Introduction: Clinical examination is divided into two parts Roga Pareekshaa i.e. examination of disease and Rogee pareekshaa i.e. examination of the Patient. These examinations are of various types as follows:
Clinical Examination
Roga Pareekshaa(Examination of Disease) | Rogi Pareekshaa(Examination of Patient) | ||
Nidaana Panchaka (Five Types of Examination) | Trividha (Three Fold Examination) | Asht`avidha (Eight Fold Examination) | Das`havidha (Ten Fold Examination) |
Hetu (Causative Factors of Disease) | Dars`hana (Inspection/Observation) | Naad`ee (Pulse) | Dosha Prakriti (Body Constitution) Maanasa Prakriti (Pshycological Constitution) |
Poorvaroopa (Prodromal Signs & Symptoms of impending Disease) | Spars`hana (Palpation) | Mala (Examination of faeces) | Vikriti |
Roopa (Signs & Symptoms of Disease) | Pras`hna (Questions/Interrogation) | Mootra (Examination of urine) | Saara (Qualitative assessment of Body tissues) |
Sampraapti (Pathogenesis) | Jihvaa (Examination of Tongue ) | Samhanana (Examination of compactness or firmness of the body / Tone) | |
Upas`haya-Anupas`haya (Symptoms Relived or Aggrevated by) | S`habda (Examination of voice of the patient) | Vyaamas`hakti (Capacity of Strenuous physical activity) | |
Spars`ha(Palpation) | Aahaars`hakti (Capacity of consumption and power of digestion of diet) | ||
Drik (Examination of Eye) | Saatmya (Homologous to / Wholesome) Asaatmya (Unwholesome) | ||
Aakriti (General appearance / Build / Physique) | |||
Sattva (Menal state) | |||
Pramaan`a (Anthropometric Measurements) | |||
Vaya (Chronological Age) |
Examination of Disease: For thorough investigation of disease five types of information is needed. It is called as Nidaana Panchaka. Nidaana Panchaka consists of five tools for diagnosing a disease. They are Hetu (Information about Causative Factors), Poorvaroopa (Prodromal signs & symptoms), Roopa (Signs & symptoms), Sampraapti (Pathogenesis) and Upas`haya-Anupas`haya (Relieving or aggravating factors from food, drud and / or regimen).
- Hetu: Hetu means causative factor. Nimitta, Aayatana, Pratyaya, Utthaana, Kaaran`a and निदान are synonyms of Hetu. These are initiators of a disease. Actual disease development process starts afterwards. To understand effect, role etc. of Hetu in disease development, they are classified into various types as follows:
Type of HetuClassification 1 Classification 2 Classification 3 Classification 4 Classification 5 Sannikrisht`a Asaatmendriyaartha Sanyoga Vyaadhi Hetu Vyanjaka Baahya Viprakrisht`a Pradnyaaparaadha Dosha Hetu Utpaadaka Aabhyantara Vyabhichaaree Parin`aama Ubhaya Hetu Praadhaanika - Poorvaroopa: Means prodromal signs and symptoms. Theseare symptoms or indications of the imending disease. Before the actual onset of the disease some symptoms develop and they give clues about the forthcoming disease. Such symptoms are called as Poorvaroopa. There are two types of Poorvaroopa viz. Saamaanya (General) and Vis`hesha (Specific) Poorvaroopa.
Saamaanya (General) Poorvaroopa: The symptoms which give a clue regarding the forthcoming diasease without giving an idea of predominant Dosha due to which particular symptoms occur is called as Saamaanya Poorvaroopa. E.g. Arati, Aruchi, Jrimbhaa etc. are Saamaanya Poorvaroopa of Jvara.
Vis`hesha (Specific) Poorvaroopa: The symptoms which give a clue regarding the forthcoming diasease at the same time giving an idea of the predominant vitiated Dosha due to which particular symptoms occur is called as Vis`hesha Poorvaroopa e.g Angamarda, Jrimbhaa are Vis`hesha Poorvaroopa of Vaataja Jvara. - Roopa: Means signs and symptoms of actual manifestation of disease. Thisis a group of signs and symptoms, which develop after the pathogenesis of disease e.g. Aruchi, Klama and Tiktodgaara etc., are Roopa of अम्लपित्त. By knowing Roopa physician get more clear idea about disease.
- Sampraapti: Means pathogenesis of disease. Theprocess of pathogenesis from Hetu Sevana till the manifestation of the disease is called Sampraapti .All the stages from the very contact of the body with etiological factor to the development of disease are called as Sampraapti. Ehnce it is a dynamic process. Thorough understanding of Sampraapti is very essential for deciding appropriate line of treatment. To understand pathogenesis of disease Sampraapti is divided in to five types i.e.
Sankhyaa Sampraapti classificationaccording to main types of disease
Vikalpa Sampraapti statement or identification of the Dosha subtype
Praadhaanya Sampraapti statement of principal and the secondary Dosha
Bala Sampraapti classification according to the strength of participating Dosha
Kaala Sampraapti classification of pathogenesis according to time of onset and progress - Upas`haya-Anupas`haya: For diagnosing disease, specific group of signs and symptoms are essential. But if the symptoms are feeble / masked or not well marked then physician has to adopt a trial and error method which is called as Upas`haya-Anupas`haya. Using this method physician can diagnose or differentiate disease or disease condition. It is one of the procedures to diagnose the involvement of Dosha e.g. hot water poured over the paining joint of a person so as to reduce the intensity of pain. It indicates the involvement of Vaata Dosha.
Upas`haya: A judicial use of drug, diet and regimen to relieve the disease symptoms is Upas`haya, the palliating factors. Suitable remedies, food articles and / or regimen those allay the disease from which the diagnosis can be made are known as Upas`haya. These are specific factors, which pacify the symptoms of a disease e.g. Pratamaka S`hvaasa relived due to cold wheather, food (mainly due to diet and lifestyle which has dominant cold attribute.).
Anupas`haya: These are the precipitating factors. They are a help in diagnosing a condition, which has masked symptoms. The entity viz. drug, diet or regimen, which aggravates the symptoms of disease, is called Anupas`haya. It is also a tool for diagnosis like Upas`haya. It has exactly opposite characteristic of Upas`haya e.g. Tamaka S`hvaasa agreevated due to cold wheather, food. (Mainly due to diet and lifestyle which has dominant cold attribute).
It is an important tool to diagnose a condition with masked symptomatology. It is classified in various ways as enumerated below:
Upas`haya Bheda | Aushadha | Aahaara | Vihaara |
Hetuvipareeta | S`hun`t`hi in S`heeta Jvara | Maamsarasa in Vaata Jvara | To advise Jaagaran`a to a patient who is suffering from Kapha Vriddhi due to Divaasvaapa |
Vyaadhivipareeta | Use of Paat`haa or Kut`aja in Atisaara | Use of Masoora Kris`haraa in अतिसार | Virechana in उदावर्त |
Hetu-Vyaadhivipareeta | Use of Das`hamoola Kvaatha in Vaataja S`hotha | Use of Takra in VaataKaphaja ग्रहणी | To advise Jaagaran`a to patient who is suffering from Tandraa due to Divaasvaapa & Snigdha Aahaara |
Hetuvipareetaarthakaaree | Upanaaha of Pittakara Ushn`a Dravya in Pittaja Vran`as`hotha | Pittakara Aahaara in Pittaja Vran`as`hotha | Traasanaचिकित्सा in Vaatajaउन्माद |
Vyaadhivipareetaarthakaaree | Use of Madanaphala in छर्दि | Use of Milk as purgative in अतिसार | Stimulating the root of tongue to create vomiting sensation in छर्दि |
Hetu-Vyaadhivipareetaarthakaaree | Use of Agaroo in burns | Use of Paisht`ika Madya in Madaatyaya due to Gaud`ika Madya | To advise swimming to patient who is suffering from उरुस्तंभ due to Ativyaayaama |
A) Examination of Patient: It comprises of Trividha Pareekshaa, Asht`avidha Pareekshaa and Das`havidha Pareekshaa.
a) Trividha Pareekshaa: It consist of three fold examination i.e Dars`hana, Spars`ha and Pras`hn`a
- Darsh`ana: Dars`hana means observation / inspection. It is most important and authentic examination. Physician can observe color, secretions, oedema, infection, tumour etc. using Darshan`a Pareekshaa.
- Spars`ha: Spars`hana means palpation. It is useful for finding spleenomegaly, hepatomegaly, texture of skin etc.
- Pras`hn`a: Pras`hna means interrogation. For getting information about origin, progress, duration, nature etc. of symptoms and the disease physician has to ask various questions to patients. All such interrogation comes under this examination.
B) Asht`avidha Pareekshaa:- Asht`avidha Pareeksha provides a clear picture of nature of ailment and patient’s internal environment. It involves the examination of pulse (Naad`ee), tongue (Jihvaa), voice (S`habda), skin (Tvak), eye (Netra), general appearance (Aakriti), urine (Mootra) & stool (Mala).
- Naad`ee Pareekshaa: It is examination of pulse. An experienced Ayurvedic physician can assess the individual constitution, pathological state (Vikriti), imbalances of Dosha, very subtle observations and even prognosis of disease through the pulse. The ideal time for pulse examination is early morning on empty stomach. But in case of emergency, it can be examined at any time of the day or night. Following characteristics of Naad`ee are observed in examination:
Gambheera Gati
Hamsa Gati
Man`d`ooka Gati
Sarpa Gati
Vyaakula - S`habda Pareekshaa: It is examination of voice. Dosha affect the natural voice of an individual. Normal voice of the person is expected to be examined in Prakriti and Saarataa application and the altered voice in ill health is expected to be examined in S`habda Pareekshaa. Following characteristics of voice observed in S`habda Pareekshaa:
Bhinna Kaansyatulya Svara
Bhinna Svara
Jarjara Svara
Kshaama Svara
Saanunaasika Svara
Sakta Svara
Sanna Svara
Svara Graha
Svara Haani
Svara Kshaya
Svara Raukshya
Svara Saada
Svara Vikritatva
S`heeghra Vaak
Vaak Jad`atva
Vaak Krichchratva
Vaak Paarushya - Spars`ha Pareekshaa: It is also known as palpation. Palpation is an important clinical method for examination of skin and organs underneath. The examination helps to identify the Dosha responsible for the sign as well as severity of the disease / pain etc. Following characteristics of skin observed in Spars`ha Pareekshaa:
Kharaspars`hee Tvak
Chala-Achala Granthi
S`heetaspars`hayukta Granthi
Spars`haasahatva (Sthaana:- Kan`t`ha)
Spars`haasahatva (Sthaana:- Ars`ha)
Spars`haasahatva (Sthaana:- Paada)
Spars`haadynaanam (Sthaana:- Adhah Kaaya)
Spars`ha Haani (Sthaana:- Med`hra)
Spars`haasahatva (Sthaana:- Yoni)
Spars`haasahatva (Sthaana:- Netra)
Ars`haspars`ha Preeti
S`habda Asthni (Spars`hamaane)
Spars`ha Sahatva (Sthaana:- Ars`ha)
Kharaspars`hee Kes`ha
Parusha Spars`ha (Sthaana:- Mukha)
S`heetaspars`ha Adnyaana (Sthaana:- Paada)
Spars`haasahatva (Sthaana:- S`hira)
Spars`haasahatva (Sthaana:- Sandhi)
Spars`haasahatva (Sthaana:- Ura) - Drik Pareekshaa: It is examination of eye of an individual. Dosha affect the eyes of an individual. Normal eyes of the person are expected to be examined in Prakriti and Saarataa application and the altered colour or appearance in ill health is expected to examine in this field e.g. In jaundice colour of sclera becomes yellow, in Arjuna a disease of eye it becomes red etc. Following characteristics ( Colour, Vision etc.) of eye observed in Netra Pareekshaa:
Varn`a:– Taamra, S`hveta, Rakta etc.
Sraava:– Raktavarn`ee, S`hveta, Ghana etc.
Adhesions:– Granthi, Arbuda, Pid`akaa, S`hotha, Maamsaankura etc.
Svaroopa: Paans`hupoorn`asadris`ha Netra, Yakritpin`d`asadris`ha Netra
Adhah Drisht`i
Chhatrasadris`ha Drisht`i
Dagdhasadris`ha Drisht`i
Drisht`i Kalushatva
Drisht`i Naas`ha
Drisht`i Saada
Drisht`i Sankocha
Drisht`i Stambha
Hrasva Drisht`i
Ksheen`a Drisht`i
Oordhva Drisht`i - Aakriti Pareekshaa: Aakriti is also known as general appearance of the patient. In many of diseases body looses its natural appearance, shape or form by which the disease can be identified e.g. in Haleemaka disease the patient looks like a frog (Bhekaabha), in Krosht`ukas`heersha knee joint appears like head of jackal. Following characteristics of appearance observed in Aakriti Pareekshaa:
Ati Deergha
Ati Hrasva
Anupachita - Mala Pareekshaa: Means stool examination. Physician has to watch for color, consistency, and quantity etc. of stool. Following characteristics of stool observed in Mala Pareekshaa:
Aavila Malapravritti
Anekavarn`ayukta Atisaara
Arun`avarn`ee Malapravritti
Haritavarn`ee Atisaara
Haritavarn`ee Malapravritti
Krishn`avarn`ee Malapravritti
Mechakaabha(Varn`asadris`ha) Malapravritti
Naanaavarn`ayukta Malapravritti
Neelavarn`ee Malapravritti
Paan`d`uvarn`ee Malapravritti
Peetavarn`ee Drava Malapravritti
S`hyaava Malapravritti
Sarvavarn`ayukta Malapravritti
Pramaan`a (Quantity): Adhika Malapravritti, Alpa Malapravritti
Achchha Malapravritti
Aniyata Aama Mala
Aniyata Bhinna Mala
Aniyata S`hushka Mala
Aniyata Vibaddha Mala
Anjanasadris`ha Malapravritti
AnnasahitaKrichchhra Malapravritti
Annasahita Malapravritti
Apakva Malapravritti
Bhinna Malapravritti
Chandrakasadris`ha Malapravritti
Dagdhagud`asadris`ha Malapravritti
Ghana Malapravritti
Ghritasadris`ha Malapravritti
Grathita Malapravritti
Guru Malapravritti
Jalasadris`ha Malapravritti
Kardamasadris`ha Malapravritti
Khara Malapravritti
Ksheerasadris`ha Malapravritti
Maamsadhaavanasadris`ha Atisaara
Maamsadhaavanasadris`ha Malapravritti
Mala Kaat`hinya
Mala S`hosha
Masheesadris`ha Malapravritti
Mastulungasadris`ha Malapravritti
Niraama Malapravritti
Pakva Malapravritti
Pakvaraktasadris`ha Malapravritti
Pooyasadris`ha Malapravritti
Rooksha Malapravritti
S`heeta Malapravritti
S`hushka Malapravritti
Saama Malapravritti
Saandra Malapravritti
Drava Malapravritti
AlpaAlpa Abheekshn`a Malapravritti
Alpa Alpa Sas`habda Malapravritti
Krite Api Akrit Samdnyaa
Mala Sanga
Mala Vibandha
Muhurmuhu Grathita Malapravritti
Pravaahan`apas`hchaat Malapravritti
Gandha (Smell):
Aamagandhi Malapravritti
Aamamatsyagandhi Malapravritti
Durgandhi Malapravritti
Kun`apagandhi Malapravritti
Pootigandhi Malapravritti
Pureeshagandhi Mootrapravritti
S`havagandhi Malapravritti
Visragandhi Malapravritti
Associated Lakshan`a:
Kapharaktayukta Atisaara
Pichchhaasahita Malapravritti
Sadaaha Atisaara
Sadaaha Malapravritti
Sakapha Atisaara
Sakapha Malapravritti
Sarakta Atisaara - Mootra Pareekshaa: Means urine examination. Physician has to watch for color, consistency, and quantity etc. of urine.Following characteristics of urine observed in Mala Pareekshaa:
Sarva Varn`ayukta
Alpa Alpa
Basti Peed`anapas`hchaat
Bindush`ah Ajasra
Muhur Muhuh
Pramaan`a (Quantity): Alpa, Bahu/Adhika
Gandha (Smell):
Associated Lakshan`a:
Mootramaaragagata Jalsraava
Mootramaarga S`hoola
Mootra Poorva S`hukrasraava
Mootra Pas`hchaat S`hukrasraava - Jihvaa: Means examination of tongue. Tongue examination is important for assessing status of gastrointestinal tract. Following characteristics of tongue observed in Jihvaa Pareekshaa:
Varn`a(Colour): Peeta, S`hyaava, Krishn`a,
S`hotha(Oordva Bhaage)
S`hotha (Adho Bhaage),
c) Das`havidha Rugn`a Pareekshaa:- This is set of ten parameters aimed at evaluating the individual for diagnosis and then assessing selected Dravya, Kalpa, Aahaara for compatibility for management. They are
- S`haareera Prakriti: Prakriti is the Ayurvedic profile or unique psychosomatic temperament of an individual, encompassing his or her physical, functional and behavioural characteristics determined at the time of conception. The varying proportions of Kapha, Pitta and Vaata Dosha determining the S`haareera Prakriti i.e. in the body type play a pivotal role. A body type is also termed as Personal Disposition or Physical Constitution. Types of Prakriti:
Types of Dosha Prakriti
a. Vaatapradhaana
b. Pittapradhaana
c. Kaphapradhaana
d. Vaatapradhaana Pittaanubandhi
e. Pittapradhaana Vaataanubandhi
f. Kaphapradhaana Vaataanubandhi
g. Vaatapradhaana Kaphaanubandhi
h. Pittapradhaana Kaphaanubandhi
i. Kaphapradhaana Pittaanubandhi
j. Samaprakriti
Maanasa Prakriti: It is described as psychological traits. This influences the individuals life style, his response pattern to a stimulus and thus the health too. Depending upon the nature these are categorized as Sattvapradhaana, Rajapradhaana and Tamapradhaana. Depending on these traits physician can guess the psychological health as well as behaviours in diseased condition. Physician can also judge the severity of signs and symptoms severity on the grounds of Maanasa Prakriti.
Types of Maanasa Prakriti
a. Sattvapradhaana
b. Rajahpradhaana
c. Tamahpradhaana - Vikriti: Meanstransformed, altered, changed; deformed, disfigured and unnatural (M.W.) It should be examined by Hetu, Dosha, Dushya, Prakriti, Des`ha, Kaala, Bala, Hetu Bala, Lakshan`a Bala etc. to understand prognosis of disease.
Prognosis of Disease E.g. Heena Bala Vyaadhi When Dosha, Dushya, Prakriti, Desh`a and Kaala is uncommonsigns and symptoms are less then disease is in such condition is easy to cure. Dosha=Vaata, Dushya= Maamsa, Prakriti=Kapha, Desh`a=Aanoopa, Kaala= S`harada Madhya Bala Vyaadhi When some of the factors from Dosha, Dushya, Prakriti, Desh`a and Kaala are common and some are uncommon and signs and symptoms are of medium intensity then in such condition disease is difficult to cure. Dosha=Vaata, Dushya= Maamsa, Prakriti=Kapha, Desh`a=Jaangala, Kaala= Hemanta Balavaana Vyaadhi When Dosha, Dushya, Prakriti, Desh`a and Kaala is commonsigns and symptoms are severe then in such condition disease is very difficult to cure. Dosha=Vaata, Dushya= Asthi, Prakriti=Vaata, Desh`a=Jaangala, Kaala= Varshaa - Dhaatusaarataa: Dhaatu means body constituents. These are seven in number and their qualitative assessment can be performed by Saarataa Pareekshan`a. Saara is the essence of that particular constituent. It reflects on various body parts in a positive manner by which it is assessed e.g. positive sign related to particular part indicates Saarataa of related constituent and absence of these signs indicate Asaarataa (devoid of Saarataa) of the same constituent. In Madhya Saarataa signs of both Saarataa and Asaarataa are present. Physician can also judge the signs and symptoms severity as well as prognosis of the disease on the grounds of Saarataa. Types of Saarataa are
a. Rasa Saara or Rasa-Asaara
b. Rakta Saara or Rakta-Asaara
c. Maamsa Saara or Maamsa-Asaara
d. Majjaa Saara or Majjaa-Asaara
e. Asthi Saara or Asthi-Asaara
f. Meda Saara or Meda-Asaara
g. S`hukra Saara or S`hukra-Asaara
h. Sarva Saara or Sarva-Asaara
i. Sattva Saara or Sattva-Asaara - Samhanana: Examination of compactness or firmness of the body is called as Samhanana Pareekshaa. Samhanana is one of the parameters to know the Bala (strength) of an individual. E.g. Pravara Samhanana implies good strength, Madhyama Samhanana impliesmedium strength and Avara Samhanana implies low strength. (It is the evaluation of Muscle power for this parameter.) Samhanana is mainly about Maamsa not bones, joints and ligaments; the individual should examine the tone, firmness of musculature and not density of bones. The parameters for this examination are: –
Examination of bones: – for symmetry (Sama) and well separation or distribution (Suvibhakta).
Examination of joints: – for firm closure or covering by ligaments.
Examination of Flesh and Blood: – for well situation / condition. - Aahaaras`hakti: It is defined as capacity of consumption and power of digestion of diet taken through out the day all together. Amount of intake of individual articles and all taken together is an indicator of Agnibala / Aahaaras`hakti. Time taken for digesting the ingested food is an indicator of Agnibala / Aahaaras`hakti. If both the capacities are good, Aahaaras`hakti is considered as Pravara (high), if these are medium Aahaaras`hakti is considered as Madhyama (moderate), and if these are poor Aahaaras`hakti is considered as Avara (low). Physical Strength (Bala) and life span (Ayu) is dependant of Aahaaras`hakti. Hence its assessment is important.
- Vyaayaamas`hakti: Any desired strenuous physical activity which results in increase in physical power and efficiency is Vyaayaama (exercise). During exercise appearance of sweat over forehead, armpits, joints and over nose and a need to breathe through mouth are the signs of half physical strength (Ardha S`hakti Vyaayaama). From this Vyaayaamas`hakti of anindividual can be assessed. The time taken by the individual to reach the Ardha S`hakti is to be noted on first visit and on subsequent visits to note the Upas`haya / Anupas`haya of the management. You are allowed to use your parameters to calculate it and expected to select the related result from the list provided in this field as Pravara (high), Madhyama (moderate) or Avara (low).
- Saatmya: Saatmya are those stimuli which are homologous to the internal environment and do not generate an adverse reaction in an individual, this is decided at the time of Prakriti formation. This is termed as Sahaja Saatmya while there are certain habits a person acquires during his life span; they also do not generate adverse reaction after being accustomed to them. These are termed as Oka / Abhyaasa Saatmya. Mostly it is related to food items such as ghee, milk, oil and meat soup and six basic tastes (sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent) of the food. If an individual can consume all the above mentioned substances without any adverse reaction in the body, its Saatmya is considered as high (Pravara). If an individual can consume some of the above mentioned substances without any adverse reaction in the body, its Saatmya is considered as moderate (Madhyama). If an individual can consume dry substances and only one taste of the six without any adverse reaction in the body, its Saatmya is considered as low (Avara). Saatmya is directly proportional to strength (Bala), capacity to tolerate pain (Kles`hasahatva) and longevity.
Asaatmya: Any stimulus that elicits an adverse reaction in the internal environment, sense organs, mind and the soul or any of them is Asaatmya e.g. Asaatmya of particular substance like milk products, non-vegetarian food etc. - Sattva: Sattvarefers to the mental state, which controls the body in collaboration with the soul. Depending on degree of mental strength, it is considered to bePravara (high), Madhyama (moderate) or Avara (low). Pravara Sattva is Sattva Saara. A person when capable of rationalising the situation he is in; in an objective manner and does not need any support moral or otherwise to face the situation is of Pravara Sattva.A person who can withstand the adverse situation on being consoled and cheered by others is of Madhyama Sattva. A person who cannot bear any change in the situation pleasurable or painful and who lacks the capacity to rationalise is possessed of Avara Sattva. Examination of Sattva is important for understanding his response to the condition he is in: in ill health as well as to judge the severity of the signs and symptoms for deciding the prognosis. (For details see C.Vi. 8/119)
- Pramaan`a Pareekshaa: In healthy individuals the normal proportions (Anthropometric measurements) of all body parts in terms of Anguli measurement are mentioned in classical texts. This examination is significant from the point of view of immunity and longevity. E.g.
Deerghatva(Aayaama) Parikshepa (parin`aaha) Vistaara Paada 14 angula 6 angula 6 angula Janghaa 18 angula 16 angula Jaanu 4 angula 16 angula Uroo 18 angula 30 angula Vrushan`a 6 angula 8 angula S`hepha 6 angula 5 angula Bhaga 12 angula - Vaya: Various conditions of body which depends upon Kaala and Praamaan`a are called as Vaya. It is mainly divided in to three parts
Vaya | Age Group | |
Baala | 1 To 25 | This group is again divided in to two sub groups.1) Up to sixteen years Dhaatu are not fully developed. There is dominance of Kapha in the body. 2) After sixteen years Dhaatu are in developing stage. (Anavasthita Chitta) |
Madhya | 26 To 60 | Dhaatu are fully developed. Disease resisting power is at its peak. There is dominance of Pitta in the body. (Bala, Veerya, Paurusha, Paraakrama, Grahan`a, Dhaaran`a, Smaran`a, Vachana and Vidnyaana Sampannataa) |
Jeern`a | After 60 | Depletion of Dhaatu takes place with progressive increase of Vaata in the internal environment. There is dominance of Vaata. (Bala, Veerya, Paurusha, Paraakrama, Grahan`a, Dhaaran`a, Smaran`a, Vachana and Vidnyaana Asampannataa) |
Disease prognosis, line of treatment depends upon age of the patient.
Importance of Das`havidha Pareekshaa: Selection of medicine is dependent upon Samhanana, Aahaaras`hakti, Vyaayaams`hakti, Saatmya, Sattva and Vaya of patient and condition of involved Dosha. e.g.
Aushadha | Sanhana,Aahaaras`hakti,Vyaayaams`hakti, Saatmya, Sattva, Vaya |
Mridu Aushadha | Avara |
Madhya Aushadha | Madhya |
Teekshn`a Aushadha | Pravara |
Thus Nidaana Panchaka, Asht`vidha Pareekshaa and Das`havidha Pareekshaa are three pillars of clinical examination. In order to diagnose and treat the disease, physician should practise this examination.
Last updated on March 26th, 2021 at 12:26 pm