विषय सूची पर जायें


S.U.47,M. N. 19

दाह is burning sensation. It is explained by Sus`hruta Maadhava Nidaana. It has been explained after Madaatyaya as there is दाह after consuming Madya (Alcohol). Hence, this chapter is explained after दाह in MaadhavaNidaana.


  1. Madyaja
  2. Raktaja
  3. Pittaja
  4. Trishn`aanirodhaja
  5. Asrijah Poorn`akosht`haja
  6. Dhaatu Kshayaja
  7. Marmaabhighaataja

Madyaja:Hotness gets increased due to the consumed alcohol. (Paanoshmaa)
This Ushmaa gets associated with Pitta and Rakta.
This causes दाह (burning sensation).
Actually, this is Pittaja Daaha; as the causative factor is specific it is counted as Madyaja Daaha.

Rakta gets vitiated all over the body. (Rakta Udreka)
The symptoms manifested are:

  1. Osha
  2. तृष्णा
  3. Taamra Lochana
  4. Lohagandhee Anga
  5. Lohagandhee Vadana

A person feels as if there is fire on his skin.

        The symptoms manifested are same as of Pittaja Jvara.
        In Pittaja Daaha, treatment should be done of Pittaja Jvara.

Trishn`aa Nirodhaja
        Due to suppression of thirst, the fluids (Ab Dhaatu) in the body decrease.
        There is aggravation of Teja (Pitta)
        There is burning sensation, internally and externally in the body.
        The symptoms are

  • Gala S`hosha
  • Taalu S`hosha
  • Kan`t`ha S`hosha
  • Jihvaa Nishkarsha
  • Vepana

Rakta Poorn`akosht`haja:
        When there is wound due to trauma then there is hemorrhage in the Aas`haya / Kosht`ha which causes दाह.
        It is Krichchhrasaadhya.

Dhaatu Kshayaja:
Due to depletion of Dhaatu_s, there is burning sensation (दाह) with MoorchchhaaTrishn`aa, Ardita, Kshaama Svara, Kriyaahaani, Saada.

        Trauma on the मर्म (vital points) causes this type of दाह.
        It is Asaadhya.

Last updated on February 9th, 2021 at 09:52 am

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