Masoorikaakriti Samsthaanaah Pid`akaah Syuh Masoorikaa | M.Ni.54/3
The disease in which the boils are formed in shape of मसूरिका (also resembling shape of Mudga, Kola, or Maasha) is called as Masoorikaa.
Due to consumption of Hetu like Kat`u, Amla, Lavan`a, Kshaara, Viruddhaas`hana, Adhyas`hana, Dusht`a Anna, Pradusht`a Pavana, Pradusht`a Udaka etc. all the three Dosha get aggravated.
These Dosha get asoociated with the vitiated Rakta Dhaatu manifesting boils in shape of Masoorikaa. It is called as Masoorikaa.
Madhukos`ha has quoted another Sampraapti in T`eekaa
Pitta associated with Rakta vitiates Tvak (skin) manifesting Pid`akaa all over the body. These Pid`akaa are in shape of Mudga or Maasha or Masoorikaa.
Generally, Masoorikaa is caused by Pitta and Rakta.
Prodromal symptoms
- ज्वर
- Kan`d`oo
- Gaatra Bhanga
- Arati
- भ्रम
- Tvak S`hotha
- Vaivarn`ya
- Netra Raaga
Vaataja Masoorikaa
It does not suppurate early. It is Kat`hina. The boils are S`hyaava, Arun`a in colour. The boils are dry and with severe pain.
There is Sandhi Parva Bheda, Kaasa, Kampa, Arati, Klama, Taalu S`hosha, Jihvaa S`hosha, Osht`ha S`hosha.
Pittajaa Masoorikaa
The boils are red, yellow, grey coloured. There is दाह and severe pain.
They suppurate quickly.
There is Vid`bheda, AngaMarda, Daaha, Trishn`aa, Mukhpaaka, Akshiraaga, severe ज्वर and Aruchi
Raktajaa Masoorikaa
It manifests with the symptoms same as of Pittaja Masoorikaa.
There is Kapha Praseka, Staimitya, S`hirorug, Gaatra Gaurava, Hrillaasa, Aruchi, Nidraa, Tandraa, Aalasya.
Kaphaja Masoorikaa
The boil is white, unctuous, and big. There is itching and with mild pain (Manda Vedanaa). They suppurate very late.
Sarva Doshaja Masoorikaa (Charma Dala):
They are Neela in colour. They are flat. Centrally shrunken and enlarged at the periphery. They suppurate very late. There are secretions (Pooti Sraava). They are high in number
There is Kan`t`ha Rodha, Aruchi, Stambha, Pralaapa, Arati.
These are called as Charma Sandnyitaa. (Charma Dala)
These are Asaadhya.
Symptoms of मसूरिका as per association of Dhaatu:
Tvag Gata Masoorikaa
The boil is like filled with water. The Dosha are relatively less. If they open, watery secretion is found.
Raktastha Masoorikaa
They suppurate quickly. The skin on the boil is thin. These are Saadhya if they are not much vitiated. If they open, they secrete watery discharges.
Maamsastha Masoorikaa:
The boils are Kat`hina, Snigdha, Chirapaaka. The skin of the boil is thick. There is Gaatra S`hoola, Trishaa, Kan`d`oo, Jvara, Arati.
Medoja Masoorikaa
These boils are circular (Man`d`alaakaara), soft (Mridu), slightly elevated. There is severe Jvara. There is Sammoha, Arati, Santaapa.
This is Krichchhrasaadhya.
Asthi Majjaagata Masoorikaa:
The boil is small. They are dry, flat and slightly elevated.
There is Sammoha, Vedanaa, Arati. There is pain in Marmasthaana. There is a pain like bite of black bee (Bhramara). This is Asaadhya.
S`hukragata Masoorikaa:
The boils are suppurated, unctuous, small and with severe pain. There is Staimitya, Arati, Sammoha, Daaha, Unmaada. This is Asaadhya.
- Krichchhrasaadhya:
- Vaataja
- VaataPittaja
- KaphaVaataja
- Asaadhya:
Sanipaatottha -where मसूरिका is like:
- Pravaala Sadris`ha
- Jamboophalopamaa
- Lohajaalasamaa
- AtaseePhalasannibha
- Bahuvidha Varn`a
If following symptoms are seen then the मसूरिका is called as Asaadhya-
- कास
- हिक्का
- प्रमेह
- Jvara (Teevra, Daarun`a)
- Pralaapa
- Arati
- Moorchchhaa
- तृष्णा
- दाह
- Atighoorn`ataa (Jihmaayaana Madhukos`ha)
- Mukhena Rakta Prasravan`a
- Kan`t`ha Ghurghuran`a
- Ghraan`ena Nihs`hvaswet
- Koorpara S`hotha
- Man`ibandha S`hotha
- Amsaphalaka S`hotha
Type of Masoorikaa Romaantikaa:
They are formed due to the elevation of the Roma Koopa.
They are red coloured and caused due to Kapha and Pitta.
There is कास and अरोचक. There is ज्वर at the onset of Romaantikaa.
Last updated on February 11th, 2021 at 04:15 am