Dr. Mrs. Y. V. Joshi,
M.D., Ph.D. (Ayu.), M.A. M.Phil (Sanskrit)
Hetu, Linga and Aushadha are collectively known as Trisootra. It is supposed that each description in Ayurvedic Samhitas come under one of three categories, related either to healthy state or to diseased condition. Each of them is a topic of detailed twofold study.
Importance of Hetudnyaana
Avoidance of the cause, in short, is called as Treatment. This quotation from Sus`hruta Samhitaa is enough to depict the importance of Hetudnyaana with various aspects.
Everyone knows that avoidance of cause affects the further progress of the effect. Same is the case for Roga Hetu & Roga. One should exclude Aagantuja Vyaadhi from this; but in Nija Vyaadhi, symptoms get subsided after the avoidance of causes and the cure is achievable.
Severity of symptoms depends upon Hetubala i.e. strength of Hetu and also on the condition of body. If causes are not avoided then severity may increase or prolong and patients life may be in danger.
In the case of non-severe condition of a disease, if causes are not avoided and only treatment is given, the symptoms may vanish and disease may appear to be suppressed, but still it is not cured completely. It may flair up with a mild cause or even may get transformed into another unhealthy state. Here the flow of causes is not obstructed and is continuously attacking the body. This develops deterioration in the resisting power of the body.
Again, one point should be noted here, that if causes are not avoided, the body does not give proper and expected response to the treatment. This prolongs the time for treatment and simultaneously drugs of higher potency only become useful.
It is observed that sometimes, removal of cause is a life saving treatment as in the case of Aamas`hayagata visha Chhardan is the first choice of treatment here, which washes out विष (poison) from Amaas`haya and avoids further complications.
Many times non-avoidance of cause worsens the condition of patient e.g. Patient suffering from Parin`aamas`hoola if consumes spicy food, his symptoms certainly become severe.
In some diseases occurrence of attack of a disease is dependent on the (consumption of cause or) contact with causative factor as in श्वास or allergic disease; also in some psychological disorders like उन्माद etc. When these causes are avoided, the attacks generally do not appear.
The knowledge of Hetu also inspires one to think for the proper and perfect line of treatment with consideration of various Dosha Vyaapara & Dooshya Vikriti.. Let us simplify this with an example. Amla, Lavan`a and Kat`u are the three Rasa, which increase Pitta Dosha. Here the treatment is Pitta S`hamana and Madhuraa, Tikta & Kashaaya are 3 Rasa useful for this. While choosing one Rasa, वृद्धि Avasthaa of Pitta Dosha should be examined thoroughly. Chakrapan`i clears this fact in his commentary (C.Vi 6/10) Lavan`a Rasa increases Pitta Dosha along with Kapha Dosha (with proportion (Pitta + & Kapha ++); Amla Rasa increases the same two Dosa but the proportion is different (Pitta ++ & Kapha +) and Kat`u Rasa increases Pitta along with Vata Dosha.
Amla Rasa increases Pitta ++ & Kapha +
Lavan`a Rasa increases Pitta + & Kapha +
Kat`u Rasa increases Pitta & Vata
The treatment differs accordingly as:
- If cause is Kat`u Rasa then one should use Madhura Rasa since it balances both Pitta & Vata
- If cause is Lavan`a Rasa then one should use Kashaaya Rasa. (Action of Lavan`a & Kashaaya Rasa are opposite to each other as follows:
If cause is Amla Rasa, then one should use Tikta Rasa because actions of these two Rasa are opposite to each other as:
Amla Rasa Opp Tikta Rasa
Maamsa S`haithilyakara Maamsa Sthirikara
Kapha Vilapaka Kapha S`hoshaka
Pitta vardhaka Pitta S`hoshaka
The same direction can help a physician in choosing the correct drug. Let us consider the Hetu and चिकित्सा of Paan`d`uroga as mentioned in Charaka Samhitaa
Mrid Bhaksan`ajanya: पाण्डु is one type of Paan`d`uroga. Here consumption of clay is the main Hetu or etiological factor of the disease. This develops severe Raukshya in the body and very fine particles of soil remain unchanged / undigested (Avipakva) and get adhered to Srotas. This leads to Srotorodha.
To treat this condition properly, eradication of fine soil particles from the body is essential for removal; the adhered particles should come in the flow of Dosha Visarpan`a.
Virechana is the first S`hodhana treatment for Paan`d`uroga. Various Siddha Ghrita are advised in पाण्डु for Snehana before Virechana. In case of Mrid Bhaksan`ajanya पाण्डु the drugs of choice are
- Danti Ghrita : According to Anaagatavekshan`a Tantrayukti (Ch.Kalpasthana), Danti is Teekshn`a, Ushn`a, Vikaasee, Dosha–vilayankara (i.e. Kapha Pitta Vilayankara). This Ghrita will liquefy Kapha and Pitta. Also it will detach the adhered fine particles from Srotas and draw them in the flow. Thus, removal will be easy.
- Danti–Gomootra Virechana: After Snehana with Danti Ghrita, Virechana can be done with Danti + Gomootra with the same mode of action.
With such type of total eradication of soil particles, further treatment of पाण्डु will be effective and required time will not be prolonged. From this discussion, it can be inferred that:
- Thorough knowledge of Hetu leads towards perfection of treatment
- Thorough knowledge of Hetu is very much important to follow avoidance of causes which
- Stop further growth of disease
- Decrease severity of symptoms
- Protect further loss of strength of body
- Stop recurrence of attacks
- Itself can be a treatment
Dr. Mrs. Y. V. Joshi,
M.D., Ph.D. (Ayu.), M.A. M.Phil (Sanskrit)
Head of Sanskrit Samhita Siddhant Dept.
Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, College of Ayurved, Pune.
Last updated on February 10th, 2021 at 08:49 am