Prakaara Paribhaashaa:
- Fomentation by means of hot bolus of prescribed drugs with or without being wrapped in a cloth (keeping inside a Pot`t`alee or applying directly over the body).
Poorvakarma (Prerequisite):
Patient preparation:
- अभ्यंग – whole body.
- S`hirobhyanga.
- Tala Dhaaran`a – A bowl like shape is prepared with the help of Aamalakee paste. This is filled with any Taila having S`heeta property. It should be covered by any leaf having Vaatahara property.
- For Ekaanga Sveda Taladharan`a need not be done.
Medicine Preparation:
- According to the type of Sveda i.e. unctuous drugs like Tila, Maasha etc. for Snigdha Sankara Sveda and dry drugs like Vaalukaa, excreta of animals etc. for Rooksha Sankara Sveda.
- Tila, Maasha, Kulattha, Maamsarasa, Ksheera, Paayasa, Amlavarga, S`hakrid of Go, Khara etc., Vaalukaa, Mritkapaala, Paas`haan`a, Loha Pind`a, Paansu, Dhaanya, Busa, Pulaaka Palaala, Kaanji, S`hasht`ika S`haalee Pin`d`a.
- Sveda can be applied to whole body or to a part of the body. (In Sandhee S`hoola at the specific joint or for diseases like शोष whole body Sveda).
- There are 2 types of this Svedana i.e.1) Snigdha Sankara Sveda – for this type of Svedana unctuous drugs like Tila, Maasha etc. are used. This is indicated in Vaata Pradhaana Doshaja Vyaadhi. 2) Rooksha Sveda – for this type of Svedana dry drugs like Vaalukaa, excreta of animals etc. are used. This is indicated in Kapha Pradhaana, Aamaja and Medaja Vyaadhi, आमवात.
- The drugs are kept inside a Pot`t`alee and made warm by immersing inside Paayasa, Maamsa Rasa etc.
- For dry Sankara Sveda the materials are heated directly and fomentation is done by direct contact with body.
- Four assistants should stand around the patient. Two assistants should do Svedana over body parts above waist and two below waist.
- The assistants should apply Sveda by constantly moving the Pot`t`alee.
- The movement should be from Manyaa towards the Kat`ee and from Kat`ee towards the legs.
- When the Svedana is applied without the help of Pot`t`alee, then the medicine should be applied directly over the body. (Annalepana)
- Precaution should be taken to avoid burns.
- The medicine should be removed with the help of leaves of Naarikela and Eran`d`a.
- The oil should be wiped out completely.
Other Description:
- It is also called as Pin`d`a Sveda.
- Vaalukaa Pot`t`alee Sveda, Annalepana, S`hasht`ika S`haalee Sveda can be included in this category.
- Precaution should be taken to avoid Dagdha.
- While administration of Annalepana or Pin`d`a Sveda physician should monitor the patient for Kosht`ha S`huddhi (by application of Gandharvahastaadi Kvaatha).
- This type of Sveda is indicated in Daahapradhaana Vyaadhi.
Last updated on April 30th, 2021 at 06:39 am