विषय सूची पर जायें

नेत्ररोग निदान

C.Chi.26, S.U.1 to S.U.7, A.H.U.8, A.H.U.10, M.Ni.59

Netra Roga are the diseases related to the organ Netra.

96 Netra Roga as explained by Charaka C.Chi.26/129-131

  1. Vaataja
  2. Pittaja
  3. Kaphaja
  4. Saannipaatika

Charaka has counted only four types of Netra Roga as all the types are covered under these four types only. He has not described it more elaborative as it is subject of S`haalaakya Tantra. C.Chi.26/131

There are so many opinions about the total number of Netra Roga; which is summarized here.

Videha – 76
Karaala – 96 Accpetedopinions by Charaka.
Saatyaki 80

Charaka has accepted opinion of Aachaarya Karaala. C.Chi.26/129-131 Chakrapaan`i

  • Vartmastha – 27
  • Sandhigata – 9
  • S`huklastha – 13
  • Krishn`astha – 6
  • Drisht`istha – 25
  • Sarvagata – 16
  • Total – 96
Netra RogaCharaka(in commentaryby Chakrapaan`i)Sus`hrutaVaagbhat`aMaadhava Nidaana
Baahya Kaaran`aja 2 2

Vaataja Netra Roga(C.Chi.26/129)
There is less redness in the eyes. There is less or no formation of Netra Mala (Upadeha). It manifests with TodaBheda.

Pittaja Netra Roga:(C.Chi.26/129)
There is दाहAti Rujaa (severe pain), Raaga (redness in the eyes). Netra Mala turns to yellow colour(Peeta Upadeha). There are profuse hot secretions (Bhris`ha Ushn`a Sraavee).

Kaphaja Netra Roga: (C.Chi.26/130)
White coloured Netra Mala is formed. There is profuse sticky (Pichchhila) tearing of the eyes. There is heaviness in the eyes (Gurutaa) and itching (Kan`d`oo).

Saannipaatika Netra Roga:(C.Chi.26/130)
All the symptoms of VaatajaPittja and Kaphaja Netra Roga are manifested in the Saannipaatika Netra Roga.

S`haareera of Netra:

Man`d`ala – 5

  1. Pakshma Man`d`ala
  2. Vartma Man`d`ala
  3. S`hveta Man`d`ala
  4. Krishn`a Man`d`ala
  5. Drish`i Man`d`ala

Sandhi – 6

  1. Pakshma Vartma Gata Sandhi
  2. Vartma S`hukla Gata Sandhi
  3. S`hukla Krishn`a Gata Sandhi
  4. Krishn`a Drisht`i Gata Sandhi
  5. Kaneenakaa Gata Sandhi
  6. Apaangaga Gata Sandhi

Pat`ala 6 in the Avayava Netra. S.U.1/14

  1. Vartma Pat`ala – 2
  2. Netragata Pat`ala – 4 – where Timira Vyaadhi gets manifested. (Timira – Daarun`a Vyaadhi S.U.1/17)
  3. Baahya Pat`ala – Tejo Jalaas`hrita
  4. Maamsaas`hrita Pat`ala
  5. Medaas`hrita Pat`ala
  6. Asthyaas`hrita Pat`ala

All these four Pat`alaa are 1/5 of the total thickness of the Drisht`i.
The optimum qualities of SiraaKan`d`araaMedas Kaalaka, and Kaalakaasthi Sameepastha S`hleshmaa attribute to the formation of eyes. S.U.1/19

Common Sampraapti:
Siraanusaaribhih Doshaih Vigun`aih Oordhvam Aagataih |
Jaayante Netrabhaageshu Rogah Paramadaarun`aah || S.U.1/20, A.H.U.8/1-2
Aggravated Dosha, generally Pitta dominant; traverse to the eyes getting upward direction, causing the diseases of VartmaSandhiSitaKrishn`aDrisht`i or complete eye.
When Vitiated Dosha traverse through the Siraa in the upward direction; they cause the serious diseases of eyes.
Netra Roga 

  1. Vaataja – 10
  2. Pittaja – 10
  3. Kaphaja – 13
  4. Raktaja – 16
  5. Sarvaja – 25
  6. Baahya 2 Total – 76

Saadhyaasaadhyataa – S.U.1/29

Vaataja (10)Pittaja (10)Kaphaja (13)Raktaja (16)Sarvaja(Sannipaataja) (25)Baahya (2)
Hataadhimantha (A)Hrasvajaad`ya (A)Kaphaja Sraava (A)Rakta Sraava (A)Pooyaasraava (A)Sanimitta Baahya Netra Vikaara (A)
Nimisha (A)Jalasraava (A)Kaphaja Kaacha (Y)Ajakaajaata (A)Nakulaandhya (A)Animitta Baahya Netra Vikaara (A)
Gambheerikaa Drisht`i (A)Parimlaayee (Kaacha) (Y)Abhishyanda (S)S`hon`itaars`ha (RaktaarS`a) (A)Akshipaakaatyaya (A) 
Vaatahata Vartma (A)Neela (Kaacha) (Y)Adhimantha (S)Savran`a S`hukra (A)Alajee (A) 
Vaataja Kaacha (Y)Abhishyanda (S)Balaasagrathita (S)Raktaja Kaacha (Y)Kaacha (Y) 
S`hushkaakshipaaka (S)Adhimantha (S)S`hleshmavidagdha Drisht`i (S)Adhimantha (S)Pakshmakopa (Y) 
Adhimantha (S)Amlaadhyushita (S)Pothakee (S)Abhishyanda (S)Vartmaavabandha (S) 
Abhishyanda (S)S`huktikaa (S)Lagan`a (S)Klisht`avartma (S)Siraa Pid`akaa (S) 
Maaruta Paryaya (S)Pittavidagdhadrisht`i (S)Krimigranthi (S)(SiraaHarsha (S)Prastaari Arma (S) 
Anyatovaata (S)Dhoomadars`hee (S)Pariklinnavartma (S)(SiraaUtpaata (S)Adhimaamsaarma (S) 
  S`huklarma (S)Anjananaamikaa (S)Snaayvarma (S) 
  Pisht`aka (S)Siraajaala (S)Utsanginee (S) 
  S`hleshmopanaaha (S)Parvan`ee (S)Pooyaalasa (S) 
   Avran`a S`hukra (S)अर्बुद (S) 
   S`hon`itaarma (S)S`hyaava Kardama (S) 
   Arjuna (S)S`hyaava Vartma (S) 
    Ars`ho Vartma (S) 
    S`hushkaars`ha (S) 
    S`harkaraavartma (S) 
    Sas`hopha Paaka (S) 
    As`hopha Paaka (S) 
    Bahalavartma (S) 
    Aklinnavartma (S) 
    Kumbheekaa (S) 
    Bisavartma (S) 

Sandhigata Roga:

There are total 9 Sandhigata (at the Netra SandhiRoga:

Su. U. 2A. H. U. 10
Sraava – 4 typesUpanaahaa

There is suppurated S`hopha (Pakva S`hopha) at the Kaneenikaa Sandhi (inner canthusof the eye). There is secretion of Saandra and Pooti Sraava (thick and putrid secretions). It is Saadhya and Tridoshaja.

Upanaaha / S`hleshmopanaaha:
There is big glandular growth (Mahaan Granthi) at the Drisht`i Sandhi. It does not suppurate. There is itching Kan`d`oo. There is no pain. It is called as Upanaaha. It is Kaphaja and Saadhya.
According to Vaagbhat`a, there is bubble like शोथ. The base of the शोथ is wide. It is unctuous. It is same as skin colour. It is soft and Pichchhila anddoes not suppurate. There is Kan`d`oo. It is Upaanaha.

Netra Sraava / Netra Naad`ee:
Dosha traverse through As`hrumaarga and reside in to the Kaneenikaa Sandhi. There are painless secretions. It is called as Netra Naad`ee by some people.
Pooyaasraava – at the Sandhi, there is pus secretion. Pooyasraava. According to Vaagbhat`a, Dosha with Rakta causes secretion of Pooya with Rakta due to Tvak and Maamsa Paaka.
S`hleshmaasraava – there are white coloured, viscid, sticky secretions
Raktaasraava – this is caused due to Rakta. There are Ushn`a, not much viscid (Naatisaandra) secretions.
Pittaasraava (Jalaasraava) – it is dark blue coloured secretion. It is hot, and watery also.n according to Vaagbhat`a, aggravated Vaayu enters in to the Jalavaahee Siraa causing As`hru Sraava from Kanineekaa Sandhi. There is RukRaagaS`hopha; which is Jalaasraava.

It is Taamra (copper coloured), Tanu (thin) S`hopha (Oedema). There is दाहS`hoola. It caused due to Rakta. The S`hopha is circular.

It manifests on Krishn`a and S`hukla Sandhi. It is Sthoola than Parvan`ikaaParvan`i and Alajee manifest on the same site. The symptoms are same as that of Parvan`i. According to Vaagbhat`a, this manifests on Kanineekaa.
It is counted as Vartmagata Roga by Vaagbhat`a. It is Taamra Pit`ikaa which is suppurated. Though it is drained repeatedly, it gets enlarged.

It manifests on Vartma and Pakshma Sandhi. It also manifests on Vartma and S`hukla Sandhi. There is itching (Kan`d`oo) due to कृमि. These कृमि vitiate internal of the eye. These कृमि are different in there appearance.
According to Vaagbhat`a, it may manifest on Kaneenikaa or Apaanga. There is itching, Ushn`aa (दाह), Pakshmapot`a. There is Pooyasraava. The Granthi is with the कृमि. It is Krimigranthi.

Vartmagata Roga:
Vartma is an eyelid. These are the diseases which are related to eyelid.
There are 21 Vartmagata Roga described by Sus`hruta.


  • Dosha singly or simultaneously, get resided in the Siraa in the Vartma. They cause growth of Maamsa and Rakta at the Vartma causing different diseases.

Name of the diseases – S.U.3/5-8

S.U.3/5-8 (21)A.H.U.8/1-24 (24)
Vartmas`harkaraaSikataa Vartma
Bahala VartmaBahala Vartma
Klisht`a KardamaVartma Kardama
Klisht`a VartmaUtklisht`a Vartma
Praklinna VartmaS`hlisht`a Vartma
Apariklinna Vartma 
Vaatahata VartmaVaatahata Vartma
Bis`haBisa Vartma
 Pittotklisht`a Vartma
 Kaphotklisht`a Vartma
 Rakta Utklisht`a Vartma

This is Pid`akaa. It manifests on the haunch of the lower eyelid. It has opening internally and it is elevated externally. This is Sanipaataja and Asaadhya.
It is Raktaja according to Vaagbht`a.

Kumbheekaa Kumbheeka Pid`akaa:
This is Pid`akaa manifested in the shape of Daad`ima Phala (fruit of pomegranate). It manifests externally on the Vartma. These Pid`akaa gets enlarged after they drain out. These are Saannipaataja and Saadhya. It is Pittaja according to Vaagbhat`a.

These are the Pid`akaa. There are secretions. There is itching (Kan`d`oo). There is heaviness. They resemble to Red Mustard seeds. There is pain (Rujaa). These are called as Pothakee. These are Saadhya and Kaphaja.

Vartma S`harkaraa:
This is a Pid`akaa which is surrounded by other very small and dense Pid`akaa. This Pid`akaa is large and Khara (rough). This is Saannipaataja and Asaadhya.

This is a Pid`akaa which resemble to Ervaaru Beeja (Greeshma Karkat`ee). There is mild pain (Manda Rujaa). The Pid`akaa are very Smaal and rough (Sookshma and Khara). This is Saannipaataja and Saadhya.

This is a growth on the eyelid. It is rough (Khara), Daarun`aStabdha. It is Saannipaataja and Saadhya.

This is a Pid`akaa associated with दाहToda. It is copper coloured(Taamraa). It is soft (Mridu). There is mild pain (Manda Rujaa). It is small in size (Sookshmaa). It is Raktaja and Saadhya.

Bahala Vartma:
All over the eyelid, Pid`akaa are formed. These Pid`akaa are same in colourof Vartma. These Pid`akaa are same in size. It is Saannipaataja and Saadhya.
There is Maamsa Vriddhi as per Vaagbhat`a.

It is S`hopha (Oedema) on the eyelid. It is associated with itching (Kan`d`oo), mild pain (Alpa Toda). It does not cover the eye evenly. It is Saannipaatika and Saadhya.

Klisht`a Vartma Utklisht`a Vartma:
When the eyelid suffers form mild pain (Alpa Vedanaa). It turn to copper colour(Taamra Varn`a). Suddenly it becomes red coloured, then it is called as Klisht`a Vartma. It is Raktaja and Saadhya. As per Vaagbhat`a, it is Raktaja and Tridoshaja.

Vartma Kardama:
When Klisht`a Vartma gets associated with Pitta and causes Vidaaha of Rakta, then it turns in to wet condition (like Kardama mud); which is called as Vartma Kardama. It is Saannipaataja and Saadhya.

S`hyaava Vartma:
When an eyelid turns to dark brown Colour(S`hyaava) and which is associated with शोथVedanaaदाहKan`d`oo, and Kleda; called as S`hyaava Vartma. It is Saannipaatika and Saadhya. As per Vaagbhat`a, it is Raktaja also.

Klinna Vartma S`hlisht`a Vartma:
When there is no pain outside of the eyelid, there is Oedema inside the eyelid, which is wet and there is itching (Kan`d`oo), secretion (Sraava), Toda called as Klinna Vartma. It is Kaphaja and Saadhya.

Aklinna Vartma Pilla:
It is Saannipaatika and Saadhya. The eyelids do not get wet. Though they are washed frequently; the eyelids get fastened to each other. There is no suppuration of the eyelids. This is Saannipaatja and Saadhya.

Vaatahata Vartma:
The eyelids are motionless. They can not be closed due to Vimukta Sandhi. There may or may not be Rujaa. It is called as Vaatahata Vartma. It is Vaataja and Asaadhya.

It manifests on the inside of the eyelid like a Granthi (Glandular growth). It is irregular. There is no pain. It is associated with Rakta. It hangs down. It is Saannipaataja and Saadhya. It is casueddue to Rakta also, as per Vaagbhat`a.

Aggravated Vaayu enters in to the Nimeshan`ee Siraa in the Vartma causing movements of the Vartma called as Nimesha. It is Vaataja and Saadhya. It is Asaadhya as per Vaagbhat`a.

The growth on the eyelids goes on increasing though they are cut frequently. The growth is soft (Mridu). It is associated with दाहKan`d`oo and Rujaa. It is Raktaj and Asaadhya.

It is a Granthi resembles to Kola. It does not suppurate. It is hard. It is large (Sthoola). There is no pain. There is Kan`d`oo and it is Pichchiila. It is Kaphaja and Saadhya.

Bisa Vartma:
The eyelid is odematousand becomes porous (Sookshma Chhidra Yukta). It resembles to Bisa Antarjala. It is Saannipaatika and Saadhya.

Pakshmakopa Pakshmoparodha:
Dosha enter in to the Pakshma (eye Lash) making them sharp and rough. Movements of the eyelids casue दाह (Dooyana). It is pacified when the lashes are repeatedly drawn out. Patient hates of VaayuAatapa and Agni. It is called as Pakshma Kopa. It is Saannipaatika and Yaapya.

Vaayu resides in to the Vartmagata Siraa due to which a person can not open his eyelids in the morning after getting up. There is pain also. There is tearing. It is pacified by the Mardana. It is Saadhya.

Pittotlisht`a Vartma:
Eye lid is suffering from दाहKledaToda. It can not tolerate touch. It becomes red. This is caused due to Pitta.

Pakshmas`haata:The eye lashes are fallen due to Pitta causing Kan`d`ooदाह.

Kaphotklisht`a Vartma:There is StambhaKleda and Upadeha at the Vartma. It is Kaphaja.

Raktotklisht`a Vartma:
Like Utsangee, it is caused due to Rakta. There are red colouredlines. It can not tolerate touch.

It is considered under Kaphaabhishyanda. It is an eye disease caused to children. It is Saadhya. It is Vartma Roga.

Alajee:It is described under Sandhigata Roga.

Dosha cause constriction of the eyelids causing closure of the eye; which is called as Kunchana.
Other than KrichchhronmeelanaNimeshaVaatahata VartmaS`hon`itaars`haPakshmoparodha; all the Vartmagata diseases described by Vaagbhat`a are S`hastrasaadhya. A.H.U.8/25

S`huklagata Roga: (Su. U. 4)
These are the diseases related to the sclera of the eye. The diseases are 11 in number as per Sus`hruta.
Name of the diseases:

Su. U. 4A. H. U. 10
Prastaari ArmaPrastaari Arma
S`hukla ArmaS`hukla Arma
Kshataja Arma 
Adhimaamsa ArmaAdhimaamsa Arma
Snaayu ArmaSnaayu Arma
Siraa JaalaSiraa Jaala
Siraa Pid`akaaSiraa Pid`akaa
Balaasa GrathitaBalaasa Grathita

Prastaari Arma:
It is Tridoshaja and Saadhya. This is wide, reddish (like Rakta) and bluish growth.

S`hukla Arma:
It a soft, white colouredand even growth on the S`hukla Man`d`ala. It is Kaphaja and Saadhya. It is S`hastrakarma Saadhya as per Vaagbhat`a.

Lohitaarma / S`hon`itaarma:
This is muscular growth Maamsa Prachaya on the S`huklaman`d`ala. It resembles to Padma; called as Lohitaarma.

Maamsajaarma Adhimaamsa Arma:
This is wide, soft, thick (Bahala) growth resembling to liver colouror dark brown (S`hyaava) on the S`huklaMan`d`ala. This is Saannipaataja and Saadhya.

Snaayu Arma:
This is muscular growth on the S`hukla Man`d`ala. It is rough (Khara) and whitish (पाण्डु). It is Tridoshaja and Saadhya. It is S`hastra Saadhya as per Vaagbhat`a.

These are the dots on the S`huklaman`d`ala resembling to Maamsa (Pis`hita). They may be dark brown (S`hyaava). They resemble to S`hukti (a pearl-oyster or oyster shell). It is Pittaja and Saadhya.

Single spot on the S`huklaman`d`ala, that resembles to the blood of rabbit. (S`has`harudhiropama). It is Raktaja and Saadhya.

It is elevated and flour like white spot resembling to water called as Pisht`aka. It is Kaphaja and Saadhya.

Siraa Jaala Jaalasamdnyita:
When S`hvetaMan`d`ala turns to net like appearance which is hard (Kat`hina), large in size and associated with Rakta called as Siraa Jaala or Jaalasamdnyita. It is Raktaja and Saadhya. It is S`hastra Saadhya according to Vaagbhat`a.

Siraa Pid`akaa:
This is white coloured Pid`akaa surrounded by Siraa near to Krishn`a Man`d`ala I. e. on the S`huklaMan`d`ala is called as Siraa Pid`akaa. It is Saannipaatika and Saadhya. It is S`hastra Saadhya according to Vaagbhat`a.

Balaasaka Balaasagrathita:
These are the bronze Coloured(Kaamsya) spots on the S`huklaMan`d`ala. They resemble to water dews. It is Kat`hina and without pain. It is called as Balaasaka. It is Kaphaja and Saadhya.

Krishn`agata Roga( S.U. 5)
These are the diseases related to Krishn`a Man`d`ala I. e. cornea.
These are 4 in number.
Name of the diseases:

S.U.5A. H. U. 10
Savran`a S`hukraKshata S`hukra –        Krishn`a Man`d`alagata        DviteeyaPat`alagata        TriteeyaPat`alagata
Avran`a S`hukraS`huddha S`hukra
Akshi PaakaatyayaPaakaatyaya
 Siraa S`hukra

Savran` S`hukra Kshata S`hukra:
It is a wound in the deep of the Krishn`a Man`d`ala. It resembles to the prick by needle. There are hot secretions with pain. It is called as Savran`a S`hukra.
It is Raktaja and Asaadhya.
It is Saadhya when:

  • It is not near to the Drisht`i
  • It is not deep Avagaad`ha
  • There are no secretions (Sraava Rahita)
  • There is no pain (Avedanaavaan)
  • When it is not doubly manifested. (Yugma S`hukra)

It is Asaadhya, when:

  • Its centre is distorted (Vichchhinna Madhya)
  • It is covered by muscular tissue (Pis`hitaavrita)
  • It is moving (Chala)
  • It is crowded by Siraa (Siraasakta)
  • It hampers vision (Adrisht`ikrit)
  • It is harboured on the 2 Pat`ala (Dvi Pat`alaas`hrita)
  • It is Chirotthita (chronic)
  • When resembles to Green gram (MudgaNibha )
  • Tittiripakshatulyam

Vaagbhat`a has described it at three Stages:

  1. Krishn`aMan`d`alagata Kshata S`hukra – Vitiated Pitta causes tear in the skin at Krishn`a or Drisht`Man`d`ala. There is TodaAs`hruRaaga. It resembles to the mature fruit of Jambu (Jamun Indian Black Berry). It may be little bit depressed. It is Krichchhrasaadhya.
  2. Dviteeyapatalagata Kshata S`hukra – it is Yaapya. There is Toda etc.
  3. Triteeyapatalagata Kshta S`hukra – it is Asaadhya.

Avran`a Shukra:
When there is formation of whitish patch (Sita) on the Kris`hna Man`d`ala. It resembles to the small thin cloud in the space. There is no pain and tears. This is Asaadhya and Raktaja.
It becomes Krichchhrasaadhya when:

  • It is deeply situated (Gambheera Jaata)
  • It is thick (Bahala)
  • It is chronic (Chirotthita)

S`huddha S`hukra:
It is Kaphaja and Saadhya. There is no pain.

Paakaatyaya Akshipaakaatyaya:
When complete Krishn`aMan`d`ala gets covered by S`hveta Varn`a; it is called as Akshipaakaatyaya Akshikopa. It is manifested with severe pain. It is Tridoshaja and Asaadhya.
According to Vaagbhat`a, it is Tridoshaja and RaktajaKrishn`aMan`d`ala turns to S`huklavarn`a. There is severe pain. It is Asaadhya.

When Krishn`aMan`d`ala gets ruptured, there are secretions of red Coloured and sticky tears. There is oozing of a material like the fecal matter of sheep. (Ajaa Pureesha Pratima). It is black in Colour. It is called as Ajakaajaata. It is Kaphaja and Asaadhya. It is Raktaja and Asaadhya according to Vaagbhat`a.

Siraa S`hukra:
It is causeddue to Dosha with Rakta. There is Todaदाह. There is formation of Taamra Siraa. There is Animitta S`heeta and Ushn`atva. It is Asaadhya.

Sarvagata Netra Roga(Su. U. 6)
There are total 17 Sarvagata Netra Roga. It means that these are the diseases which manifest allover the eye.
Name of the diseases:

Su. U. 6A. H. U. 15
Sas`hopha PaakaSas`hopha Paaka
AS`hopha PaakaAS`hopha Paaka
Anyato VaataAnyato Vaata
Amlaadhyushita Drisht`i 

Generally, all the eye diseases are caused due to Abhishyanda. Therefore, it is to be treated quickly.

There is Nistoda, Stambhana, Romaharsha, Sangharsha, Paarushya, S`hirobhitaapa, S`hushkatva, S`his`hiraas`hrutaa  cold ears) in Vaataabhishyanda.
It is Saadhya.
According to Vaagbhat`a, there is less and dried Netra Mala. It gets pacified by Snigdha and Ushn`a.

There is दाहPaaka, demand for cold things (S`hiraabhinanda), DhoomaayanaBaashpa Samuchchhraaya (more tears), Ushn`aas`hrutaa (hot tears), yellowish eyes (Peeta Netrataa). It is Saadhya.
According to Vaagbhat`a, there is दाहDhoomaayanaS`hophaVartma S`hyaavataa. There is wetness inside the eyelid.

A person demands for hot things. There is heaviness (Gurutaa), S`hophaKan`d`ooUpadeha, whiteness of the eye (Sitataa), cold ness of the eye (Atis`haitya). There are frequent secretions. They are sticky. It is Saadhya.
According to Vaagbhat`a, there is heaviness (Jaad`ya), S`hophaKan`d`ooNidraaAnnaabhinandana. The tears are SaandraSnigdha, abundant, like Pichchhaa.

The eye becomes copper and red coloured. There is manifestation of different lines which are highly red. There are Pitta dominant symptoms. It is Raktaabhishyanda. It is Saadhya.
According to Vaagbhat`a, there are symptoms of Pittaja Abhishyanda.

When the Abhishyanda is not properly treated, then they turn to Adhimantha with more severe pain. It manifests with the Utpaat`anaNirmathana of Netra and S`hiraardha.
According to Vaagbhat`a, in all the types of Adhimantha, pain gets aggravated. There is severe pain at ShamkhaDanta, and Kapaala.

There is Utpaat`anaManthana of the Netra and S`hira. There is Sangharsha, Toda, Bheda, MaamSasamrabdhataa, Aavila Netrataa (Muddy eyes). There is Kunchana, Sphot`ana, Aadhmaana, Vepathu, Vyathaa in the half of the head; this is Vaataadhimantha. It is Saadhya. It destroys the vision within 6 days if not treated or treated improperly.
According to Vaagbhat`a, there is Karn`anaadaभ्रम. There is a churning pain like Aran`i Manthana. It distorts the vision within 5 Nights.

There are red colouredlines on the eye. There are secretions. There is burning sensation as if it is being burnt by fire. Eye ball resembles to Yakrit Khan`d`a. inner side of the eye lids are odematousand suppurated. There is perspiration. There is MoorchchhaS`hirodaaha. It is Saadhya. It destroys the vision immediately if not treated or treated improperly.
According to Vaagbhat`a, there is burning pain as if red hot coals are put on the skin. It resembles to the colourof the Yakrit. It distorts the vision immediately due to unwholesome food habbitsand act.

There is SraavaKan`d`ooS`haityaGauravaPichchhilataaDooshikaa. A person sees with difficulty. There is muddy view. There is Naasaa AadhmaanaS`hiroduhkha. It is Saadhya. It destroys the vision within 7 days if not treated or treated improperly.
According to Vaagbhat`aKrishn`aMan`d`ala is depressed while S`huklaMan`d`ala is elevated. There is PrasekaNaasaadhmaana. It distorts the vision within 7 days.

Eye ball looks like flower of Bandhujeeva. It can not tolerate touch. There is Raktasraava. There is Toda. A person looks red everywhere. The Krishn`a Man`d`ala looks like fruit of Arisht`a. it is Saadhya. It destroys the vision within 5 days if not treated or treated improperly.
According to Vaagbhat`a, there is pain like tearing out. The Colourof the eye changes to Taamra. It resembles to Bandhoojeeva. It can not tolerate touch. It distorts the vision within 3 Nights.

Sas`hopha Paakaa:
Eye ball resembles to the mature fruit of Udumbara. There is Kan`d`ooUpadeha and As`hru (Tears). There is दाहHarshaS`hophaTodaGaurava. There are frequent secretions of hot blood (Ushn`a As`hru), cold water (S`heetaambu). The secretions are sticky. There is suppuration in the eyeball. It is Sas`hopha Paaka. It is Tridoshaja and Saadhya.
According to Vaagbhat`a, it is caused due to all the three Dosha and Rakta. It resembles to the ripenend Udumbara Phala.

As`hopha Paakaa:
It manifests with the symptoms same as of S`hopha Paaka, but there is no S`hopha. It is Tridoshaja and Saadhya.
According to Vaagbhat`a, there is less Oedema (Alpa S`hopha).

This is caused due to negligence in treating Adhimantha. This is Vaataja Vikaara. There is Ugra Rujaa (Severe Pain). It is Asaadhya. There is Avasaada of Netra. (Sinking of the eyeball). Vaayu harboursin to the Netragata Siraa. There is throwing out of the eyeball. It is Asaadhya.
According to Vaagbhat`a, there are different types of व्रण on the Drisht`i.

Vitiated Vaayu causes pain while traversing through the PakshmaAkshi (eyeballs), Bhroo (eyebrow). The pain is caused alternately in these regions. It is Vaataparyaaya. It is Vaataja and Saadhya.
According to Vaagbhat`a, there is squinting of the eye.

Vartma are closed. They are rough and dry (Daarun`a and Rooksha). A person looks muddy. A person can not open the eyelids or there is pain while opening the eyelids. It is Vaatja and Saadhya.
According to Vaagbhat`a, it manifests in the eyes which are suffered from Vaata and Pitta. Eyelids can not be opened easily. This is S`hushkaakshipaaka.

Anyatovaata Paryas`hru:
Vaayu causes pain in the regionslike Avat`u, Karn`aS`hiraHanuManyaaBhroo and Netra. It is called as Anyatovaata. It is Vaataja and Saadhya.
According to Vaagbhat`aVaayu residing at MannyaaAkshiS`hamkha causes pain. It is also called as Paryas`hru.

Amlaadhyushita Amloshita:
Amla Janita Pittadhyushitam Amlaadhyushita |
Due to Amla and Vidaahee food, eye gets covered by S`hopha. It becomes red and bluish. It is called as Amlaadhyushita. It is Pittaja and Saadhya.
Accordingto Vaagbhat`a, due to vitiated and aggravated PittaRakta, eyes turn to S`hyaavalohita colour. There is S`hophaदाहPaakaAs`hru. A person sees muddy. It is Amloshita.

There is formation of copper colouredlines on the eyeball. There may or may not be pain. The lines get free from blood (Virajyanti). It is called as Sirotpaata. It is Raktaja and Saadhya. It is S`huklaMan`d`alastha Vikaara according to Vaagbhat`a.

Siraaharsha Siraapraharsha:
When Sirotpaata remains untreated it causes Siraaharsha. There are secretions of clean blood. A person can not see. It is Siraaharsha. It is Raktaja and Saadhya.
As per Vaagbhat`a, it is S`huklaMan`d`alastha Vikaara.

According to Vaagbhat`a, there is S`hophaSamrambhaAs`hrukaalushyaKaphopadigdhatva. There are moving pains.

Drisht`igata Roga (Su. U. 7)
There are 12 Drisht`igata diseases according to Sus`hruta.
Name of the diseases:

Su. U. 7 (12 diseases)A.H.U.12/32-33 (27 Diseases)(A) Asaadhya(Y) Yaapya(S) – Saadhya
Vaataja TimiraVaataja Linganaas`ha (A)
Pittaja TimiraPittaja Linganaas`ha (A)
Kaphaja TimiraKaphaja Linganaas`ha (S)
Raktaja TimiraSandargaja Linganaas`ha (A)
Saannipaatika TimiraSannipaataja Linganaas`ha (A)
ParimlaayiRaktaja Linganaas`ha (A)
Pittavidagdha Drisht`iAupasargika Linganaas`ha (A)
S`hleshmavidagdha Drisht`iGambheeraa Drisht`i (A)
Dhoomadars`heeHrasvajaa Drisht`i Hrasvadars`hinee (A)
Hrasvajaad`yaVaataja Kaacha (Y)
NakulaandhyaPittaja Kaacha (Y)
GambheerikaaKaphaja Kaacha (Y)
 Samsargaja Kaacha (Y)
 Sannipaataja Kaacha (Y)
 Raktaja Kaacha (Y)
 Nakulaandhya (Y)
 Vaataja Timira (S)
 Pittaja Timira (S)
 Kaphaja Timira (S)
 Raktaja Timira (S)
 Samsargaja Timira (S)
 Sannipaatja Timira (S)
 Pittavidagdhaa Drisht`i (S)
 Doshandha (S)
 Ushn`avidagdhaa Drisht`i (S)
 Vidagdhaamla Drisht`i (S)
 Dhoomara (S)
  1. Prathama Pat`alagata Timira
  2. Dviteeya Pat`alagata Timira
  3. Triteeya Pat`alagata Timira
  4. Chaurtha Pat`alagata Timira

Prathama Pat`alagata Timira:
Dosha get harbored in to the Prathama Pat`ala of Drisht`i after traversing through the Siraa. The symptoms is that a person does not see clear. A person can see the objects unclearly.
Due to Vaata, person sees the objects of Arun`a Varn`a.
Due to Pitta, person sees the objects of Neela and Peeta Varn`a.
Due to Kapha, person sees the objects of Sita Varn`a.
Due to Rakta, person sees the objects of Rakta Varn`a.
Due to Sannipaata, person sees the objects of different Varn`a.
It is Saadhya.

Dviteeya Pat`alagata Timira:
This Pat`ala is harbored in the Medas. There is more loss of vision than in the Prathama Pat`ala. A person sees different things in front of him like hairs, net Jaalaka etc. a person feels longer object nearer and nearer object longer. A person can not see Soocheepaas`ha.
It is Saadhya.
According to Vaagbhat`a, a person sees absent objects also. A person can not see minute objects. Longer Onjects are not seen properly. Dosha harbouredin to Dviteeya Pat`ala cause to see rounded objects. This is also called as Timira.

Triteeya Pat`alagata Timira (Timira):
A person is unable to see the objects at the upper or lower side. Big object is seen as if it is covered by cloth. A person sees other without ear, nose and eyes.
Drisht`is is changed to the colouras per the dominance of the Dosha. When Dosha are resided at the lower side, a person can not see the nearer objects. When Dosha are resided at the upper side, a person can not see the longer objects. When Dosha are resided at the sides then a person can not see laterally. When Dosha are resided all over the eye, person sees the objects mixed (Sankula). When Dosha are at the center, a person sees an object as if it is bifurcated. This is called as Timira.
It is Saadhya.
According to Vaagbhat`a, there is formation of Kaacha in Drisht`i. a person sees as if the object is covered by thin clothe. The vision dimiNishes gradually. The Drisht`i gets Coloured as per the Dosha.

Chaturtha Pat`alagata Timira (Linganaas`ha / Neelikaa Kaacha) :
Vision is completely blocked, which is called as Linganaas`ha. It is also called as Neelikaa or Kaacha.
It is Yaapya.
According to Vaagbhat`a, when Triteeya Pat`alagata Timira is not treated properly, then the Dosha get harbouredin to the Chaturtha Pat`ala. They cover the Drisht`iMan`d`ala. It manifests in the Linganaas`ha ultimately.

Vaataja Timira:
A person looks objects moving. The vision is muddy, Arun`aabha and Vyaaviddha.
According to Vaagbhat`a, a person sees the objects distorted. (Vyaaviddham Iva) He sees the objects moving, Aavila (Muddy), Arun`a, clear frequently. An object which is straight is seen as if it is curved. Aggravated Kaacha gives symptoms as if Drisht`i is covered by smoke and fog (Rajodhoomaavrita Drisht`i)

Pittaja Timira:
A person sees the objects blue and black coloured.
According to Vaagbhat`a, a person sees lightining (Vidyut). A person sees generally blue colouredthings. Drisht`i turns to blue coloured Kaacha and sees related things like Indradhanush etc.

Kaphaja Timira:
A person sees Snigdha, Sita (white coloured), as if water is accumulated in the eyes.
According to Vaagbhat`a, a person sees objects unctuous and white. Kapha can be seen clearly in the Drisht`i. it hampers vision.

Raktaja Timira:
A person sees red, green, dark brown, black coloured objects.
According to Vaagbhat`a, a person sees the object red coloured and darkened. Drisht`i becomes red and black (Raktaa and Krishn`a). The same colouredobjects are seen by a person. In the Linganaas`haDrisht`i becomes dull and visionless.

Saannipaataja Timira Samsargaja or Saannipaatika Timira:
A person looks objects different coloured and shattered. An object may be seen as divided into many parts.
According to Vaagbhat`a, there are mixed symptoms in the Samsargaja and Saannipaatika Timira. A person suddenly sees clearly and suddenly vision goes dull.

Pitta with Rakta causes Parimlaayi. A person sees yellow colouredall around. He sees as if it looks like at the time of sunrise. A person sees Khadyota all over.

Six types of Raagapraapta Linganaas`ha:
Due to Vaayu, vision turns to red colour;
Due to PittaParimlaayi is manifested and it turns to blue coloured;
Due to Kapha, vision turns to white colour.
Due to Rakta, it turns to red colour.
Due to all the dosha, it turns to mixed colour.

Parimlaayi (Kaacha):
It is caused due to Pitta. The vision becomes like Sthoola Kaacha. The colourturns to dark red. Vision turns to Mlaayi and slightly blue coloured. If the Dosha are depleted, then a person can see. It is Pittja and Yaapya.

In Linganaas`haDrisht`i Man`d`ala, turns to Arun`a Varn`a. it is rough and Chanchala due to Vaata Prakopa.
Due to Pitta Prakopa, it becomes, blue coloured, Kaamsyaabha or Peeta.
Due to KaphaDrisht`i Man`d`ala becomes BahalaSnigdha, and white like S`hankha.
In Tridoshaja Linganaas`haDrisht`iMan`d`ala turns to different colour.
Parimlaayi Kaacha (Araaga) = Timira
Parimlaayi Kaacha (Raaga) = Kaacha – Linganaas`ha

Pittavidagdha Drisht`i:
The vision turns to yellow colourdue to Pitta. The objects look like yellow coloured. When Dosha are reached to Triteeya Pat`ala, a person sees only at the night and not at the day time; as Pitta gets pacified in the Night. It is Saadhya.
According to Vaagbhat`aDrisht`i becomes Peeta (yellow coloured).

S`hleshmavidagdha Drisht`i:
Due to this vision turns to white colour. When the Dosha are harbored in to the Triteeya Pat`ala, a person can not see in the Night but can see in the daytime. It is Saadhya. This is Naktaandhya according to Maadhava Nidaana.

A person sees the objects with the smoke (Dhooma) due to S`hokaज्वरAayaasaS`hirobhitaapa. It is Pittaja and Saadhya.

A person sees in the day with difficulty and the objects are seen smaller than they are. A person is visionless in the night. It is Pittaja and Asaadhya.

It is Tridoshaja and Asaadhya. Vision shines like the vision of Nakula. It is Tridoshaja and Asaadhya.
According to Vaagbhat`aDrisht`i of a person gets lightened like Nakula (Mongoose) due to the accumulation of the Dosha in the Drisht`i. a person sees different coloursin the daytime and unablesto see in the night.

Gambheerikaa Gambheeraa Drisht`i:
This is Vaataja and Asaadhya. The vision is constricted. There is pain. It is Vaataja and Asaadhya.
According to Vaagbhat`a, there is constriction of Drisht`igata Siraa due to Vaayu. It enters in to the Drisht`i Man`d`ala. It is called as Antargambheeraa Drisht`i.

Hrasvaajaad`ya Hrasvadars`hinee:
According to Vaagbhat`a, it is PittajaDrisht`i turns to blue colour. It becomes unctuous. It is possible to see nearer objects.

According to Vaagbhat`a, when sun sets down, Dosha become stagnant causing Stambha of Drisht`i. It is called as Doshandha.
When Dosha get displaced from the Drisht`i, then a person can see in the daytime.

Raatryandha Ushn`a Vidagdha Drisht`i:
A person whose temperature is raised due to fire, sunlight etc; when sinks in to the cold water suddenly; heat in the body with the Tridosha and Rakta traverse to the upward direction towardseyes. There is muddynesson the S`huklaMan`d`ala. Vision is muddy in the daytime. This is called as Raatryandha which is caused due to Ushn`avidagdha Drisht`i. It is named as Ushn`a Vidagdha Drisht`i by Arun`adatta.

Amlavidagdha Drisht`i:
Due to excessive sour food, Drisht`i gets accumulated by the Dosha with Rakta. There is Kan`d`ooKleda also. It is also called as Amlavidaghda Drisht`i.

A person suffering from S`hokaज्वरS`hirorogaVaayu etc Dosha cause the vision affected by smoke; due to which a person sees objects smoky. It is called as Dhoomara.

Aupasargika Linganaas`ha:
A person having less mental strength, when sees something miraculous; Dosha in the eyes dries out the Drisht`i. it resembles to the colourof Vaid`ooryaDrisht`i becomes stagnant. There is no pain (Prakritistha Iva). This is called as Aupasargika Linganaas`ha.
These symptoms are told by Maadhavanidaana in Animittaja Linganaas`ha.
There are 6 Upadravaa of Linganaas`ha:- A. H. U. 14.5-8

  1. Aavartakee
  2. S`harkaraa
  3. Raajeematee
  4. ChhinnamS`hukaa
  5. Chandrakee
  6. Chhatrakee

When Dosha or one of the Dosha, are harbouredin to the Prathama Pat`ala, a person can not see the clear objects also without any cause. A.H.U.12/1|
Baahya Kaaran`aja: – (S.U.7/42-46). It is of two types:

  1. Sanimittaja
  2. Animittaja

There is S`hirobhitaapaAbhishyanda. It is Asaadhya.

Vision turns to Vaidoorya Varn`a. Vision turns to utmost clarity. It is Asaadhya.

Abhighaataja Drisht`i:
There is Vidaaran`a and Avasaada of Drisht`i. It is considered under Saannipaatika.

Due to the trauma, there is Samrambha (having inflamed), Raaga (Redness), and Tumulaa Rujaa (severe pain).

Netrarogasya Saamatva:
Saamataa of Netraroga manifests with Udeern`avedanaaRaagaशोथGharshaNistodaS`hoola, and As`hru (tears)

Netrarogasya Niraamatva:
There is mild pain (Manda Vedanaa), Kan`d`ooSamrambha. There areno tears (As`hrupras`haantataa). The colourof the eye becomes normal (Pras`hastavarn`ataa). These are the signs of Pakva Dosha.

Drisht`igataRogaVaataja KaachaPittaja KaachaKaphaja KaachaSaannipaatika KaachaRaktaja KaachaParimlaayiPittavidagdha Drisht`iS`hleshmavidagdha Drisht`iDhoomadars`hee DhoomaraNakulaandhyaGambheerikaaDoshandhaUshn`avidagdha Drisht`iAmlavidagdha Drisht`iAupasargika Linganaas`ha
Saadhya      SaadhyaSaadhyaSaadhyaAsaadhyaAsaadhya    
Dosha     PittajaPittajaPitta VidagdhaKaphajaPittajaTridoshajaDosha Nichita (V)VaatajaDosha Stambha (V)TridoshaDosha Sarakta (V)Dosha Vaataadi
Dhaatu            RaktajaRakta Dusht`iRaktaja 
Upadhaatu          Drik Siraa Sankocha A.H.U.12/12    
Sarvagata Roga 1VaataAbhishyandaPittaAbhishyandaKaphaAbhishyandaRaktaAbhishyandaVaataAdhimanthaPittaAdhimanthaKaphaAdhimanthaAs`hopha Paakaa 
Svabhaava    MithyaachaaraatShad`aaatraat Drisht`im Hanti S.U.6/20MithyaachaaraatSadya Eva Drisht`im Hanti S.U.6/20MithyaachaaraatSaptaraatraat Drisht`im Hanti S.U.6/20  
AvayavaNetra Netra Netra Netra NetraS`hira    
DoshaVaatajaPittajaKaphaja VaatajaPittajaKaphajaTridoshaja 
Dhaatu   Raktaja     
Mala     Sveda Pravartana Netra Mala 
Sarvagata Roga 2HataadhimanthaVaataparyaayaS`hushkaAkshipaakaAnyatovaataAmlaAdhyushitaSirotpaata(S`huklaMan`d`alastha as per Vaagbhat`a)Siraaharsha(S`huklaMan`d`alastha as per Vaagbhat`a)Akshipaakaatyaya 
Avayava PakshmaAkshiBhroo Avat`uKarn`aShiraHanuManyaaBhrooNetraS`hamkha – (V)     
Saadhya SaadhyaSaadhyaSaadhyaSaadhyaSaadhyaSaadhya  
AsaadhyaAsaadhya      Asaadhya 
DoshaVaatajaVaatajaVaatajaVaataja PittajaVaatajaPittaja  Kapha PrakopaTridoshaja M.Ni.59/27 
Dhaatu     RaktajaRaktaja  
UpadhaatuNetragata Antah Siraa        
Krishn`agata RogaSavran`a s`hukraKshata S`hukra (V) – it is of three types-Krishn`aMan`d`alagata– Dviteeya Pat`alagata– Triteeya Pat`alagataAvran`a ShukraPaakaatyayaAjakaajaataShuddha S`hukraSiraa S`hukra 
SaadhyaDrisht`i AsameepasthaAnavagaad`haNiraasraaveeAvedanaavaanAyugma S`hukra S.U.5/5; M.Ni.59/23SyandaatmakaKrishn`agataSachoshaS`hankhendukunda Pratimaa AvabhaasamVaihaayasa Abhra Pratanu Prakaas`ham M.NI.59/24Saadhya S.U.5/8  Saadhya  
KrichchhraKrishn`a Man`d`alagata Kshata S`hukra (Krichchhrasaadhya – V)Dviteeya Man`d`alagata Kshata S`hukra (Y – V)Triteeya Man`d`alagata (A – V)Gambheera JaataBahalaChirotthitaGambheerajaataBahula S`huklaChirotthita      
AsaadhyaAsaadhyaVichchhinna MadhhyaPis`hitaavritaChalaSiraasaktaAdrisht`ikritDvi Pat`alaas`hritaChirotthitaMudganibhaTittiripakshatulyamS.U.5/6-7AsaadhyaVichchhinna MadhyaPis`hitaavritaChalaSiraasookshmaAdrisht`ikritDvitvaggataAntatah LohitaChirotthita M.Ni.59/25Tittiripakshatulya M.Ni.59/26AsaadhyaAsaadhya AsaadhyaAntardrisht`Vinaas`haAntah S`hyaava Kinchit LohitaAtyutsedhaAvagaad`haSaas`hrunaad`eevran`aavritamVatsaraateetamVishamasamsthaanamVichchhinnam (V) A.H.U.10/31 
Dosha  TridoshajaKaphajaKaphajaTridosha 
DhaatuRaktajaRaktajaRaktaja (V)Raktaja Raktaja 
S`huklagata RogaPrastaari ArmaS`hukla ArmaLohitaarmaMaamsajaArma AdhimaamsajaSnaayu ArmaS`huktiArjunaPisht`akaSiraa Jaala JaalasamdnyitaSiraa Pid`akaaBalaasaka Balaasagrathita
Krichchhra S`hastrakrma Saadhya (V)S`hastrakrma Saadhya (V)S`hastrakrma Saadhya (V)S`hastrakrma Saadhya (V)   S`hastra SaadhyaS`hastra Saadhya (V) 
AsaadhyaAsita PraaptaMaamsaavritaSnaayvaavritaSiraavritaUchchhraayiDrisht`ipraapta (V)Asita PraaptaMaamsaavritaSnaayvaavritaSiraavritaUchchhraayiDrisht`ipraapta (V)Asita PraaptaMaamsaavritaSnaayvaavritaSiraavritaUchchhraayiDrisht`ipraapta (V)Asita PraaptaMaamsaavritaSnaayvaavritaSiraavritaUchchhraayiDrisht`ipraapta (V)Asita PraaptaMaamsaavritaSnaayvaavritaSiraavritaUchchhraayiDrisht`ipraapta (V)      
DoshaTridoshajaKaphaja TridoshajaTridoshajaPittaja Kaphaja TridoshajaKaphaja
DhaatuMaamsa Vriddhi (V)Maamsa Vriddhi (V)RaktajaMaamsa Prachaya S.U.4/5   Raktaja  Raktaja   
Mala     S`hakrid Bheda (V)     
Vartmagata Roga 1SaamaanyaSampraaptiUtsangeeNiKumbheekaaPothakeeVartma S`harkaraaArS`hoVartmaS`hushkaars`haAnjanaNaamikaaBahala VartmaVartmaAvabandhakaKlisht`a VartmaPakshma S`haataKapha Utklisht`a
Saadhya  SaadhyaSaadhya SaadhyaSaadhyaSaadhyaSaadhyaSaadhyaSaadhya  
Asaadhya Asaadhya  Asaadhya        
DoshaDosha PrakopaTridoshajaTridoshajaKaphajaTridoshajaTridoshajaTridoshaja TridoshajaTridoshajaTridoshaja (Vaagbhat`a)PittajaKaphaja
DhaatuMaamsa Vriddhi S.U.3/3Rakta Vriddhi S.U.3/3Raktaja (Vaagbhat`a)     RaktajaMaamsa Vriddhi (V) Raktaja  
UpadhaatuVartmagata Siraa S.U.3/3            
Vartmagata Roga 2Vartma KardamaS`hyaava VartmaKlinna VartmaAklinna Vartma PillaVaatahata Vartmaअर्बुदNimeshaS`hon`itaars`haLagan`aBisa VartmaPakshmakopaKrichchhraUnmeelanaPittotlisht`a Vartma
Upas`haya          Pakshma Uddharan`aMardana 
Anupas`haya          VaayuAatapaAnala  
SaadhyaSaadhyaSaadhyaSaadhyaSaadhya SaadhyaSaadhya SaadhyaSaadhya   
Asaadhya    Asaadhya Asaadhya (V)Asaadhya     
Yaapya          Yaapya  
DoshaTridoshajaTridoshajaKaphajaTridoshajaVaatajaTridoshajaVaataja KaphajaTridoshajaTridoshajaVaatajaPittaja
Dhaatu Raktaja (Vaagbhat`a)   Raktaja (V) Raktaja     
Netra RogaSandhigata Roga (9)PooyaalasaUpanaahaPooyaasraavaS`hleshmaasraavaRaktaasraavaPittaasraava(Jalaasraava)Parvan`eeAlajeeKrimigranthi
AvayavaKaneenikaa SandhiDrisht`i SandhiKaneenikaaKaneenikaaKaneenikaaKaneenikaaKrishn`a S`hukla SandhiVartmas`hukla Sandhi (V)Krishn`a S`hukla SandhiKaneenikaa (V)VartmaPakshma Sandhi Vartma– S`hukla SandhiKaneenikaa (V)Apaanga (V)
SaadhyaSaadhyaSaadhya    Saadhya Saadhya
KrichchhraS`hastra Saadhya (V)S`hastra Saadhya (V)    S`hastra Saadhya (V) S`hastra Saadhya (V)
Asaadhya  AsaadhyaAsaadhyaAsaadhyaAsaadhya Asaadhya 
DoshaTridoshajaKaphajaTridoshajaKaphajaPitta?PittajaVaata Prakopa (V)Pitta?TridosajaKaphaja
Dhaatu  Rakta Dusht`I (V)Maamsa Paaka (V)Rakta Sraava (V) Rakta Dusht`I Rakta Dusht`iRakta Sraava (V)  
Upadhaatu  Tvak Paaka (V)  Jalavaahee Siraa (V)   
Netra Roga VaatajaPittajaKaphajaSaanni
SvabhaavaDaarun`a S.U.1/20    
Dosha Vaata PrakopaPitta PrakopaKapha PrakopaTridosha Prakopa
Dosha_Gun`a   Kapha Pichchhila, Guru 
UpadhaatuSiraa Dusht`i S.U.1/20    
Mala Netra Mala Anupasthiti C.Chi.26/129Netra MalaNetra Mala Dusht`iNetra MalaNetra Mala Dusht`iNetra MalaNetra Mala Dusht`i

Last updated on March 3rd, 2021 at 06:53 am

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