विषय सूची पर जायें

चिकित्सा प्रकार: मंत्र

Prakaara Paribhaashaa:

  • +IÉ®ºÉ¨ÉÚ½ý& ªÉºªÉÉäcÉÉ®ähÉ ´ªÉÉÊvɯþ{ɶÉɨªÉÊiÉ näü´ÉÉnüªÉõÉ |ɺÉzÉÉ ¦É´ÉÊiÉ *  
    Ayurved S`habdakos`ha                                       
  • It is a procedure in which chanting of special group of words or sounds by a specialist in the field of मंत्र चिकित्सा are done asan antidote for the poison.

Chikitsaa Karma (Benefits):

  • Create a hope in the mind of stricken patient and hope of recovery surely aids in control of poisonous effect so मंत्र is excellent as Aas`hvaasana Chkitsaa (reassurance) for patient as well as for the near and dear relatives of the patient.
  • The specialists are capable of doing Arisht`abandhana only by chanting Mantra.
  • Visha Pratibandha (counteracts poison).
  • Visha Prasara Nirodha (prevents circulation of poisonin whole body).

Other Description:

  • Now days because of non availability of specialists this procedure is not in practice.
  • One should always be aware of the pseudo specialists who are not masters of their art, and who have studied मंत्र without observing the protocol of study or who chant imperfect word groups or use wrong notes.

Last updated on April 29th, 2021 at 10:02 am

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