C. Chi. 26, S. U. 26, A. H. Chi. 24, N.R. S`hiroroga
Vaataja S`hiroroga:
- Similar to वातव्याधि Chikitsa like :
- Baahya: Snehana, Svedana, अभ्यंग etc
- Abhyantara: Snehapaana, Anuvaasana etc
- The head should be massaged with ghee followed by Snehapaana (Ghrita or Taila) along with hot milk as Anupaana at night.
- The patient should be well fed with unctous meat soup and milk processed with Vaata alleviating drugs. (Vaata Naas`haka Anna Paana)
- Parisheka with Vaataghna Dravya
- If associated with Pitta and Rakta – नस्य should be administered.
- रक्तमोक्षण should NOT be adopted as it causes Vaata Prakopa.
- When all the treatment fails then अग्निकर्म has to be performed
- If Kapha Dosha is predominant then Ushn`a Gun`a measures should be adopted.
Pittaja S`hiroroga:
Snehana followed by Siraavyadha
S`heetala measures.
S`heeta Gun`a Aahaara
Similar to Raktaja S`hiroroga Chikitsaa
Pittahara Anna Paana
Kaphaja S`hiroroga:
- Puraan`a Ghrita Paana
- Rooksha, Ushn`a and Teeksh`na Guna predominant measures.
- वमन using Kat`u Dravya
- Ushn`a and Teekshn`a Dravya Svedana, Lepa, Gandoosha and नस्य.
- Svedana should be repeated frequently.
- Upavaasa
Sannipataja S`hiroroga:
- Based on the predominance of the Dosha the therapy should be asserted.
- Especially Sarpi Paana is indicated.
Krimija S`hiroroga:
- Rakta Prayoga for नस्य: Due to the Visra Gandha of the blood all the कृमि tend to come out of the nasal and facial orifices
- Teeks`hna Nasya and Dhooma for drawing out the worms.
- Rakta Visravan`a should NOT be done as the कृमि would have sucked the blood.
Ardhavabhedaka S`hiroroga:
- The line of treatment should be as per the Dosha involvement.
- नस्य
Sooryavarta S`hiroroga:
- Rakta Visraavan`a by Siravyadha
- S`hamana
S`hira Kampa:
- Treatment similar to Vaataja S`hiroroga.
- Agni Karma is contraindicated.
- Similar to Sooryaavarta
- Siravyadha
S`hankhaka S`hiroroga:
- नस्य
- Lepana
- Parisheka
- Apakva Avasthaa: Vaatavyadhi Chikitsaa has to be adopted.
- Pakva Avasthaa : Vidhradhi Chikitsaa has to be adopted.
After assessing the Aama, Pakva Avastha, the treatment should be initiated.
Arums`hikaa Chikitsaa:
- रक्तमोक्षण
- Parisheka
- Lepana
- If Arums`hikaa does not respond to any of the treatments as said above then वमन and Virechana should be adopted.
- Siravyadha at Lalaat`a Prades`ha.
- Snehana and Svedana
- Snigdha नस्य and S`hirobasti
- S`hiro Abhyanga
- Leepana and Parisheka
- Siravyadha at the nearestor adjacent place
- Lepana
Khalita and Palita:
- वमन
- Virechana
- नस्य
- Vaktra and S`hiro Abhyanga
- Lepana
- Parisheka
Pathya –
- Dhaanya – S`hasht`ee S`haalee
- S`haaka – S`higru, Vaastuka, Pat`ola, Kaaravellaka,Hareetakee, Kosht`ha, Kumaaree, Khus, Mustaa, Bhringaraaja
- Maamsa – Rooksha Prades`he Maamsa
- Dugdha – Ghrita, Dugdha, Takra
- Drava – Taila, Kaanjee
- Phala – Daad`ima, Draakshaa, Aamra, Aamalakee, Maatulunga, Naarikela
- Kritaanna – Pathyakara Dhaanya Yoosha
- Other – Chandana, Karpoora, Sveda, Nasya, Dhooma, Virechana, Lepa, Seka, Landghana, S`hirobasti, Raktamokshan`a, Pin`yaaka
Apathya –
- Rasa – Amla,
- Gun`a/ karma – Guru
- Other – Maricha, Kat`uveeraa, Saurabha, Ati S`heeta Jala, Dugha, Ati S`heeta Jalapaana,V iruddhaanna, Kshavathu, Jrimbhaa, Mootra, As`hru, Nidraa, Pureesha Vega Dhaaran`a, Anjana, Dantadhaavana, Divaasvaapa
Search Anveshaka
खोज करें Dravya, Kalpa, Aahaara, Vihaara, Chikitsaa Karma For
- Adhikaara – S`hiroroga
- Indicated in Vyaadhi – S`hiroroga
- Chikitsaa Karma – Vamana / Virechana / Raktamokshan`a
- Arha Vyaadhi S`hiroroga
Last updated on March 3rd, 2021 at 10:49 am