C. Ni.2, C. Chi. 4, S. U. 45, M. Ni.9, C. Ni.1, A. H. Ni. 3
Nirukti Raktapitta
- Pittam Yathaabhootam Lohitapittam Iti Samdnyaam Labhate | C. Ni. 2/3
- Samsargaat Lohitapradooshan`Aat Lohitagandhavarn`Aanuvidhaanaat Cha Pittam Lohitapittam Iti Aacakshate | C. Ni. 2/5
- Raktayuktam Pittam Raktapittam | C. Ni. 2/5 Chakrapaan`Idatta
- Rakte Dooshye Pittam | C. Ni. 2/5 Chakrapaan`Idatta
- Raktavat Pittam | C. Ni. 2/5 Chakrapaan`Idatta
- Samsargaat Dooshn`Aat Tat Tu Saamaanyaad Gandhavarn`Ayoh |
Raktasya Pittam Aakhyaatam Raktapittam Maneeshibhih || C. Chi. 4/9 - Pittena Vidagdhena Raktam Raktapittam | S. U. 45/8, D`alhan`a
- Pittam Raktasya Vikriteh Samsargaad Dooshan`Aad Api |
Gandha Varn`Aanuvriteeshca Raktena Vyapadishyate || H. Ni. 3/3 - Pittena Dusht`am Raktam Raktapittam | M. Ni. 9/3 Madhukosha
- Raktam Cha Pittam Ca Iti Raktapittam | M. Ni. 9/3 Madhukosha
- Raagaparipraaptam Pittam Raktapittam | M.Ni.9/3 Madhukosha
Svaroopa रक्तपित्त
This is acute disease (Aas`hukaaree).
It spreads like forest fire.
It should be treated immediately and carefully.
When this disease changes the course (direction) it is indicative of incurability (Asaadhyatva).
It is a serious disease (Mahaagada)
It afflicts the patient very fast. (Mahaavega – greatly agitated)
It is like fire and affects instantaneously (Agnivat S`heeghrakaaree)
Pitta is a product from Rakta, Pitta combines with Rakta and vitiates it, smell and colorboth are similar for Rakta and Pitta; because of all these reasons Pitta is denoted by Rakta. (Raktena Vyapadishyate)
Mythological origin रक्तपित्त
In times of yore, the fire of wrath of Lord Rudra aroused during the destruction of Dakshas sacrifice. The body and Praan`a of living beings got heated by this fire. This resulted in the manifestation of ज्वर which is followed by रक्तपित्त.
Sampraapti Event Description रक्तपित्त
- Due to the indulgence in causative factors of Pitta, it gets aggravated.
- Rakta also increases substantially.
- This aggravated Pitta in the substantially increased amount of Rakta (Blood) traverse through all over the body together.
- It widens the openings of channels of Rakta Dhaatu due to oozing (Abhishyanda) (as Rakta exceeds its amount)
- This aggravated Pitta obstructs these channels of Rakta Dhaatu, resulting in vitiation of Rakta.
- Because of the causative factors Pitta gets excited and reaches Rakta Dhaatu.
- Pitta has its origin in Rakta. Therefore, when it reaches Rakta, it vitiates Rakta and Pitta. The result is further increase in Pitta volumetrically.
- The combined heat and liquidity of Pitta and Rakta pervade the progressive Dhaatu_s one after the other, this results in further increase of fluidity which can not be contained by the respective cells, vessels.
- Due to the continuous indulgence in anger etc., Rasa gets vitiated.
- Vitiated Rasa Dhaatu excites Pitta (Pitta Prakopa) under the influence of anger.
- This Pitta gets vitiated (Vidagdha), which with its properties like Teekshn`a etc. contaminates Rakta Dhaatu.
- This contaminated Rakta comes out of the body either through upper or lower or both the directions.
- Pitta aggravated due to causative factors, with its liquidity (Drava), combines with Rakta.
- This Pitta and Rakta became comparable in every aspect smell, Color, touch etc. Tulyaroopatvam Samavarn`atva A. H. Ni. 3/2)
- They both collectively spread all over the body.
Types रक्तपित्त
The disease manifests itself in two ways either through upper direction (Urdhva) or through lower direction (Adhah).
- Urdhva Maargaga (manifesting through upper direction)
- Adhah Maargaga (manifesting through lower direction)
It has been further added that when रक्तपित्त manifest through upper and lower, both the directions, it can be named as Ubhaya Maargaga. - Ubhaya Maargaga (manifesting through both directions)
(Yugapad Gatam S. U. 45/7; M. Ni. 9/8)
रक्तपित्त: Comparative Study
Type as per Gati (Direction) | Dosha Association | Manifesting through | CurabilitySaadyaasaadyatva | Treatment |
Urdhva | Shleshmaa | Karn`a, Naasaa, Netra, Aasya orSeven apertures in headAamaas`haya | Saadhya (Curable) | Virechana, Madhura Aushadha |
Adhah | Vaata | Mootra and Pureesha Maarga or two apertures at the lower side of bodyPakvaas`hayaMed`hra, Yoni, Guda | Yaapya (remains subsided till the treatment is going on palliative) | वमन, Tikta and Kashaaya Rasa |
Urdhva and Adhaho (Ubhaya) | Shleshmaa and Vaata | All the apertures of human body Inclusing Skinpores(Sarvachchhidra or Romakoopa) | Asaadhya (Not curable) | वमन and Virechana is not applicable, there is no medicine too. |
As per the Dosha association in रक्तपित्त it is classified in to
- Kaphaanvita (Saadhya) with Kapha
- Vaatika (Saadhya) with Vaata
- Paittika (Saadhya) with Pitta
- Saannipaatika (Asaadhya) All the three Dosha
- Dvidoshaja (Yaapya) by any two Dosha combination
By considering the external features of the blood, it is divided in to sevenTypes.
S. U. 45/8 D`alhan`a
(Tasya Raktapittasya Samkhyaa Saptavidhaah)
- Urdhva Saadhya
- Adhah Yaapya
- Ubhaya Asaadhya
- Kaphaanvita Saadhya
- Vaatika Saadhya
- Paittika Saadhya
- Saannipaatika Asaadhya
- Dvidoshaja Yaapya
Last updated on February 12th, 2021 at 04:51 am