विषय सूची पर जायें



A therapeutic external use of Agni in a particular body region is called अग्निकर्म. It could also be called the therapeutic burn.

S.Su. 12-2 (D`alhan`a)

  • Its superiority and importance –
  • Agnikarma Chikitsaa is superior to Kshaarakarma.
  • Non-responding diseases to medicine, surgery or क्षारकर्म are curable by Agnikarma.
  • The diseases that are cured by अग्निकर्म do not recur.

S.Su. 12-3

Types of Dahanopakaran`aani and their exact action on the tissues of body:

They could be classified as –

  1. Vanaspatija – Pippalee, (Pipper Longum) Yasht`imadhu (Glycerrhiza Glabra Linn.) Haridraa (Curcuma longa), Gud`a,( jaggery) Sneha – TailaSarjarasa (herbal)
  2. Praan`ija – Ajas`hakritaGodantaMadhoochchhisht`a (animal-origin)
  3. Metallic and others – Panchadhaatu (Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron and Brass)

S`hara ShalaakaJambavausht`haSooryakaantaSoochi, Stone

For –

  1. Tvakgata Vaata VikaaraPippaleeAjas`hakritaGodantaS`hara S`halaakaa
  2. Maamsagata Vikaara – Jambavausht`haPanchadhaatu S`halaakaa Kshaudra
  3. SiraaSnaayuSandhiमर्मMadhu (Kshaudra), Gud`a (Jaggery), Sneha.


  • Contraindications:

Sites – SiraaSnaayuSandhiAsthi and मर्म

  1. If there is bleeding from Siraaअग्निकर्म should be undertaken as the last measure to control bleeding. It is one of the popular methods for controlling bleeding.
  2. As अग्निकर्म performed on Maamsaalso acts on SiraaSnaayuAsthiSandhi, no separate अग्निकर्म need be performed
  3. Marmasthaana is the absolute contraindication for अग्निकर्म.

S.Su.12-4 (D`alhan`a)

  • Kaala (Time) for अग्निकर्म:

Greeshma Ritu and S`harad Ritu are unsuitable for अग्निकर्म.
In an acute condition, अग्निकर्म should be done by taking precautions against likely Pittaprakopa after अग्निकर्म.


  • Poorvakarma:

It should only be done by giving Pichchhila Anna except in अग्निकर्म for As`hmareeMootravaahi Naad`ivran`aभगन्दरअर्श, and Mukharoga (where food should not be given.)


In the Vartma Roga, it should be done by protecting the eye with water soaked cotton pad but keeping the eyelids open for Vartmadahana.


  • Diseases and conditions where अग्निकर्म should be carried out:
  1. S`hirorogaAdhimantha, at Bhroo – Lalaat`a – S`hamkha Prades`ha.
  2. Hard, Non-painful / painful, over granulatedwounds, situated at TvachaaSiraaSnaayuSandhiAsthi
  3. अर्शअर्बुदभगन्दरApachiS`hleepadaCharmakeelaTilakaalakaAntarvidradhi, Amputed/ cut Siraaand SandhiNaad`ivran`a, and bleeding from blood vessels.
    S.Su.12-9 and 12-10.
  • Unfit Patients for अग्निकर्म: –
  1. Pitta Prakriti, Haematomain wounds, burst abdomen with damage to Kosht`haanga_s (like liver, stomach, bladder etc.), wound with suspected foreign body, debilitated patients, children, older people, and timid individuals.
  2. Those having पाण्डुMadhumehaरक्तपित्त, (Bleeding tendency – Hemophiliacs), Asvedya etc. are contraindicated for अग्निकर्म.
  • Dahana Prakaara:

Vilekhaa – [linear fashion], Bindu [dot], Valaya [circular], Pratisaaran`a / space for figure [scratching], Ardhachandra [half moon shaped], Ardhachandraardha [ 1/4th  moon shaped], SvastikaAsht`apaada [ star with eight appendages]
S.Su.12 –11. and A.H.Su.30.8

  • According to depth or due to Pramaada [fault] of VaidyaDagdha is also classified as:
  1. Tvak Dagdha and Maamsa Dagdha – It is not that Dagdha on SiraaSnaayuSandhi and Asthi is absolutely contraindicated.
    S.Su.12-7 and (D`alhan`a.)
  2. Pramaada Dagdha – this is also known as Dagdha. It is sub classifiedas – Plusht`a DagdhaDurdagdhaAsamyak Dagdha, and Atidagdha. It is accidental.
    S.Su.12- 7
  3. According to the material, which has caused the Dagdha – i. Hot Snehadagdha – vegetable oil, or ghee, or wax, ii. Rooksha Dagdha – hot hard substances, hot stone, bark of tree, hot bamboo, Panchadhaatu etc. Sneha Dagdha always produces more pain as hot Sneha penetrates the skin and other tissues by entering through Siraa.
  • Signs and symptomsof different types of Dagdha:
  • Tvak Dagdha: A typical noise “Choorra”, a foul smell, and contraction of skin.
  • Maamsa Dagdha: Skin becomes Kapota Varn`a (blue green), with a little Oedemaand pain, व्रणbecomes dry and narrowed
  • Siraasnaayu Dagdha: The Dagdha Vran`a gets elevated and becomes black and व्रणbecomes dry as the Sraava (Discharge is obstructed)
  • Sandhyaasthi Dagdhaव्रणbecomes non-glossy (lusterless), becomes copper red, and Asthi becomes non-shining
  • Siraa Dagdha: discharge of Serum. S.Su.12-8.
  • Selection of Dagdha Dravya for Dagdha and its Criteria:
    After taking into consideration the season and place where the अग्निकर्म is to be carried out, severity and condition of the disease, patient’s strength, and avoiding the Marmasthaanaअग्निकर्म of selected types like BinduValayaRekhaa and determining Dhaatu – TvachaaMaamsa etc. Dagdha should be done.
  • Effects of Aganikarma on the body:

Immediately after DahanaRakta and Pitta are vitiated chronologically. Agni and Pitta are of Ushn`a Veerya and their Rasa is Kat`uDagdha increases the intensity immediately, and depending on the site and size of Dagdha, burning pain, ज्वर (pyrexia) and signs and symptoms of Marmaaghaata develop.

At the site of Dagdha, there is formation of blister on the skin, and Maamsaand Snaayuget separated. This occurs either immediately or slowly. This variation will depend on the size and depth of the burn and the region of the body, e.g. mouth, chest and the area of burn

S.Su. 12-17-18.

  • Signs and Symptoms of Dagdha related to temperature and depth of Dagdha:
  1. Plusht`a Dagdha – Change in the color of the skin, which becomes a little red. There is no formation of a blister but there is intense burning.


Give a little fomentation. Due to Dagdha, there is coagulation of blood at the site of the burn, which obstructs the flow of Vaayu (Vaayu becomes Aavritta). This results in stagnation of heat at the site of the burn. Fomentation (hot) helps to liquefy the clotted blood warmth results in vasodilatation, which opens the channels which release Vaayu ultimately, resulting in reduction of swelling and the burning pain.

If we give cold fomentation there is more Skandana (coagulation) of blood creating more and more obstructive pathology resulting in more Oedema, burning and pain. This treatment is called Virudhaarthkaarin`ee Chikitsaa.

S.Su.12-16  and A.H.Su. 30- 47. and S.Su.12-20, 21 22 and Chakrapaan`i


There is formation of a blister with burning and dragging (Chosha) sensation, inflamed Oedema, redness and pain. These symptoms disappear in short time.


It depends upon depth. If it is deep, give a cold fomentation to allow the heated blood to go out. Here, cold acts as an antagonist.

  • If the burn is superficial give a hot fomentation to allow the blood to liquefy.
  • Other treatment: Application of GhritaLepa and Avasechana.
  • Some says that if there is severe burning, a cold fomentation should be given and if the burning sensation is less, give a hot fomentation.

S.Su.12-22 and (D`alhan`a)

Samyak Dagdha:
In Samyak Dagdha, the Dagdha is superficial. The color of the area is bluish green (Kapota Varn`a) and has other signs of Tvak and Maamsa Dagdha.

Treatment :
In Samyak Dagdha, to alleviate and pacifythe vitiated Rakta, Pitta and pain, bathe the wound with honey and ghee or Yasht`imadhu Ghrita. Give Lepa of Tugaaskheeri, Plaksha, Fucus Lacor, Chandana, Santalum, Gud`oochee (Tinospora Cardifolia) & ghee. Apply Graamyaanoopaudaka Maamsa.
Give the treatment of Pitta Vidradhi.
S.Su.12-13 and 23-24.


Sign and Symptoms:
It results in loss of limb, excessive damage to Maamsaand Snaayu, complications in relation to SiraaSnaayuSandhiAsthi, and fever (temperature) burning pain, thirst and in extreme cases unconsciousness. The wound takes a long time to heal and never acquires the normal color and texture.


  • If there are signs and symptoms of Marmaaghaata priority should be given to it
  • Dead muscles and tissues should be removed (Debridement)
  • Give Lepa of the pulp of rice ground in ghee.
  • Put leaf of Kamalapatra Ne Lumbo Nucifera or Gud`oochee Patra on it.
    S.Su.12-16 and 25 26
  • Treatment of Snehadagha and Rooksha Dagdha:
  • In Sneha Dagdha, give Rooksha treatment
  • In Rooksha Dagdha give Snehana treatment  S.Su.12-29
  • Treatment of Burns due to other causes:
  • Due to hot air – All S`heetopachaara
  • Due to ice or frost. Snigdha and Ushn`opachaara
  • Due to lightning bombs, electricity – usually results in death but if survives symptomatic treatment according to Marmaaghaata and Snehanaअभ्यंगParisheka according to the type of burn.

S.Su.12- 38 39,

Universal OintmentRopan`a Ghrita for any type of burn

Bee Wax, Madhuka, Symplocos Raci– Shorea RobustaRubia Cordifolia, Chandana and Murvasiddha Clematosi Triloba Gouriana Ghrita

S.Su.12- 27, 28.


Signs and Symptoms:
This condition is produced due to inhalation of smoke produced by burning material – like, stems and wood of trees, coal gas, in a closed room.

Thirst [तृष्णा], दाहज्वरTandraaGlaani, slow respiration and pulse etc. as it enters the lungs during respiration it produces dyspnoea, sneezing, cough, smell of smoke to exhaled air. He has a perception of the smell of smoke. Only by the sense of taste he recognizes salt and hot [Lavan`a and Kat`u]. He is unable to hear anything. If smoke enters in the Gastro – intestinal tract, there is distention of abdomen.

If he cannot get fresh air, it results in cyanosis, slow respirations and pulse, stupor, unconsciousness and finally death.



  • Bring the patient into the open air and if possible, give Praan`avaayu. Give treatment of slow respiration like Hemagarbha
  • Give emetics like GhritaIkshurasa Sacchrum Munja, Draakshaarasa, VitisVinifera, milk, S`harkaraa Jala, and Madhuraamla Rasa. A good vomit stops Body acheregulates temperature, burning sensation giddiness, Trishan`aaAadhamaana, cough and Dyspnoea.
  • Give Kavala – of MadhuraLavan`aTikta and Amla Rasa. Give S`hirovirechana Nasya. When toxic symptoms disappear, give a soft easily digestible (Laghu) and Snigdha Aahaara.

S.Su.12- 36-37

Dr. R. B. Gogte
Ex – Professor and H.O.D. Department of Shalya,
Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya and Hospital, Pune

Last updated on April 16th, 2021 at 09:30 am

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