The diseases those mainly occur in females and are related to reproductive system. The major area of the diseases is covered by Yonivyaapad mentioned in Samhitaa which are related to menstruation and female genital organs. The rest are related to the various states of female like diseases in pregnancy, diseases during and after delivery and diseases during lactation.
Mood`hagarbha Chikitsaa
S.Chi.15, A.H.Sha.2, N.R. भग्न
There are eight types of mal-presentation of foetus and there are three types of obstructions viz. due to mal-position of head, shoulders or hip.
Saamaanya Chikitsaa:
- The treatment of Mood`hagarbha should be done very cautiously as its a blind procedure and lives of both the expectant mother and the foetus depend upon the manipulations.
- There are two main factors in the pathogenesis of Mood`hagarbha, one is abnormal movement of Apaana Vaayu and other is abnormal position of foetus.
- According to different Gati_s or positions of the foetus following procedures should be adopted
- Utkarshan`a
- Apakarshn`a
- Sthaanaapavartana
- Udvartana
- Utkartana
- Bhedana
- Chedana
- Peed`ana
- Rijukaran`a
- Daaran`a
Vis`hesha Chikitsaa:
- Obstructed labour with live foetus
- The treatment should be started immediately because the delay may cause the death of pregnant woman.
- Measures should be aimed at delivering the foetus.
- The Chyaavana Mantra should be chanted.
- The medicines, which are indicated in Aparaa Sanga,should be administered.
- The Yoni should be irrigated with lukewarm water followed by anointing it with Gud`a, Kin`va and Saindhava.
- Some measures to be followed which are included under Traasana चिकित्सा such as touching the Taalu or Kan`t`ha with hair or beating over Kat`ee, Paars`hn`i, Sphik etc.
- If all the above measures fail and the foetus is dead then the extraction of the foetus should be done manually.
- Procedure of manual extraction of foetus.
- In the following two positions S`hastrakarma should be carried out for extraction of foetus.
- Foetus presenting with both extremities and head together with body flexed in middle portion.
- Foetus with one foot in vagina and other in anus.
- Mrita Garbha Following two conditions are possible –
- Obstructed labour with dead foetus
- The part of foetus that is obstructing should be cut carefully avoiding injury to the pregnant woman.
- For this Man`d`alaagra or Anguli S`hastra should be used and Vriddhipatra should never be used.
- Dead foetus only All measures to deliver the dead foetus by natural process should be carried out.
- Obstructed labour with dead foetus
- Obstructed labour with live full term foetus and dead woman
The foetus should be extracted immediately by Udara Paat`ana S`hastrakarma.
- Aparaa Sanga All the measures indicated in Garbha Sanga are indicated in Aparaa Sanga. If these measures fail then manual extraction of Aparaa should be done (Chikitsaa Karma Jaraayu Paatana)
- Garbha Sanga – All the measures indicated in Aparaa Sanga are indicated in Garbha Sanga.
- Gun`a/Karma- Snigdha, Laghu
- Maamsa- Maamsarasa
- Kritaanna– Vaataghna Aushadha Siddha Ksheera for first 10 days followed by Maamsarasa
- Rasa- Usn`a, Teekshn`a
- अन्य– Usn`a, Teekshn`a, Sneharahita and Vaataprakopaka Aahaara, Upavaasa, Atisaara
Search Anveshaka:
खोज करें Dravya, Kalpa, Aahaara, Chikitsaa Karma for
- Adhikaara Equal To Mood`hagarbha
- Indicated in Vyaadhi Equal To Stree Roga – Mood`hagarbha
- Chikitsaa Karma Equal To Jaraayu Paatana
- Arha Vyaadhi Equal To Stree Roga – Mood`hagarbha
- Arha Vyaadhi Equal To Stree Roga – Mood`hagarbha – Jaraayu Sanga
- Arha Vyaadhi Equal To Stree Roga – Mood`hagarbha Nirharan`a Pas`hchaat S`hoola
Rakta Pradara / Asrigdara
C. Chi. 30, S. Sha. 2, M. Ni. 61
- Rakta Pradara is a disease related to the Rajah Sraava.
- Women are suffered from this disease.
- Asrigdara is a disorder in which the menstrual blood is expelled out in profuse amount.
- On the other hand, there may be a situation that menstruation takes place for a longer period. (Menometrorrhagia / Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding)
- S`hevta pradara is a disease where there is white vaginal discharge. (Leucorrhoea)
- S. Sha. 2/18-20 D`alhan`a
- Vaataja
- Pittaja
- Kaphaja
- Saannipaatika
Treatment guidelines
In all the Yoniroga Vaatghna Chikitsaa should be done first and then other Dosha Should be treated
- Pradara Should be treated with
- चिकित्सा Similar to Vaatala Yoni C. Chi 30/227
- चिकित्सा Similar to रक्तपित्त C. Chi 30/228
- चिकित्सा Similar to Raktaars`haa C. Chi 30/228
General Chikitsaa Sootra of Yoniroga (C.Chi 30/41)
- For a young women, who is having Hitakara Aahaara and Vihaara and suffering from Raktapradara should be treated with चिकित्सा Similar to रक्तपित्त.
Search Anveshaka:
Search Dravya, Kalpa, Aahaara, Vihaara, Chikitsaa Karma for
- Indicated in Vyaadhi = रक्तपित्त
- Indicated in Vyaadhi = Vaatala Yoni
- Indicated in Vyaadhi = Raktaja Ars`ha
- Indicated in Vyaadhi = S`hveta Pradara
- Indicated in Vyaadhi = Rakta Pradara
- Indicated in Vyaadhi = Raktapitta
- Indicated in Vyaadhi = Adhoga RaktaPitta
- Indicated in Vyaadhi = Stree Roga à Raktapradara à Vaataja
- Indicated in Vyaadhi = Stree Roga à S`hvetapradara
- Indicated in Vyaadhi = Stree Roga à Sagarbhaavasthaa à Triteeyamaasa to Navama Maasa
- Effect on Dhaatu = Rakta Prasaadana
- Indicated in Vyaadhi = Stree Roga à Raktapradara.
- Effect on Dhaatu = Rakta Vriddhi, Rakta Vardhana, Rakta Stambhana
- Arha Vyaadhi = Stree Roga à Raktapradara
Sootikaa Roga
C. Sha. 8,S. Sha. 10,Su. Ni. 8, A.H.Sha.1, M. Ni. 65
According to Sus`hruta, a female after delivery until one and half of the month, is said to be Sootikaa. Therefore, the diseases that manifests in this period to a female are called as Sootikaa Roga. Due to excessive expulsion of Kleda and blood loss results in leads to feeling of desolateness in body of Sootikaa so these diseases are Daarun`a by nature.
The diseases, a Sootikaa cansuffer from are
- ज्वर
- Ateesaara
- शोथ
- S`hoola
- आनाह
- BalaKshaya
- Tandraa
- Aruchi
- Praseka
- Kapha Vaataja Vikaara.
These all are Krichchhrasaadhya Vikaaraa_s; as Maamsa, Bala and Agni are depleted. These diseases also manifest as Upadrava.
The disease which gets manifested in the Sootikaa due to Mithyaachaara is a Krichchhrasaadhya disease. It turns to Asaadhya condition due to Apatarpan`ajanya Avasthaa.
Prophylactic Treatment
Treatment guidelines for Sootikaa Roga
- Sneha processed with
According to Sus`hruta
Paricharyaa for Jaangala Deshaja Sootikaa
- Treatment for disorders occurring in this stage are similar to treatment of
- ज्वर
- Ateesaara
- शोथ
- S`hoola
- आनाह
- BalaKshaya
- Tandraa
- Aruchi
- Praseka
Kapha Vaataja Vikaara should be treated according to Dosha Praadhaanya and observing Oka, Abhyaasa Saatmya, Bala, Kaala etc.
Makkalla Chikitsaa
It is a disease caused after delivery due to the improper Garbhaas`haya S`hodhana. It resembles to the Granthi and विद्रधि. It is Krichchhrasaadhhya. Due to accumulation of blood by Vaayu Rodha after delivery in the uterus, there is formation of Granthi under the umbilical region, Paars`hva, Basti and Basti S`hira. It causes pain in the Naabhi, Basti, Udara. There is Mootra Sanga also.
Kalpa indicated
- Achha Arisht`a Paana (Abhayaarisht`a )
- Yava Kshaara with Ushn`a Jala.
- Dhaanyaambu with Gud`a trikat`u Trijaata
Search Anveshaka:
खोज करें Dravya, Kalpa, Aahaara, Vihaara for
- Indicated Vyaadhi = Stree Roga à Sootikaa Roga
- Indicated Vyaadhi = Stree Roga à Sootikaa Roga à Jvara
- Indicated Vyaadhi = Stree Roga à Sootikaa Roga à Kosht`ha S`hodhanaartha
- Indicated Vyaadhi = Stree Roga à Avasthaa à S`hoola
- Indicated Vyaadhi = Stree Roga à Sootikaa Roga à Makkalla S`hoola.
- Kalpa = Madhura Gan`a
- Effect on Dosha = Vaatahara, Vaataghna
- Prabhaava = Bhootaghna
- Prabhaava = Garbhaas`haya Samkochaka
- Karma = Garbhaas`haya S`hodhana
- Karma = Balya, Rakshoghna, Santarpan`a, Brimhan`a
- Karma = Jeevaneeya ,Brihan`a
- Karma = Garbhaas`haya S`hodhana
- Karma = Rakshoghna or S`hramahara
Stana Roga
S.Ni. 10, S.Chi. 17, C. Chi. 30
Stana Roga is explained in context with Dushita stanya and Vyaadhi related to Stana of Sootikaa and Dhaatree.
All the five types of Stana Roga have the signs and symptoms similar to those of Baahya Vidradhi except Rakta-Vidradhi. S Ni. 10/27
- Vaataja
- Pittaja
- Kaphaja
- Saannipaatika
- Kshataja (Aagantuja)
Precautions: To be considered while the treatment of Stana Roga –
- In all stages of Stana Roga the Stana should be milked. The accumulated milk should not be allowed to stand
- The vitiated milk if consumed by the infant, causes vitiation of Dosha in the infant, the result is the infant suffers with diseases.
Saamaanya Chikitsaa:
- Snehana
- Svedana
- Vamana,
- Lepa
- रक्तमोक्षण should be done
The physician should always look for the सौषधं of the body and of Dushita Stanya. For the lesions on Stana, the steps should be taken as prescribed for Vidradhi.
Similar चिकित्सा Similar to विद्रधि
Vishesha Chikitsaa
Depending on the stage of the Stana Roga, the steps should be taken as prescribed for विद्रधि
Pachyamaanaavasthaa Avoid Upanaaha.
Up to Pakvaavasthaa Paachaneeya Diet regime should be followed.
खोज करें Anveshaka:
खोज करें Kalpa, Aahaara for
- Adhikaara= Stana Roga
- Vyaadhi=Stree RogaàStana Roga
- Vyaadhi=विद्रधि
C. Chi. 30, Su. U. 38, A. H. U. 34
- Yoni refers to the female organs of reproduction collectively. व्यापद is called as derangement; therefore Yonivyaapad refers to the derangement of female reproductive organs. This derangement is primarily caused by the vitiation of Vaata Dosha.
- Yonivyaapad is essentially caused by vitiation of Vaata Dosha.
- These are 20 conditions wherein S`hukra is not accepted by woman and the vaginal canal and all other reproductive organs are vitiated by Dosha. Ultimately, there is no conception or there may be many diseases like गुल्म, अर्श, Pradara etc.
Saamaanya Chikitsaa:
- The main factors in the pathogenesis are Vaata Prakopa, Raja Dusht`ee and Aaartavaha Srotas Dusht`ee.
- Therefore the treatment should be aimed at controlling Vaata Dosha, Raja and Aartavavaha Srotas Vaigun`ya.
- Due to Yonivyaapad the female cannot conceive or even if conceives, she cannot give birth to a healthy live baby after an uneventful normal pregnancy.
- Firstthe female should be administered fomentation and then internal as well as external oleation. Then the female should be subjected to all the Panchakarma_s. All the Panchakarma_s should be done as per the need and indication.
Vis`hesha Chikitsaa:
- Vaatalaa Yonivyaapad
- Pittalaa Yonivyaapad
- Kaphajaa Yonivyaapad
- Duhsthita Yoni (Vaginal prolapse):
- Sthaanaapavrita Yoni is nothing but like S`halya.
- Jihma and Samvrita Yoni à Vardhayet
- Nihsrita Yoni à Praves`hayet
- Vivrita Yoni à Parivartayet
- Rakta Yonivyaapad:
- The treatment should be based on the vitiated Dosha. That should be inferred by the colour of the discharge.
- Basically the treatment should be aimed at S`hon`itaasthaapana (stopping the discharge i.e. blood)
Yonivyaapad: General treatment guidelines
Name of Yonivyaapad | General Treatment Guidelines |
Raktayoni | Uttara Basti (Kaas`hmaryaadi Ghrita) |
Arajaskaa Yoni | Uttara Basti (Kaas`hmaryaadi Ghrita) |
Putraghnee Yoni | Uttara Basti (Kaas`hmaryaadi Ghrita) |
Arajaskaa Yoni | Jeevaneeya Ksheera (Paana)Mrigaasrigaadi Ksheera (Paana) |
Karn`inee Yoni | Taila Uttara Basti |
Acharan`aa | Taila Uttara Basti |
S`hushka Yoni | Taila Uttara Basti |
Praak Charan`aa | Taila Uttara Basti |
Acharan`aa | Kin`va + Madhu |
Praak Charan`aa | Aasthaapana / Anuvaasana (Vaataghna S`hatapaakee Taila)Svedana |
Ati Charan`aa | Aasthaapana / Anuvaasana (Vaataghna S`hatapaakee Taila)Svedana |
Vaaminee | Sanyaava Dhaaran`a / Snehana / SvedanaSneha Pichu Dhaaran`a |
Upalutaa | Sanyaava Dhaaran`a / Snehana / SvedanaSneha Pichu Dhaaran`a |
Viplutaa | S`hallakyaadi Kashaaya Saadhita Sneha Pichu |
Karn`inee | S`hleshmaghna ChikitsaaVarti Dhaaran`a |
Mahaayoni | Anuvaasana BastiUttara BastiVes`havaara Pin`d`a Bandhana |
The treatment thus improves the Stree Beeja qualitatively and removes the obstruction in reproductive system. Ultimately, a female conceives where Yoni is S`huddha, Beeja is Adusht`a and Praakrita and there is Jeevopakraman`a.
Yoni Ars`ha Chikitsaa
In females umbrella like growth develops on the internal or external area of vagina is called as Maamsakeelaka. It is venereal disease. It is polyp like growth along with itching and sticky, reddish secretions.
This should be treated according to guidelines described in अर्श चिकित्सा.(A.H.Chi.8)
अर्श (Proud flesh) should be excised and burnt followed by application of cleansing and healing formulation described in Upadams`ha चिकित्सा.
Search Anveshaka
Search for the following criteria in the fields of Dravya, Kalpa, Aahaara, Vihaara and Chikitsaa Karma.
Effect on Dosha Vaataghna
Effect on Dhaatu Rakta Stambhana, S`hon`itasthaapana.
Effect on Vyaadhi Raktapitta, Vaatavyaadhi
Effect on Upadhaatu Rajo Dusht`eeghna
Last updated on March 5th, 2021 at 09:03 am