S.Su.17, M.Ni.41
Vran`as`hotha is a शोथ which after Paaka (suppuration) leads to the व्रण (wound). This is a S`hopha which is Prithu, Grathita, Sama or Vishama. It is harboredon to the Tvak and Maamsa. This is local elevation or swelling caused due to the accumulation of the Dosha. It is the prodromalsymptom of the व्रण.
Types of Vran`as`hotha
This is black or red colored edema. It is Parusha, Mridu. There is Anavasthita Toda.
There is Vishama Paaka.
It is Mridu, with the blood (Sarakta). It spreads very quickly. There is Ushaa.
There is quick suppuration. (Achiraat Paaka)
It is white colored. It is Kat`hina, Snigdha, S`heeta. It spreads slowly. There is Kan`d`oo etc.
There is relatively late suppuration (Chiraat Paaka).
Symptoms of all the Dosha are present.
It is same as Pittaja and there is blackness to the edema.
It is like Pittaja S`hotha.
It manifests with Pitta and Rakta Lakshan`a. It manifests with the red color.
There is mild temperature. The skin colordoes not change. There is S`heetas`hophataa. It is Sthira. There is mild pain and mild edema.
There is Soocheevat Toda (pricking pain), Dams`havat Vedanaa, Pipeelikaa Samspars`hana, S`hastra Chhedanavat Vedanaa, Bhedanavat Vedanaa, Dan`d`ataad`anavat Vedanaa. These are the symptoms of Pachyamaana Avasthaa.
There is no pain. S`hopha gets reduced. Wrinkles are formed on the edema. The edema gets depressed. These are the symptoms of the Pakva S`hopha.
- Without Vaayu, there is no Rujaa.
- Without Pitta, there is no Paaka.
- Without Kapha, there is no Pooya. There fore all the Dosha cause suppuration of the S`hopha leading to formation of व्रण.
- If the Pooya is not drained out, it shatters the Maamsa, Siraa and Snaayu.
Sampraapti Ghat`aka of Vran`as`hotha
Vran`as`hotha | Saamaanya | Vaataja | Pittaja | Kaphaja | Raktaja | Sannipaata | Aagantu |
रोगमार्ग | Baahya | ||||||
Avayava | TvakMaamsa | ||||||
Dosha | Dosha Sanghaata | Piita Prakopa | Tridosha | Pitta Prakopa | |||
Dhaatu | Rakta Dusht`I |
Last updated on March 5th, 2021 at 06:08 am