विषय सूची पर जायें

कुष्ठ चिकित्सा

C.Chi.7, S.Chi.9 -10, A.H. Chi.19

In pathogenesis of Kusht`ha, all three Dosha are involved which in turn vitiate Tvak (skin), Rakta (blood), Maamsa (muscle tissue) and Ambu. Considering dominance of Dosha, treatment should be planned. This disease requires It is Nitya S`hodhanaarha Vyaadhi.

Saamaanya Chikitsaa:

All the types of कुष्ठ are Tridoshaja. The treatment is depends upon the symptom and condition of the Dosha which is more predominant and the Anubandhita Dosha is treated consequently.
सौषधं is indicated in Bahudosha Avasthaa.
Physician should be vigilant about the life of the patient, as excessive elimination makes the patient weak, hence the aggravated Vaata can be dangerous.
In this condition वमन procedure should be done once in 15 days, Virechana procedure once in a month, S`hirovirechana once in 3 days and Rakta mokshan`a once in 6 months.
S`hamana is indicated in Alpa Doshaavasthaa.

  • Vaatakaphaja Kusht`ha: Kaphaghna + Vaataghna + Rakta Dusht`ighna
  • Pittaja Kusht`ha: Kaphaghna + Pittaghna + Rakta Dusht`ighna

Vishesha Chikitsaa:

After Blood letting, when the patient regains strength should be oleated and carefully subjected to वमन with drastic formulations, followed by purgation and bloodletting.

In case where in the indicated सौषधं is not done, the aggravated Dosha permeate the whole body and the disease becomes incurable; hence Dosha should be eliminated completely. Every morning suitable purgatives should be used for 5, 6, 7 or 8 days so that the Dosha do not raise their heads again.

Similar चिकित्साविसर्प

Avasthika Chikitsaa:

Alpa Dosha Avasthaa: – Prachchanna

After only the Dosha are eliminated from the Kosht`a and Rakta, the patient should be administered oleation therapy as Vaayu gets aggravated after the elimination therapies.

Rakta Visraavan`a in Lalat`a (forehead), Hasta (hand) and Paada (legs). By administering proper blood letting, internal and external alleviation therapies and oleation at appropriate time कुष्ठ which are curable finally get cured.

कुष्ठ is very difficult to cure. To get rid of this disease it is necessary to have faith in the dietary and behavioral regimen as told by Ayurveda. It is also necessary to consume specific treatment, to get in to religious austerity. Then only, person become free from the disease and also attains the perpetual happiness (peace or calmness of mind, absence of passion)

Dhaatugata Kusht`ha Chikitsaa:

  • Tvakgata(Rasagata)Kusht`ha: सौषधं and Lepana
  • Raktagata Kusht`ha: S`hodhana, Lepana, Kashaaya Paana, S`hon`itaavasechana
  • Maamsagata Kusht`ha: S`hodhana, Lepana, Kashaaya Paana, S`hon`itaavasechana, Arisht`a, Mantha, Praasha.
  • Medagata Kusht`ha: The disease becomes manageable if the patient has self -control and has all adequate means of treatment. In such case use of Bhallataka, S`hilaajatu, Maaks`hika etc. should be adopted.

If the disease proceeds to Asthi Dhaatu it is considered as incurable, hence should not be treated.


Rasa – Tikta
Gun`a – Laghu
Dhaanya – Yava, Jeern`a Shasht`ika S`haalee, Godhuma
S`haaka – Vetraagra, Pat`ola, Vaartaaka, Nimba, Krishn`a Saarivaa, Rasona, Vaastuka, Punarnavaa, Meshas`hringee, Khaira, Chitraka, Haritakee, Bibhitakee, Aamalakee, Jaatiphala, Naagakes`hara, Karanja, Sarala, Devadaaru, Aguru, Kasturee, Chandana, Kut`akee, Chakramarda, Bhallaataka, Dhaamaargava, Sarshapa, S`hinshapaa
S`himbee – Mudga, Masoora, Kulattha
Maamsa – Jaangala Maamsarasa
Dugdha – Takra + Baakuchee, Ghrita
Drava – Sneha, Gomootra, Gardabha Mootra, Usht`ra Mootra, Ashva Mootra, Maahisha Mootra, Khadira/Vid`anga Siddha Jala
Phala – Taad`aphala, Aamalakee, Aashaadha Phala
Kritaanna – Siddha Takra, Nimba, Khadira Siddha Yavaagoo, Kulattha Siddha Bhakta, Yava Vikriti, Kulmaasha, Apoopa, Utkaarikaa, S`hashkulee, Mantha, Ladduka
अन्य वमन after every 15 days, Virechana after every one month, नस्य after every three months and रक्तमोक्षण after every six months, Kshaarakarma, Madhu, Gandhaka


Rasa – Amla, Lavan`a
Gun`a/ Karma – Ushn`a, Drava, Visht`hambhee, Snigdha, Guru
S`hooka – Tila, Maasha, Navaanna
S`haaka – Moolaka
Maamsa – Aanoopa Maamsa, Matsya
Dugdha – Dadhi, Dugdha
Drava – Madya
Kritaanna – Pisht`aanna
Other – S`heetoshn`a Krama Sevana, Viruddhaanna, Nava Dhaanya, Gud`a, Ikshu, Svedana, Maithuna, Chchhardi Vegaavarodha, Krodha, Vyaayaamottara Bhojana, Shrama, Bhaya, Aatapa Sevanoparaanta S`heeta Jala Sevana

Search Anveshaka:
खोज करें Kalpa, DravyaAahaara, Chikitsaa Karma, Vihaara

Adhikaara  कुष्ठ
Indicated in Vyaadhi  कुष्ठ
Karma – Kusht`haghna, Tvachya, Varn`ya
Effect on Dhaatu Rakta Prasaadana, Rakta S`hodhaka
Effect on Upadhaatu – Tvak Doshahara, Tvak Prasaadana
Other effects – Kaantivardhaka, Kleda Nirharan`a, Saundaryavardhaka, Savarn`eekaran`a, Varn`a Prasaadana

Last updated on March 24th, 2021 at 05:30 am

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