विषय सूची पर जायें


M. N. 50, C. Chi. 3

S`heetapaaneeya Samspars`haad S`heetakaale Vis`heshatah |
S`hvayathuh S`his`hiraartaanaam Udardah Kaphasambhavah ||
A. H. Ni. 2/22 Arun`adatta


  • This is a शोथ in the shape of conch shell.
  • There is Kan`d`ooTodaछर्दिज्वरVidaaha.
  • This is called as उदर्द. Its another name is शीतपित्त.
  • उदर्द is Kaphaja and it is caused due to cold stuffs. (S`his`hiraja Vikaara)
  • शीतपित्त is Vaata dominant and उदर्द is Kapha dominant.

S`hetapitta, Udarda and Kot`ha are mentioned in the next Dhaatu also, like Antah Iti S`hon`itaadau| M. Ni. 50/1 Madhukos`ha

Therefore, involvement of Dhaatu other than Rakta should be considered.

Last updated on February 12th, 2021 at 11:15 am

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