Srotas: Praan`avaha Srotas Dusht`ee
Agni: Agni Hanana
Mana: Mano Dainya
Ojas: Oja Kshaya
Last updated on February 10th, 2021 at 10:31 am