Prakaara Paribhaashaa:
- The medication applied in the form of ointment to the eyes is termed as Anjana.
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- xÉäjÉ B´É κlÉiÉä nüÉä¹Éä |ÉɔɨɉÉxɨÉÉSÉ®äiÉ ** S. U. 18/51-52
- When the patient has undergone the सौषधं therapies of वमन and Virechana and the Niraama Dosha are causing eye diseases, then Anjana should be done.
- Lekhana Anjana
- Ropan`a Anjana
- Snehana Anjana
- Prasaadana Anjana
- In healthy persons collyrium should be applied daily morning and evening on sunny days.
- Lekhana type of collyrium should be applied at morning in Kapha dominant eye diseases.
- Ropan`a type of collyrium should be applied in the evening in Vaata dominant eye diseases.
- Prasaadana type of collyrium should be applied at night in Pitta dominant eye diseases.
Poorvakarma (Prerequisites):
Patient preparation:
- The patient should be administered वमन and Virechana before application of collyrium if indicated.
- The physician should open the eye with his left hand and then apply collyrium with the help of a probe held in right hand.
- The collyrium should be applied from medial to lateral or vise versa as suits the physician. The procedure should be repeated till the medicine is applied properly.
- If the collyrium is to be applied only over the eyelids then it should be applied with finger alone.
- The physician should take all the precautions to prevent damage to eye while application.
- After application the patient should be advised to close eyes and move the eyeballs slowly in all directions.
- Then the patient should be asked to open and close eyes which will facilitate the spread of medicine to all the corners of eye.
- The medicine used for collyrium should never be too Teekshn`a (sharp), Mridu (soft), Stoka (small amount), Achchha (clear), Ghana (thick), Karkas`ha (rough), Sheeta (cold) or Tapta (hot).
- The eyes should never be rubbed or washed immediately.
- When the irritation in the eyes subsides and when tears start rolling down only then the eyes should be washed with water.
- Then the remaining medicine should be cleaned from the inner side of upper eyelid with the help of a clean cloth or thumb.
Chikitsaa Karma (Benefits):
- Lekhana (Cleansing the stickiness)
- Ropan`a (Healing)
- Prasaadana (Soothing)
- Netrya (Beneficial for eyes, this is a promotive type of collyrium)
- Sandnyaasthaapana (Recovery from unconsciousness)
Other Description:
- For Guru Dosha the medicine should be in the form of Pin`d`a.
- For Madhyama Dosha the medicine should be in the form of Rasakriyaa.
- For Laghu Dosha the medicine should be in the form of Choorn`a.
- The medicine in the form of Pin`d`a should be used in the dose of Renuka Beeja if it is Teekshn`a (sharp). The dose should be doubled if the medicine used is Mridu (soft).
- The medicine in the form of Rasakriyaa should be used in the dose of Vid`anga if it is Teekshn`a (sharp). The dose should be doubled if the medicine used is Mridu (soft).
- The medicine in the form of Choorn`a should be used in the dose of 2 S`halaakaa if sharp and 3 S`halaakaa if soft.
- In Sannipaataja Netra Roga with Pakva Dosha collyrium should be applied for 3 days.
- Anjana should be applied using cold drugs in S`hukti – S`huklagata Netra Roga.
- Teekshn`a Anjana should be administered after taking cut at the indicated site over Pakshmarodha Netra Roga.
Last updated on April 29th, 2021 at 06:49 am