विषय सूची पर जायें


Ch.Chi.29, M.N.23, A.H.Ni.16

The disease caused by vitiation of Vaata and Rakta is वातरक्त.


  1. Khud`a Khud`a Des`ha Praaptyaa Khud`ah | Ch.Chi.29/11Chakrapaan`i
  2. Vaata Balaasa Vaatasya Aavaran`ena Balam Asti Asmin S`hon`ite iti VaataBalaasah | Ch.Chi.29/11Chakrapaan`i
  3. Aad`hyavaata Aad`hyaanaam Bhavati Iti | It is seen in rich people.Ch.Chi. 29/11 Chakrapaan`i
  4. Vaatas`hon`ita
  5. Aad`hyaroga A.H.Ni.16/4


  1. Vaata Raktaabhyaam Janito Vyaadhi VaataRaktam | Ch.Chi.29/1 Chakrapaan`i
  2. Kimvaa VaataRakta Eva Avasthaantara Praapte VaataRaktam | Ch.Chi.29/1 Chakrapaan`i

The disease caused by vitiation of Vaata and Rakta is वातरक्त. There is dominance of Vaayu and not of Rakta; so it is not named as Raktavaata.

According to sites:

  1. Uttaana (Anavagaad`ha)
  2. Gambheera (Avagaad`ha)
  3. Ubhayaas`hrayee (Uttana + Avagaad`ha)

According to Dosha

  1. Vaataja
  2. Pattaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. Raktaja
  5. Vaata Pittaja
  6. Vaata Kaphaja
  7. Kapha Pittaja
  8. Saannipaatika

Though it has explained as Uttaana and Gambheera, Sus`hruta says that वातरक्त like कुष्ठ turns into Avagaad`ha after Uttaana stage. Therefore, it is not necessary to describe it two types. Su.Chi.5/3

Sukumaara, people indulged in unwholesome diet or obese, living happily such types of person are more prone to have Vaatarakta. Su.Chi.5/5


  1. Trauma, As`huddhi (not performing पंचकर्म therapy), swimming, walking in sun heat, suppressing natural urges, etc. lead to the aggravation of Vaayu.
  2. This aggravated Vaayu gets covered by Rakta (Aavaran`a)
  3. It vitiates Rakta.
  4. Vaayu is Sookshma and Sara (it traverses through the body). Rakta is Drava (liquid) and Sara. They both traverse through the Siraa and affect the inter-phalangeal joints. They cause the deformity in the joints and the joints get crooked.
  5. There the symptoms are manifested according to the association of Dosha. Generally, the pains are manifested in the joints and this pain is very serious and intolerable.

Lakshan`a (Clinical presentation):

It shows severe pain with other symptoms like burning, redness etc.
The start of the pain is at the root of the feet (metacarpal joints, ankle joint etc.) as accumulation of the blood starts from the joints of the feet. It may also starts from the joints of the hands also. It spreads in the body like rat poison as it stabilizes at a place and then spreads all over the body. It does not spread fast.
वातरक्त is manifested with the symptoms like Kusht`ha.
In VaataRakta the successive Dhaatu from Maamsa are vitiated and it turns it to the Gambheera VaataRakta Avasthaa.

Sites of वातरक्त manifestation:
Hands, feet, fingers and all the joints are sites of manifestation. At the onset वातरक्त is manifested on the hands and feet, and then it spreads all over the body.

Upadrava of वातरक्त

  1. Anguleevekrataa
  2. अर्बुद
  3. अरोचक
  4. Asvapna
  5. भ्रम
  6. दाह
  7. हिक्का
  8. ज्वर
  9. Klama
  10. MaamsaKotha
  11. मद
  12. Marmagraha
  13. Moha
  14. मूर्च्छा
  15. Paaka
  16. Paangulya
  17. Pravepaka
  18. Ruk
  19. S`hirograha
  20. श्वास
  21. Sphot`aa
  22. Toda
  23. तृष्णा
  24. Veesarpa

वातरक्त is a disease in which channel of Rakta Dhaatu is obstructed by Vaayu and the movements of Vaayu are obstructed by Rakta; which leads to this serious and acute condition. If वातरक्त is untreated it leads to Vikalataa.

Difference between Raktagata Vaata and वातरक्त
(M.N.23 Madhukos`ha)
In Raktagata Vaata; only Vaayu is vitiated and not the Dhaatu Rakta. But in Vaata Rakta, both are vitiated and vitiate each other causing the symptoms like severe pain, burning sensation.

Comparative study of वातरक्त types

AvayavaHasta, Paada, AnguleeSandhiTvakMaamsaAntaraas`hrita 
Anupas`haya   S`heeta
SaadhyaEka Doshaja, Nava, Nirupadrava, Balavaan, Aatmavaan,Upakaran`avian,Achirotpita,   
AsaadhyaTridoshaja, Upadravayukta,Samprasraavee, Prasrita (Sraavee) Vivarn`a, Stabdha,Arbuda Krit,Sankochakara,Indriya Taapana, Aajaanu Sphut`itam (Jaanu Paryanta Gatam), PrabhinnaPraan`a Kshaya,Maamsa Kshaya   
YaapyaDvidoshaja, Asampoorn`a Upadrava Chirotthita,Samvatsarotthita,Asampoorn`a Upadrava   
DoshaVaata Vivriddha,Vaata Raktaavrita   
DhaatuS`hon`ita Pradusht`a Dhaatu Abhidravan`a 
SrotasRaktavaha andMajjaavaha Dusht`i   

Last updated on February 12th, 2021 at 11:38 am

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