Prakaara Paribhaasha:
- Massaging the whole body gently after applying medicated oil is termed as Abhyanga.
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- This procedure includes all the procedures like Karn`apooran`a, S`hiro Abhyanga, Paadaabhyanga.
Description: Kaala/Vaya/Ahoraatra/Ritu/Bhukta
- The massage should be done preferably in the morning after sunrise.
- This can be done as a daily procedure in case of a healthy person. This is a promotive procedure hence should be done daily to maintain positive health.
- This procedure should be done during Hemanta Ritu as a daily regime to maintain health.
Poorvakarma (Prerequisites):
Patient preparation:
- Patient should be asked to evacuate bowel and urine.
Medicine preparation:
- As per indication – single or combination.
- During Greeshma Ritu coconut oil based medicine should be used and during Varshaa Ritu sesame oil based medicine should be used.
- The Prakriti of the patient should be taken into consideration while choosing the proper medicine.
- This can be applied as a pre-procedure of पंचकर्म or as a main procedure.
- The massage should be done by a lukewarm medicine and in Anuloma direction.
- For S`hirobhyanga cold or lukewarm medicine should be applied.
- At the joints the massage should be done in a circular direction.
- The direction of muscles or the knowledge of muscle origin and insertion, lymphatic drainage, state of circulation and vital parts should be taken into consideration while massaging. Massage should be done to the whole body for at least 15 to 35 minutes. When it is done to one part it should be done for at least 5 minutes, as the medicine reaches Asthi Dhaatu after 900 Maatraa.
- Massage should be applied to the patient by giving him following positions sequentially
- Sitting position with legs stretched completely.
- Sleeping in a supine position.
- Sleeping in left lateral position.
- Sleeping in a prone position.
- Sleeping in right lateral position.
- Sleeping in a supine position.
- Sitting position with legs stretched completely.
- Fomentation should be applied if advised.
- The patient should be advised rest for 15 to 20 min and then the medicine should be mopped by a towel dipped in hot water.
- Then hot water bath with application of gram flour should be done instead of soap. Any Kashaaya (astringent) substance should be used to remove the excess oil.
- If the अभ्यंग is to be administered over Vranas`hotha then following Upakrama should be done as post procedure – Svedana, Vimlaapana, Upanaaha, Paachana, Visraavan`a.
Benefits of अभ्यंग:
- Jaraahara (retards aging)
- S`hramahara (gives relief from fatigue and exertion)
- Vaatahara (pacifies Vaata)
- Drisht`ee Prasaadakara (improves clarity of vision)
- Pusht`eekara (strengthening)
- Aayushkara (qualitative and quantitative improvement in life)
- Svapnakara (induces deep sleep)
- Tvak Daard`hyakara (gives strength and firmness to skin)
- Kles`ha Sahatva (improves tolerance to exertion)
- Abhighaata Sahatva (improves tolerance to physical injury and trauma)
- Kaphahara (pacifies Kapha)
- Mrijaavarn`a Balaprada (clears complexion, strengthening and cleanses the skin pores)
- Anga Maardava (softens body)
- Vran`a Dosha S`hamana
- Vran`a Maardava
- Vran`a Dosha Dusht`ighna
Other Description:
- The massage promotes circulation and aids fomentation.
- In a thoroughly oleated patient distribution of heat will be uniform and time taken for fomentation will also be lessened.
Last updated on April 29th, 2021 at 06:34 am