विषय सूची पर जायें

अग्नि सम्प्राप्ति

C.Su.1, 12, Chi.13, 15, Vi.5, S.Su.21, A.H.Su.9, 12, Chi.12.

Concept of Agni:
Agni is the energy required for any transformation and all physiological processes. Health and diseases are results of normal and vitiated Agni respectively. Agni regulates all life processes also its vitiation can lead to any kind of disease.

Normal functions of Agni:
Ayu (Chetanaavriti), Varn`a, Bala, Svaasthya, Utsaaha, Upachaya, Prabhaa Bhuddhi Kaanti, Praan`a, Oja, Teja are dependent on normal Agni (Prabalatva).

Types of Agni:

According to functions
According to functions there are thirteen types of Agni. Those are Jat`haraagni, 7 Dhaatvagni and 5 Bhootaagni.

Jaat`haraagni: Among all types, Jaatharaagi is most important and responsible for conversion of food (which is nutritive to Shaarira, Dhaatu Ojas Bala and Varn`a)to Apakva Ahaara rasa further in to Pakva Ahaara rasa, which is further transformed into Rakataadi Dhaatu.

DhaatvaagniSeven Dhaatvaagni is situated in the respective Dhaatus whichon digestion and conversion get altered into further Dhaatus producing Saara (essence) and Kit`t`a (desecrate) Part. E.g. Rasa Dhaatvaagni converts Rasa Dhaatu in to Prasaada bhoota Uttara Dhaatu i.e. Rakta and Updhaatu i.e. Stanya and during this process the Kit`t`a / mala part produced as Kapha.

BhootagniThese Bhootaagni are five Paarthiva, Aapya, Taijas, Vaayaveeya and Naabhasa. Ahaara, which is Pancha Bhauatika; digested by these respective Agni, which further provide nutrition to the body. Thus Bhootaagni transforms the As`haarira Mahaabhoota (external Mahaabhoota) to S`haarira Mahaabhoota.
E.g. – When we drink (water) the water is transformed by Jala Mahabhootaagni to the S`haarir Jala. Thus, Bhootaagni are responsible for the processing of the five basic elements into a composition useful to the body.

 According to vitiation

अग्निमांद्य is the causative factor of most of the diseases. According to type of vitiation, Agni is of four types. They are as follows:

Teekshn`a (penetrating) Due to its intense attribute it can digest food matter in (Quantity wise) Maatra guru, (Quality wise) Guru Dravya, Viruddha Anna, Vishama Anna. Also at the end of digestion it causes Gala Taalu Osht`ha S`hosha, Daaha Santaapa. It is found in Pitta pradhaana Prakriti or due to influence of Pitta Dosha on Jaatharagni.

This condition when gets more aggravated it iscalledBhasmaka / AtyagniThis is a disease caused due to the hyperactivity of the digestive capacity (Teekshn`aagni). After having food, a person gets relief and after the digestion gets irritated. Due to Teekshn`aagni the digestion is very fast.

Sampraapti of Teekshn`aagni:

  1. When aggravated Pitta gets associated with Vaayu, in a Kapha depleted condition; with the help of scorching attribute, Agni empowers Pitta.
  2. This Pita is strengthened leading to augmentation of Agni.
  3. This increased Agni digests food quickly, digests, and if not supplied by food, absorbs normal Dhaatu.
  4. It leads to the weaknessand death.

Manda (Mild): The properties are exact opposite to Teekshn`aagni. It cannot digest even adequate amount of food and causes the Vidaaha. This Vidagdha Ahaara is expelled out of body causing vomiting or diarrhoea. Mandaagni causes उदर Gaurava, Kaasa, S`hvaasa, Gaatra Sadana and any disease. It is found in Kaphapradhaana Prakriti or caused due to influence of Kapha Dosha on Jaatharagni.
Sama (Normal): It remains normal only when Pathyaaahaara and Vihaaara is observed by an individual and gets altered with Mithyaaahaara and Vihaaara. It causes Dhaatu saamya when adequate amount of diet is consumed. It is found in Sama Prakriti.
Vishama (Unequal): The properties are exact antagonistic to Samaagni. It causes Dhaatuvaishamya. It sometimes digests food adequately or some time may cause disorders like Aadhmaana, S`hoola, Udaavarta, Udara Gaurava, Antrakoojana Pravahan`a.It is found in Vaatapradhaana Prakriti. This is caused due to Samaana Vaayu Vaigun`ya.

Agni and Dosha:
Agni is associated with Pitta Dosha that is responsible for following actions occurring in body. Agni is always associated with Pitta. The five types of Pitta are also termed as Paachakaagni, Braajakaagni, Saadhakaagni, Ranjakaagni and Aalochakaagni.

Praan`a and Apaana vaayu are responsible for Dhmaapana of Agni. Samaana vaayu is responsible formaintenanceof Agni.

Agni and Ritu Sambandha:- Greeshma is Agni dominant.
Jaat`haaragni status with relation to Ritu

Ritu Pravrit`a

Agni Sthaana :-
Pitta Dosha, Grahan`ee and Naabhi are seat of Agni.
Grahan`ee: ग्रहणी is Agni Adhist`haana it is also called Pittadharaa Kalaa, which withholds and assimilates all types of food(As`hita, Khaadita, Peeta, Leed`ha)so is called Grahan`i, When Agni is Manda The food without digestion passes through Annavaha Srotas.
Paachaka Pitta: – Paachaka Pitta that resides in mid portion of Pakvas`haya and Aamaas`haya. Though being Paanchabhauteeka it is predominantly Agni Gun`a Pradhaana leaves its liquid state and becomes Kat`hina and is responsible for digestion. This Paachakaagni segregates the digested food into Saara and Kit`t`a and provides strength to Saadhakaadi Types of Pitta. In addition, if Paachakaagni is increased, all the other Agni gets stimulated and if it is decreased, all the other Agni is depleted.
Diseases and Agni: Mandaagni causes most of the diseases (उदर etc.) some of such diseases are classified as example.

MandaagniDhaatvaagni maandyaTeekshn`aagni
Aama doshaja vikaara  
Alsaka, Visuchikaa  

Agni Chikitsaa

C.Su.1,12, Chi13,15,Vi.5, A.H.Su.9, 12, Chi10, S. Su.21, 35

Saamaanya Chikitsaa:
Maintenance of normal Agni is aimed in all health and treatment guidelines; hence Kaaya Chikitsaa is Antaragni ChikitsaaSamaagni is one of the criteria of healthy status. Thus Paachakaagni should be maintained in normal status that also will provide healthy life.

Treatment guidelines for specific Agni disorders.

Should be maintainedRasaAmla, Lavan`a, Kat`uGun`aSnigdhaRasaAmla, Lavan`a, Kat`u, TiktaChikitsaa Karma: Vamana, SnehanaAahaara: Arisht`a Suraa AasavaRasa: MadhuraGun`a: Snigdha, Guru, SheetaChikitsaa Karma: Virechana

Mandaaagni: Hetuvipareeta Chikitsaa

Upavaasa, Adhvagamana Janya Ghritaad`hya Yavaagoo, Snigdhd Aahaara
उदावर्त Janya Mandaaagni Nirooha and Anuvasana Basti
Dosha Vriddhi Janya Mandaaagni Vamana, Virechana followed by Vriddha Dosha Chikitsaa
Mandaagni after Vyaadhi Ghrita Paana

Bhasmaka /Atyaagni चिकित्सा:

Aahaara Gun`aDietshould be administered having following properties.
Madhura rasa, Guru, Sheeta, Manda, Saandra, Hima, Sthira, Snigdha, Vijjala, Pichchhla Guru, S`leshmala (Kaphakara), Medura (Fatty)
(Refer भस्मक चिकित्सा)

Search Anveshaka
खोज करें Dravya, Aahaara, Kalpa, Chikitsaa Karma for

Rasa – Kat`u Kashaaya,Tikta
Effect on Agni – Agnivardhana, Agni Deepana,
Karma – Deepana,
Indicated Vyaadhi – Agnimaandya
Aahaara / Kalpa Kalpanaa – Arisht`a, Suraa, Aasava

Last updated on March 24th, 2021 at 05:28 am

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