Prakaara Paribhaashaa:
- Instillation of medicated oil through the nostrils is termed as Mars`ha & Pratimars`ha.
- The difference between Mars`ha & Pratimars`ha is only of the dose. The dose of Mars`ha is 2 drops & that of Pratimars`ha is 4 drops (Heena Maatraa), 8 drops (Madhyama Maatraa) and 10 drops (Uttama Maatraa).
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- Pratimars`ha can be instilled at any age like Maatraa Basti.
- Pratimars`ha Nasya should be instilledat following times in a healthy person:-
- Talpotthita Kaala (after getting up in the morning)
- Prakshaalita Danta Kaala (after brushing teeth)
- Griha Nirgachchhana
- Vyaayaamottara (after physical exercise)
- Vyavaayaottara (after sexual intercourse)
- Adhvaparis`hraanta Kaala (after walking for a long time)
- Mala Mootra Visarjanottara (after micturition and defecation)
- Kavalottara (after gargling)
- Anjanottara (after application of collyrium)
- Bhojanottara (after meal)
- Vamanottara (after emesis)
- Divaa Svapnotthitena (after getting up from sleep during day time)
- Saayamkaala (evening)
Other Description:
- These two are types of Snehana नस्य.
- The drop is defined as after immersing the index finger up to two interphalengeal joints in warm medicated oil and whatever oil spills of it in drops – two, three, eight or ten, such drops are the dose of this type.
- Various formulations used can be got through Anveshak search facility.
Last updated on April 29th, 2021 at 10:08 am