विषय सूची पर जायें


C.Su.17, 18, S.Ni.9, S. Chi.16, A. H. Ni.11, A.H.Chi.13, M. Ni.40


  • विद्रधि is an elevation on the surface of the skin which manifests with Oedema. It is S`hastrakarmasaadhya Vyaadhi.
  • Charakaachaarya has explained विद्रधि as one of the types of the Prameha Pid`akaa. But he has also stated that without suffering form प्रमेह, these प्रमेह पिडका including विद्रधि can get manifested.


  1. Dusht`a Raktaatimaatratvaat Sa Vai S`heeghram Vidahyate |
    Tatah S`heeghravidaahitvaat Vidradhi Iti Abhidheeyate | (Cha. Su. 17/95)
  2. S`heeghravidaahaad Vidradhih | (Su. Ni. 9/1 Gayadaasa)


  • Dosha vitiate skin, RaktaMaamsa and Medas. They are harbouredon Asthi. Gradually, these Dosha create serious Oedema. This Oedema(S`hopha) has large base. There is pain. It is circular or rectangular. This S`hopha is called as विद्रधि.


  • Baahya :
    • It originates from skin, Snaayu and Maamsa. It resembles to tendons and is extremely painful.
  • Aabhyantara :
    • Dosha when enter interior of the body affecting Maamsa and Rakta (Asra), thereby causes deep seated abscess (Granthi), which is very painful.
    • This Aabhyantaar (internal) विद्रधि may happen at heart (Hridaya), KlomaYakrit (Liver), Pleehaa (Spleen), Kukshi (Flanks), Vrikka (kidneys), Naabhi (Umbilicus), Vamkshan`a or Basti (Urinary Bladder).
    • Due to vitiation of Blood (Rakta), the विद्रधि get suppurated quickly, due to this quick suppuration only, it is called as विद्रधि. (Tatah S`heeghra Vidaahitvaat Vidradhi Iti Abhidheeyate | (Ch. Su. 17/95)
    • Aabhyanta Vidradhi manifests same as of गुल्म (Gulma Roopin`am)
  • विद्रधि again can be classified as:
  1. Vaatika
  2. Paittika
  3. S`hlaishmika
  4. Saannipaatika
  • Types:

It is of 6 types:-

  1. Vaataja
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. Saannipaatika
  5. Kshataja
  6. Asrija

General guidelines to know:

  • When विद्रधि suppurates completely and ruptures, then if विद्रधि is situated at upper side of the body (above the chest), it discharges out through mouth. If विद्रधि is situated at lower side of the body (below the umbilicus), it discharges out through the anus. When the विद्रधि is at umbilicus, after ripening it discharges through both mouth and anus.
  • Completely ripened विद्रधि at Hridaya, Naabhi and Basti and Saannipaatika Vidradhi are incurable. They lead to death. So as soon as a person affects from विद्रधि, one should immediately get treated by Snehana, Virechana therapy.
  • The general rule to treat विद्रधि is like गुल्म.
  • It is necessary that विद्रधि should be treated before the complications are manifested.
  • Actually, Pid`akaa related to प्रमेह and those which are manifesting without प्रमेह have same line of treatment, as Dosha and Dooshya both are same in these types. D`alhan`a.
  • It has been described that Pid`akaa are manifested due to negligence to treat प्रमेह. But it is also possible that without प्रमेहPid`akaa can be manifested. Unless and until these Pid`akaa get substantial root in the Dhaatu they are not manifested.
  • S`haraavikaa, Kachchaapikaa and Jaalinee are difficult to tolerate and very serious in nature. They occur in such patients where Medas and Kapha are in excess.
  • Sarshapee, Alajee, Vinataa and विद्रधि are due to dominance of Pitta and are possible in a person having moderately vitiated Medas and Kapha. These are curable.

Incurable condition for विद्रधि:
If Pid`akaa are manifested in a patient suffering from प्रमेह, at Marma SthaanaAmsaGuda (Anal region), Stana (Breasts), Sandhi (Joints), Paada (feet), then this patient does not survive.

This विद्रधि is black in colour. It is Parusha. There is severepain. This शोथ manifests with different ways. This is Vaataja Vidradhi. The secretions are thin (Tanu).

This resembles to ripened fruit of Udumbara. It may be of S`hyaava (gray) color. There is ज्वर and दाह. It manifests quickly. It ripens / suppurates quickly. The secretions are yellow coloured(Peeta).

It resembles to an earthen vessel. It is whitish and cold to touch. It is stable. There is mild pain. It manifests with longer duration. It suppurates too lately. There is Kan`d`oo also. The secretions are white colored(Sita).

There are different coloredsecretions, pain. The Ghaat`aala (The upper part) of the विद्रधि is large in size. It is irregular in size (Vishama). It is Asaadhya.

Kshataja Abhighaataja:
Due to the trauma there is formation of wound. The heat at the wound gets spread due to Vaayu which provokes Pitta with Rakta. There is ज्वरTrishn`aaदाह. This is Aagantu Vidradhi which manifestssame as Pitta Vidradhi.

Rakta Vidradhi

  • The विद्रधि is covered with multiple black coloredblisters. It is grey colored(S`hyaava). There is severe burning sensation, pain and ज्वर. It manifests with the symptoms of Pitta Vidradhi. This is Rakta Vidradhi.
  • Raktaja Vidradhi manifests in the females only. If there is improper delivery of fetusor if Aparaa (Placenta) is not evacuated properly, then there is Raktajavidradhi which is also called as Makkalla. If this is not pacified within 7 days, then it gets suppurated within seven days.

According to the site of the manifestation, विद्रधि is of 9 types

  1. Gudaja
  2. Naabhigata
  3. Kukshigata
  4. Vamkshan`agata
  5. Vrikkagata
  6. Pleehaagata
  7. Hridayagata
  8. Yakritagata
  9. Klomagata
  • When PleehaagataYakritgataKlomagataVamkshan`agata Vidradhi_s burst out, they are drained in the upward direction.
  • अन्य विद्रधि_s like GudagataBastigataVrikkagataVamkshan`agata drain in the downward direction.
  • विद्रधि may it be ApakvaPakva, may it be large or small in size; if it is manifested on the मर्म; then it is Krichchhrasaadhya.

Difference between गुल्म and Vidradhi:-

  1. There is no root of the गुल्म (Nibandhah Na Asti); where as विद्रधि has its root (Sanibandha)
  2. Dosha themselves are turned in to गुल्म; in Gulma Dosha doe not get harbor in to some other Dooshya; whereas in Vidradhi Dosha get harbouredin to the Maamsa and S`hon`ita.
  3. गुल्म is like a bubblein the water which manifest in the Srotas, it resembles to Vaata Granthi, therefore it does not get suppurate (as there is no involvement of Rakta and Maamsa in the pathogenesis of गुल्म); whereas विद्रधि is having Maamsa and Rakta as Dooshya, it gets suppurated.

Asthigata Vidradhi:
विद्रधि manifested on the Asthi causes suppuration of Majjaa. When these suppurated Majjaa Dhaatu can not drain out then it causes severe burningpain. Due to this heat produced in the Majjaa, there is severe pain. When this gets drained out, there is unctuous (Snigdha), white coloredsecretions which is cold to touch.

Stana Vidradhi:
In the lactating or non lactating breasts, Dosha cause शोथ residing in to the Stana Siraa. This manifests in to Prasootaa or Garbhin`ee. The शोथ is Ghana. This manifests as Baahya Vidradhi.
It does not manifests in the girls as the Stana Naad`ee are small in them.

Vidradhi: Sampraapti Ghat`aka and Saadhyaasaadhyataa

विद्रधिBaahyaAabhyantaraVaatajaPittajaKaphajaSaannipaatikaKshatja AagantujaAsrijaRakta Vidradhi
Vyaadhi_class       Streevis`Hisht`a Vyaadhi
AvayavaTvakSnaayuMaamsaHridayaKlomaYakritPleehaaKukshiVrikkaNaabhiVamkshan`aBastiGudaBasti MukhaNaabhiKukshiVamkshan`aVrikkaYakritPleehaaHridayaKloma      
SaadhyaAdhonihsrita Vidradhi SaadhyaSaadhyaSaadhya SaadhyaSaadhya
KrichchhraMarmagataAntarvidradhishu Baahyatah Bhinnam Vidradhi Su. Ni. 9.25 D`alhan`a       
AsaadhyaHridayastha Paripakva VidradhiNaabhija Paripakva VidradhiBastija Paripakva VidradhiSaannipaatikaUrdhvanihsrita VidradhiTridoshaja    Asaadhya  
DoshaTridosha Vaata PrakopaPitta PrakopaKapha PrakopaTridoshajaPitta PrakopaPitta Prakopa
DhaatuRakta Dusht`i Maamsa Dusht`iAsthi Aas`Hraya Su. Ni. 9.4, 34 D`alhan`a       

Last updated on March 4th, 2021 at 05:16 am

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