Prakaara Paribhaashaa:
- Instillation of medicine by nasal route.
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- The indicated medicine or unctuous substance administered through nose is नस्य or errhines.
- As preventive measure नस्य should be instilled in spring season by Teekshn`a (intense) drugs for a healthy person.
- नस्य should be administered inside a room. This room should be free from direct and excessive wind flow and dust.
- Instrument checklist:
- नस्य Aasana.
- Nasya Aushadhi – according to the sub type.
- Nasya Yantra – essential only for Dhmaapana type of नस्य.
- Sht`heevana Paatra.
- Cloth for cleansing.
- Towel for physician.
- Patient preparation:
Prior to procedure:
- Patient should be asked to evacuate bowel and pass urine.
- Proper diet should be given.
- Danta Dhaavana (brushing teeth) should be done.
- Adequate धूमपान (medicated smoking) should be administered.
- Patient should lie down on the नस्य S`hayyaa (figure).
- Oil massage should be applied over scalp.
- Mild fomentationshould be appliedover head.
- Taapa Sveda should be administered above the clavicular region. I.e. head, face, nose,neck (Manyaa, Greevaa, Kant`ha).
- This should be followed by smooth massage over following regions i.e. Gala (neck), Kapola (cheeks), Lalaat`a Pradesha (forehead).
- Medicine preparation:
- Medicine according to the subtypes.
- Patient should lie down in a supine position. Head should not be excessively flexed or extended.
- The position should be slightly head low.
- The patient should avoid speech, anger & laughing during the procedure.
- Fomentation and massage above the clavicular region should be applied.
- After this the suitable medicine should be administered by physician in an adequate dose by following method. The medicineshould be madewarm by keeping inside a hot water bath. This warm medicine should be administered. The physician should elevate the nose of patient by his left thumb and then administer medicine with right hand to each nostril.
- The patient should avoid swallowing the medicine.
- The patient is asked to lie down for a time required for counting up to 100 numbers. The patient should be advised to turn on one side and slowly get up without jerking.
- Patient should eliminate Kapha by Sht`heevana (spitting it out).
Ch.Si.9 / 104, S.Chi.40 / 26-27, A.H.Su.20 / 20-22
- Dhoomapaana – Medicated smoking.
- Kavala Graha and Gan`d`oosha Dhaaran`a – Gargles or withholding the suitable medicine or warm water in the mouth.
- Diet – Warm water for drinking.
- Light diet.
- Following things should be avoided immediately after the procedure –
- Cold water contact.
- Abhishyandi Aahaara (The diet which is capable of causing secretions of various fluids and thus resulting in occlusion of various environments or channels).
- Rajodhooma (dust and fumes)
- Sneha (Contact or intake of unctuous drugs)
- Aatapa (Sun rays)
- Madya (alcohol)
- Head bath
- Atiyaana (traveling on a fast vehicle)
- Krodha (anger)
- Nidraa (sleep)
Ch.Si.9 / 106, S.Chi.40 / 31
चिकित्सा Karma (Benefits):
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xÉɺÉÉ Ê½ý ʶɮºÉÉä uüÉ®Æ iÉäxÉ iÉ“É{ªÉ ½ýÎxiÉ iÉÉxÉÂ** A. H. Su. 20 / 1
- Prevention of eye diseases.
- Prevention of ear diseases.
- Prevention of nasal diseases.
- Improves hair health / promotes healthy hair.
- Prevention of Peenasa, Ardhaavabhedaka, S`hira Shoola, Ardita, Hanu Graha.
- Strengthens scalp.
- Induces happiness and sense of well being.
- Improves voice.
- Improves sense perceptibility.
- Prevention from Urdhvajatrugata diseases.
- Delays aging.
- Aasya Saugandhya (mouth freshener).
- Gives strength to S`hira, Danta, Hanu, Greevaa, Trik, Baahu, Ura.
- Prevention from premature Valee, Palita, Khaalitya & Vyanga.
- Nose is the only organ that is in the direct contact with the central nervous system. Hence a properly selected medicine in a proper form and dose has a capacity to affect the CNS primarily and the complete internal environment subsequently. Hence नस्य is a very important tool in the arsenal of an innovative and competent Vaidya.
Samyak Yoga: S. Chi. 40 / 33, 38
- Laaghava (lightness of body).
- Nidraa (good sleep).
- S`hira Laghutva (relief from heaviness of head).
- Srotas S`huddhi (cleansing of channels).
- Indriya Prasannatva (proper working of sense organs).
- Mana Prasannatva (pleasantness).
Atiyoga: S. Chi. 40 / 40, 41, 34
- S`hira S`hoola.
- Indriya Vibhrama – (improper senses).
- Kapha Sraava – (secretions containing kapha).
Heenayoga: S. Chi. 40 / 35, 39
- Indriya Rookshataa (dryness of nose, eyes, ears etc).
- Roga Aprashama – (disease is not relieved).
- Anga Gaurava – (heaviness of body).
- Naasaa, Netra, Mukha Sraava – (secretions through nose, eyes and mouth).
- Kan`d`oo – (itching).
- Doshotkles`ha (exultation of Dosha).
- Doshakshaya (depletion of Dosha).
Other Description:
- For Krimija S`hiroroga, Deepta – Naasaa Roga, Naasaapaaka and Kaphaja Karn`a S`hoola Nasya with Teekshn`a Dravya should be instilled.
- Teekshn`a Nasya should be instilled after taking cut at the indicated site over Pakshmarodha Netra Roga.
Classification of नस्य:
1. Naavana | a) Snehana |
b) S`hodhana | |
2. Avapeeda | a) S`hodhana |
b) Stambhana | |
3. Dhmaapana | |
4. Dhooma | a) Praayogika |
b) Virechaniya | |
c) Snehaniya | |
5. Pratimars`ha | a) Snehana |
Other types of classification:
1. Rechana nasya | 2. Tarpana nasya | 3. S`hamana nasya |
2. On the basis of part used of the नस्य drug.
1. Phala Nasya |
2. Patra Nasya |
3. Moola Nasya |
4. Kaanda Nasya |
5. Pushpa Nasya |
6. Niryaasa Nasya |
7. Tvak Nasya |
1. S`hirovirechana | 2. Snehana |
1. Nasya |
2. S`hirovirechana |
3. Pratimarsha |
4. Avapeed`a |
5. Pradhamana |
5. According to the form of the drug used for नस्य
1. Choorn`a | 2. Kvaatha | 3.Ksheerapaaka | 4. Svarasa | 5.Maamsarasa |
Last updated on April 29th, 2021 at 10:24 am