C.Chi.26, A.H.U.8-16, S.U.9-17, N.R. Netra Roga
Netra Roga are the diseases of the organ Netra.
These Vyaadhi areconsidered as Madhyama Maargagata Vyaadhi.
Sarvagata Netraroga:
Abhishyanda Should be treated by Teekshn`a Gan`d`oosha, Naavana and Langhana (except in Vaataja) in the Poorvaroopaavasthaa.
Saamanya chikitsaa:
Administration of Saamyaakas`hana and S`hodhana Yogato as to pacify Dosha like Vaata.
To avoid causative factors of diseases and which aggravate Dosha.
Aas`hchotana is useful in all type of ophthalmic disorders.
Vis`hesha Chikitsaa:
Vaataja Abhishyanda and Vaataja Adhimantha:
- Snehana (Puraan`a Ghrita) → Svedana → Siraavyadha → Sneha Virechana → Basti
- Tarpan`a
- Put`apaaka
- धूमपान
- Aas`hchotana
- Sneha Parisheka
- S`hirobasti
- नस्य
- Siraavedhana should be done at Lataat`a, Apaanga, Upanaasikaa region.
- Sechana should be done with decoction of Aanoopa Maamsa , Jalaja Maamsa
Amla and Vaataghna Dravya - Tarpan`a should be done with all Sneha except Taila.
Anyatovaata and Vaataparyaya:
- Poorvabhakta Ghritapaana
- Saksheera Bhojana
- Vaataja Abhishyanda Chikitsaa
- Ghritapaana
- Anjana
- नस्य
- Tarpan`a
- Parisheka
Pittaja Abhishyanda and Pittaja Adhimantha:
- रक्तमोक्षण
- Sramsana
- नस्य
- Lepa
- Anjana
- Seka
First Aamapaanchana should be achieved then Snehapaana should be givenfollowed by Siraamoksha. Generally Pittaghna Chikitsaa should be adopted. It should be treated as per Pittaja Visarpa Chikitsaa.
Amlaadhyushita and S`hukta:
- Amlaadhyushita should be treated by चिकित्सा similar to Pittaabhishyanda however, रक्तमोक्षण is contraindicated.
- According to Vaagbhat`a S`hukti should be treated by चिकित्सा similar to Pittaabhishyanda.
- नस्य
- Anjana
- Lepa
- Seka
- Sramsana
- Ghrita should be used both internally as well as externally.
- चिकित्सा is similar to Raktaja and Pittaja Abhishyanda, Pittavidagdha Drisht`i and Pittaja Visarpa.
Kaphaja Abhishyanda and Kaphaja Adhimantha:
- Rooksha Chikitsaa.
- Sveda, Avapeed`a, Anjana, Dhooma, Seka, Pralepa, Kavalagraha, Aas`hchotana and Put`apaaka.
- Tikta Dravya Siddha Ghritapaana (On every 4th day after Apatarpan`a)
- रक्तमोक्षण.
- Followed with Kaphaghna dietary regime, Svedana and Anulepa.
Balaasagrathita, Pisht`aka and Praklinna Vartma:
- चिकित्सा issimilar to Kaphaja Abhishyanda and Adhimantha
- नस्य
- संसर्जन क्रम
Balaasagrathita Chikitsaa:
- वमन
- Virechana
- Shirovirechana
- रक्तमोक्षण
- Kshaaranjana
- Anjana
Saamanya Chikitsaa:
Raktaabhishyanda, Raktaja Adhimantha, Sirotpaata, Siraaharsha, Siraajaala, Arjuna, Avran`a S`hukra:
- Snehana (Kaumbha Ghrita or Maamsarasa)
- रक्तमोक्षण (Siraavedha)
- S`hirovirechana, Virechana Dravya Siddha Ghritapaana
- Sthaanikaa Upachaara: Pradeha, Parisheka, Nasya, Dhooma, Aas`hchyotana, Anjana,Tarpan`a and Snigdha Put`apaaka
- S`hatadhauta Ghrita Abhyanga
Raktaabhishyanda, Raktaja Adhimantha, Sirotpaata and Siraaharsha with Vaatajanubandha
- Mridu Sveda
- जलौकावचारण and Ghritapaana in Mahatee Maatraa.(In Vaatavritta Rakta Bahus`hon`ita Avasthaa)
- Vaatavritta Rakta Alpas`hon`ita Avasthaa Should be treated by चिकित्सा similar to Pittaabhishyanda.
Avran`a Shukra: should be treated with रक्तमोक्षण and other procedures of Raktaja Abhishyanda and Lekhyaanajana.
Savran`a Shukra:should beKshaaranajanamentioned inBalaasagrathita
Dviteeyapat`ala As`hrita Savran`a Shukra( Dvitvaggata Savran`a S`hukra + S`hoola ):
- This should be treated by Netra Tarpan`a with Vaataghna Dravya.
- Should be treated by चिकित्सा similar to Pittaabhishyanda.
- Amlavarga Ashchotana
- Udaka Visraavan`a should be done by puncturing on lateral (Paars`hva) side. Then the cavity should be filled with Gomaamsa Choorn`a.
- If the lids are getting elevated more due to this Ajakaajaata then Lekhana should be donefrequently.
Sas`hopha Paaka and As`hopha Paaka:
- Snehana, Svedana
- Siraavyadha (Apaanga Upanaasikaa Lalaat`a)
- Snehana à Virechana
- नस्य
- Seka
- Aas`hchyotana
- Put`apaaka
- Anjana
- Amloshita / Amlaadhyushita should be treated by Pittaabhishyanda Chikitsaa.
Pilla (Chikitsaa Similar to Praklinnavartma):
- Snehana followed by वमन
- Siraavyadha, Virechana, S`hirovirechana Asthaapana followed by Vartma Lekhana
- Patient of Pilla should be treated by frequent Vartma Lekhana, Siraavyadha, Virechana and regular Seka Aas`hchyotana, Anjana, Naavana and धूमपान.
- रक्तमोक्षण After Snehana and Svedana
- Vran`a S`hodhana / Chakshushya Dravya Upanaaha
- All the Netrapaakahara Kriyaa are advisable. (Antahs`huddhi and Bahihs`huddhi)
Praklinna Vartma and Aklinna Vartma:
- Snehana, Siraavyadha, Virechana, S`hirovirechana, Aasthaapana
- Netra Tarpan`a
- Seka
- Anjana
- Aas`hchyotana
- नस्य
- Dhooma
Lekhya Roga Following Vyaadhi are included under this category as Lekhana is the first line of treatment for all these Vyaadhi.
- Utsangini
- Bahala Vartma
- Kardama Vartma
- S`hyaava Vartma
- Baddha Vartma
- Klisht`a Vartma
- Pothaki
- Vartma S`harkaraa
- Kumbhikaa
Saamaanya Chikitsaa:
- Snehana should be administered followed by वमन and Virechana.
- The patient should be advised to sleep in a room devoid of excessive wind flow and sun.
- The patient should be advised to lie in supine position. Then the diseased eyelid should be inverted by holding in left thumb and left index finger.
- Fomentation should be done with the help of a cloth dipped in warm water.
- The portion should be dried with the help of gauze.
- Lekhana should be done with the help of Man`d`laagra S`hastra or Anus`hastra like S`hephaali Patra etc.
- When bleeding stops Svedana should be administered Manahs`hilaadi Pratisaaran`a should be applied.
- After some time the lids should be cleansed with warm water and Ghrita should be sprinkled.
- Then the wound should be treated as mentioned in Vran`opakrama.
- Svedana and Avapeed`a Nasya should be administered after 3 days after Lekhana Karma.
Durlikhita Vartma: Snehana shouldbe administered followed by Lekhana.
Atilikhita Vartma: Sneha Sveda etc Vaatahara Upakrama
Vartmaavabandha, Klisht`a Vartma, Bahala Vartma, Pothaki:
Prachchhaana followed by Lekhana with the help of an S`hastra.
S`hyaava Vartma / Kardama Vartma:Lekhana
Kumbhakini / Kumbheekaa, S`harkaraa, Utsangini
Chhedana Lekhana
Kat`hina Vartma Pid`akaa Bhedana should be done in Pakvaavasthaa followed by Lekhana.
Bhedya Roga – Following Vyaadhi are included in this category as Bhedana is the first line of treatment for all these Vyaadhi.
- Bisagranthi
- Lagan`a
- Anjananaamikaa
- Krimigranthi
- S`hleshmopanaaha
Saamaanya Chikitsaa:
- All the five Vyaadhi should be treated by Snehana, then Svedana by (juice obtained from leaves after churning / fragmented leaves) Patrabhanga. Then they should be treated by general Vran`opakrama till they acquire Paakaavasthaa. After that Bhedana followed by Pratisaaran`a should be done in Paakaavasthaa.
- Also after Bhedana Vran`a ropan`a should be done.
- Svedana à Pakvaavasthaa
- Bhedana with the help of a S`hastra
- Avachoorn`ana with Saindhavaadi Choorn`a
- Then application of Ghrita + Madhu followed by Vran`a Bandha.
- Alpa Avasthaa:
Bhedana by Pratisaaran`a - Maha Avasthaa:
Bhedana by S`hastra
क्षारकर्म and अग्निकर्म
Agnidagdha Vran`a Chikitsaa
Saamnaya Vran`a Chikitsaa

Chhedya Roga – Following Vyaadhi are included in this category as Chhedana is the first line of treatment for all these Vyaadhi.
- Prastaaree Arma
- S`hushkaarma
- Raktaarma
- Adhimaamsaarma
- Snaayvaarma
- Siraajaala
- Siraa Pid`akaa
- Parvan`ikaa
- अर्श
- अर्बुद
- Pakshmakopa
Saamaanya Chkitsaa:
- All these Chhedya Roga should be treated with Teekshn`a Gun`ayukta medicines that are also either Vaamaka or Virechaka.
- चिकित्सा similar to Abhishyanda considering the Dosha Praadhaanya should be given.
Vis`hesha Chikitsaa:
- Panchavidha Arma:Arma Chhedana S`hastrakarma:
- Vamana, Virechana and S`hirovirechana should be done as prerequisite of Arma Chhedana. Then after संसर्जन क्रम the patientshould be advised Snigdha Bhojana the next day. Then the patient should be given a suitable sitting position. Then dusting with Laavan`a Choorn`a(Saindhava) should be done at the site of Arma. Arma S`hithilikaran`a is achieved by this process.
- Svedana should be administered at the site of Arma.
- Then the Arma should be moved about (Prighat`t`ana).
- The upper and lower eyelids should be fixed properly.
- Then the Arma should be held by a Bad`is`ha Yantra at the site of wrinkles. Then the patient should be advised to look laterally. Then the Arma should be lifted up with the help of a Muchun`d`ee (forceps) or a threaded needle.
- Precaution should be taken not to cut the Arma while lifting up.
- Then the Arma should be fixed with the help of three Bad`is`ha Yantra and cut with the help of a sharp Man`d`alaagra S`hastra.
- Precaution should be taken while cutting so as not to incise the Kaneenaka. Kaneenaka Chheda may lead to excessive bleeding or Naad`ee Vran`a formation. 1/4th part of Arma should be retained at the site while cutting, as to avoid any harm to the eye sight.
- Jaalavat Arma or an Arma whichis touching the S`huklaman`d`ala should also be treated the same way.
- Post-procedural regime Partisaaran`a followed by Vran`a Bandha. Then three days after Chhedana, Bandha should be opened, Karasvedana should be applied and then Vran`a S`hodhana and Ropan`a Chikitsaa should be done.
- If some part of Arma is left over after Chhedana, it should be treated by Lekhana Anjana.
- Alpa / Dadhinibha / Neelavarn`ee / Raktavarn`ee / Dhoosara Varn`ee / Tanu Arma should be treated by चिकित्सा similar to S`hukra.
The Siraa which are Kat`hina, should be lifted up with the help of Bad`is`ha Yantra and then cut with Man`d`alaagra S`hastra. The Pratisaaran`a Yoga mentioned in Arma are also indicated in this and also all the चिकित्सा indicated in all Netra Roga should be followed by considering the Dosha Praadhaanya.
Siraa Pid`akaa:
If the Pid`akaa doesnt subside by medicines then these should be incised by the procedure similar to Arma Chhedana. The Pratisaaran`a Yoga mentioned in Arma are also indicated in this and also all the चिकित्सा indicated in all Netra Roga should be followed after considering the Dosha Praadhaanya.
This should be treated by Svedana at the site of Sandhi followed by Chhedana Karma.Then Pratisaaran`a of Saindhava and Madhu should be applied. If still some part of the Pid`akaa is left over, it should be treated by Lekhana Pratisaaran`a or Lekhana Anjana.
अर्श (Vartmaars`ha, S`hushkaars`ha), Arbuda:
These should be treated by Svedana followed by Chhedana Karma. Then Pratisaaran`a of Saindhavaadi Pratisaaran`a should be applied. If still some part of the अर्श is left over, then when the bleeding stops अग्निकर्म should be done with the help of S`halaakaa and also Avalrkhana with Kshaara should be done.

Aas`hchotanaAdhikaaraNetra Roga
Last updated on March 31st, 2021 at 06:36 am