Ayurveda has thoroughly focussed on various aspects of life in a special way. Ayurveda believes in Suprajaajanana ie. birth of a baby with healthy body, mind and soul. And hence for a birth of a healthy baby Ayurveda suggest some rules to follow right from the menarche. Sus`hruta has suggested the marriageable age of man as twenty-five and of girl as sixteen years. For proper conception Ritu (season or period near ovulation or Ritukaala), Beeja (seed i.e. ovum and sperms), Kshetra (field i.e. female reproductive system esp. uterus), and Ambu (nourishing substances), S`hukra, properly functioning Vaayu and normal physiological and mental status are essential.
As the conception takes place, the normal physiological, psychological and physical status gradually changes in the pregnant woman. The foetus gets affected mentally, physiologically by the deeds of the pregnant woman and hence the emphasis has been given on the diet and life style of the pregnant woman from conception itself.
गर्भिणी परिचर्या: (Antenatal Care):
Saamaanya Aahaara- Vihaara (Wholesome Diet and life style):
- The antenatal care starts from the moment the female become pregnant. The woman should follow congenial diet and mode of life and protect herself by following good conduct.
- Woman should remain in high spirit, pious, wear clean and simple cloths and perform religious rites, do auspicious deeds and worship.
- The diet should be taken considering place of living, time of season and digestive capacity. The woman should consume S`haalee and Shasht`ika rice, Mudga(green gram), wheat, flour of parched rice, butter, pure ghee, milk, Rasaalaa, honey, jack-fruit, Aamalakee fruit, grapes, sour and sweet substances etc.
- Anointment with cooling agents like sandal, wearing of garlands, moonlight bath, massage, soft bed, cool air, gratifying edibles, embracing beloved and other pleasing mode of life along with desired food should be followed.
Maasaanumaasika Pathya (Month wise dietary regimen):
Month | Charaka | Sus`hruta | Vaagbhat`a |
First | Non-medicated milk repeatedly in desired quantity. Congenial diet in morning and evening. | Sweet, cold and liquid diet. | Non-medicated milk repeatedly in desired quantity. Ghrita (Pure ghee) for first 12 days, Sweet, cold and liquid diet. Suvarn`a Siddha Jala. |
Second | Milk treated with Madhura drugs. | Sweet, cold and liquid diet. | Milk medicated with Madhura drugs. |
Third | Milk with honey and pure ghee. | Sweet, cold and liquid diet. | Milk with honey and pure ghee. |
Fourth | Milk with 1Aksha of butter. | Cooked Shasht`ika rice with curd, pleasant foodMixed with milk, butter and meat of wild animals. | Milk with 1 Aksha of butter. |
Fifth | Pure ghee prepared with butter extracted from milk. | Cooked Shasht`ika rice with milk, meat of wild animals along with milk and pure ghee. | Pure ghee prepared with butter extracted from milk. |
Sixth | Pure ghee (prepared from milk) treated with the Madhura drugs. | Gokshura Siddha Ghrita (pure ghee) or Yavaagoo. | Pure ghee (prepared from milk) treated with the Madhura drugs. |
Seventh | Pure ghee (prepared from milk) medicated with the Madhura drugs. | Prithakaparn`yaadi Siddha Ghrita (pure ghee) | Pure ghee (prepared from milk) medicated with the Madhura drugs. |
Eighth | Yayaagoo prepared from milk should be consumed with Ghrita. | Aasthaapana Basti , Anuvaasana Basti, Snigdha Yavaagoo, Jaangala Maamsarasa | Yayaagoo prepared from milk should be consumed with Ghrita. Aasthaapana Basti , Anuvaasana Basti. |
Nine | Madhura Aushadha Siddha Anuvaasana Basti, Yoni Pichu Dhaaran`a | Not mentioned any specific dietetic regimen. | Snehayukta Maamsarasa , Anuvaasana Basti, Yoni Pichu Dhaaran`a. |
Along with the above dietary regimen Ayurveda has suggested specific medicated decoctions(Maasaanumaasika Kvaatha) for each month. The drugs mentioned in these decoctions for each month are in accordance with the foetal development in the respective month. Also specific medicated decoctions for each month are mentioned for abortion (Garbhasraavahara Kvaatha) andif complications occur.
Benefits of the month wise dietary regimen:
- The woman remains healthy and delivers the child possessing good health, strength, voice, compactness and much superior to other family members.
- The Rasa delivered from the diet taken by the pregnant woman serves three purposes:
- Nourishment of her own body.
- Nourishment of the foetus.
- Nourishment of breast or formation of breast milk.
Last updated on March 5th, 2021 at 07:15 am