Prakaara Paribhaashaa:
- The नस्य which helps in anabolism and to increase body mass (mainly Urdhvajatrugata) is termed as Brimhan`a Nasya. This is mainly related to Maamsa Dhaatu Upachaya.
- Dhanva Maamsarasa, Dhanvamaamsa Asrik etc. mixed with milk or water.
Other Description:
- TheBrimhan`a substance when administered through nose acts directly on Tarpaka Kapha and Praan`a Vaayu. They carry the potency and attributes of the substance all over the body. Hence over a period of time the Maamsa Dhaatu metabolism improves to cause weight gain and improved body mass.
Last updated on April 29th, 2021 at 07:28 am