विषय सूची पर जायें


C. Chi. 28, S. Ni.1 Chi. 4 and 5, A. H. Ni.15, A. H. Chi. 21, M. Ni. 22


  1. Vaata Eva Vyaadhi Vaatavyaadhih |
    Vaata itself is treated as Vyaadhi considering its potential to cause Vyaadhi with dominance of Vaata. Here, Vaata itself acts as a Dooshya and manifests diseases all over the body or locally.
  2. Vaataad Vyaadhih Vaatavyaadhih |
    Any disease which is caused due to the dominance of Vaata Dosha, is वातव्याधि.
  3. Vyaadhipadasaamaanaadhikaran`yaad Vikrito Duhkhakaaree Vaato Vaatavyaadhih | M. N. 22.1-4


  • Vaata is main entity as Dosha in the human body. It is the most potent Dosha as many activities of other Dosha are dependent on it. ज्वर and other Vyaadhi are also caused by Vaata Dosha also, but they are not denoted as वातव्याधि, because other Dosha like Pitta and Kapha both are equally involved, in the pathogenesis of ज्वर etc. diseases. But in the वातव्याधि pathogenesis and manifestation the major role is of Vaata Dosha. Other Aavrita Vikaara like Kaphaavrita and Pittaavrita Vaata etc. are considered under वातव्याधि because there is major involvement of Vaata Dosha than other Dosha.
  • Vaata is Atibala, Aas`hukaaree, Gariyas i. e. it is the most potent and powerful Dosha by which other Dosha; i.e. Kapha and Pitta are influenced. As the वातव्याधि are difficult to cure and have specific treatment, they are described separately. But it is not so with the Pittavikaara and Kaphavikaara so they are not described separately.
  • It is very difficult to describe all the वातव्याधि as there can be innumerable combinations depending upon the site, vitiation of Vaata type etc. Therefore these are to be judged according to the site and the symptoms which are manifested.
  • The prime Dosha in the pathogenesis of वातव्याधि is Vaata, but it is also necessary to find out the association of other two Dosha with the help of the symptoms.
  • Vaata gets aggravated due to two major causes:
  1. Dhaatu Kshaya
  2. Maargaavaran`a
  • Vaata is the most potent Dosha. Being Sookshma (subtle), Vaata moves all over the body and vitiates other Dosha. This leads to the diseases at the site at which the Dosha are aggravated. It also causes emaciation of Dhaatu.
  • Charaka Samhitaa has given the 5 types of Vaata Dosha according to Sthaana (site) and Kriyaa (Vaata responsible for different actions). They are Praan`a, Udaana, Samaana, Vyaana, Samaana, Apaana. When the actions of specific type of Vaata is aggravated or diminished, it is to be taken as a vitiation of Vaata. Actually, 80 types of Naanaatmaja Vikaaraa are explained in Sootrasthaana of Charaka Samhitaa.
  • Types of Vaata Dosha
  1. Praan`a When vitiated causes the diseases like Hikkaa, S`hvaasa, Kaasa.
  2. Udaana When vitiated causes the upperclavicular diseases (OordhvaJatrugata Vikaara)
  3. Samaana When vitiated cuases diseases like Gulma, Agnisaada, Atisaara, etc.
  4. Vyaana When vitiated leads to the diseases manifesting all over the body; S`hukradosha, Prameha etc.
  5. Apaana When vitiated leads to the diseases related to Basti and GudaS`hukradosha, Prameha.


  • Vaata gets filled in to the dried channels in the body manifesting the diseases all over the body or at the site where it gets aggravated.


  1. (Parva) Samkocha constriction
  2. (Parva) Stambha stiffness
  3. (Asthi and Parva) Bheda piercing pain in the bones
  4. Lomaharsha bristling of hairs
  5. Pralaapa delirious speech
  6. Graha (Paan`i / Prisht`ha / S`hira) catching pain
  7. Khaanjya limping with one leg
  8. Paangulya limping / hobbling
  9. Kubjatva the state of being humpbacked
  10. शोष atrophic condition
  11. Anidrataa insomnia
  12. Garbha Naas`ha fetal death
  13. S`hukra Naas`ha abnormality in semen
  14. Rajo Naas`ha absence of menstruation
  15. Spandana pulsation
  16. Gaatra Supti Numbness
  17. S`hiro Hun`d`ana Cracking of the scalp (Kes`ha Bhoomi Sphut`ana)

S`hamkha and Lalaat`a Bheda piercing pain in temporal and frontal bone

  1. Naasaa Hun`d`ana Ghraan`a Naas`ha inability to smell
  2. Akshi Hun`d`ana Akshivyudaasa – throwing away of eyes
  3. Jatru Hun`d`ana Vaksha Uparodha obstruction on the chest
  4. Greevaa Hun`d`ana Greevaa Stambha neck stiffness
  5. Toda pricking pain
  6. Arti pain / injury
  7. Aakshepa throwing away of the body parts
  8. Moha infatuation
  9. Aayaasa exertion


  • The diseases enlisted in the वातव्याधि चिकित्सा in Charaka Samhitaa
  1. Kosht`haas`hrita Vaata
  2. Sarvaangagata Vaata
  3. Gudasthita Vaata
  4. Aamaas`hayaas`hrita Vaata
  5. Pakvaas`hayaas`hrita Vaata
  6. Indriyaas`hrita Vaata
  7. Tvaksthita Vaata
  8. Raktagata Vaata
  9. Maamsamedogata Vaata
  10. Majjaasthigata Vaata
  11. S`hukrastha Vaata
  12. Snaayugata Vaata
  13. Siraagata Vaata
  14. Sandhigata Vaata
  15. Ardita
  16. Antaraayaama
  17. Bahiraayaama
  18. Hanugraha
  19. Aakshepaka
  20. Dan`d`aka
  21. Ekaangaroga
  22. Gridhrasee
  23. Khallee
  24. Aavrita Vaata
    1. Pittaavrita Vaata
    2. Kaphaavrita Vaata
    3. Raktaavrita Vaata
    4. Maamsaavrita Vaata
    5. Medaavrita Vaata
    6. Asthyaavrita Vaata
    7. Majjaavrita Vaata
    8. S`hukraavrita Vaata
    9. Annaavrita Vaata
    10. Mootraavrita Vaata
    11. Pureeshaavrita (VarchasaavritaVaata
    12. Praan`aavrita Vyaana
    13. Samaanaavrita Vyaana
    14. Udaanaavrita Vyaana
    15. Apaanaarita Vyaana
    16. Vyaanaavrita Praan`a
    17. Udaanaavrita Praan`a
    18. Praan`aavrita Samaana
    19. Samaanaavrita Apaana
    20. Udaanaavrita Apaana
    21. Vyaanaavrita Apaana
    22. Praan`aavrita Udaana
    23. Apaanaavrita Udaana
    24. Pittaavrita Praan`a
    25. Kaphaavrita Praan`a
    26. Pittaavrita Udaana
    27. Kaphaavrita Udaana
    28. Pittaavrita Samaana
    29. Kaphaavrita Samaana
    30. Pittaavrita Vyaana
    31. Kaphaavrita Vyaana
    32. Pittaavrita Apaana
    33. Kaphaavrita Apaana
  • Actually, Charaka says that there are 20 Aavaran`a_s but explains only 12.
  • There is also a type named as Mis`hra Aavaran`a e.g S`hleshma Pittaavrita Vaata; but it is not discussed. Only a guideline is given.

Kosht`haas`hrita Vaata

When Vaata gets resided in to Kosht`ha (digestive system), the symptoms manifested are Mootra Nigraha (retention of urine), Pureesha Nigraha (constipation), Bradhnaहृद्रोग (heart related diseases), गुल्मArs`ha (piles), Paars`Hvas`Hoola (pain in the sides of the chest).

Sarvaangakupita Vaata

  • When Vaata aggravates all over the body, the symptoms manifested are Gaatra Bhanjana (breaking pain), Gaatra Sphuran`a (pulsation), Vedanaa (pain), Sandhi Sphut`ana (splitting pain in the joints).
  • According to Sus`hrutaVaata gradually aggravates and lodges in the hands, feet, head etc. ultimately harboring all the body and all the Dhatu_s. The symptoms are StambhanaAakshepan`a, SvaapaS`hophaS`hoola.
  • Vaagbhat`a adds some symptoms like TodaBhedaStambhanaAakshepan`a, SvaapaSandhi AakunchanaKampana.

Gudasthita Vaata

When Vaata aggravates in the Guda, the symptoms manifested are Pureesha Graha (constipation), Mootra Graha (retention of urine), Vaata Graha (flatulence), S`hoola (pain), Aadhmaana (flatulence), As`hma (calculus), S`harkaraa (gravels), Janghaa Paata (debility in Janghaa), Ooru Paata (debility in thighs), Trika Paata (debility in Triak), Prisht`ha Roga, S`hosha (emaciation).

Aamaas`hayasthita Vaata

  • When Vaata gets vitiated in Aamaas`haya, the symptoms manifested are Hrit RukNaabhi RukPaars`hva RukUdara RukTrishn`aa (thirst), Udgaara (belching), विसूचिकाकासKan`t`ha S`hosha (dryness in the throat), Aasya S`hosha (dryness in the mouth), श्वास (Dyspnoea)
  • The symptoms are Chhardi, Moha, Moorchchhaa, Pipaasaa, Hridgraha, Paars`hva Vedanaa. (Sus`hruta)
  • According to Vaagbhat`a, the symptoms of Aamaas`hayagata Vaata are Trid`, Vamathu (vomiting), S`hvaasa, Kaasa, Visoochikaa, Kan`t`hoparodha, Udgaara (belching).

Pakvaas`hayastha Vaata

  • When Vaata gets vitiated in the Pakvaas`haya, the symptoms manifested are Antrakoojana (bowel sounds), S`hoola (pain), Aat`opa (Udare Gud`a Gud`a S`habdah), Krichchhramootrapravritti (difficulty in urination), Krichchhrapureeshatva (difficulty in defecation), आनाह (flatulence), Trikavedanaa (pain in Trika).
  • The symptom added by Sus`hruta is Naabhi S`hoola.
  • Vaagbhat`a adds the symptoms like Aanaaha, Malarodha (constipation), As`hma (urinary calculus), Vardhma, Ars`ha (piles), Trika Graha (catching pain in the lumbar region), Prisht`ha Graha (catching pain in the back), Kat`i Graha (catching pain in the waist) and the diseases manifesting on the lower body.

Indriyagata Vaata
The perceptive ability is hampered or lost when Vaata vitiates in the sense organs.

Tvak Gata Vaata

  • Vaata vitiated in the skin manifests the symptoms like Tvak Sphut`ana (cracks in the skin), Tvak Supti (numbness), Kris`ha Tvak (emaciation of skin), Krishn`a Tvak (black Colored skin), Tvak Toda (pricking pain in the skin), Tvak Aatanana (Vistaara), Tvak Raaga (redness in the skin), Parvaruk (pain in the Interphalengeal joints).
  • Sus`hruta adds the symptoms like Tvak Sphuran`a, Tvak Raukshya, Chimachimaayana, Nistodana, Tvak Bheda, Paripot`ana (Sarvatah Put`anam Tvahcah Eva D`ahlan`a).
  • According to Sus`hruta, there is Sphut`ana (cracks on the skin) and Rookshataa (dryness), when Vaata resides in the skin.

Raktagata Vaata

  • Vaata vitiatedin the blood manifests with the symptoms like (Teevra Rujaa) severe pain, SantaapaVaivarn`ya (change in the complexion), Kris`hataa (emaciation), Aruchi (Anorexia), ArumshiGaatra Stambha after having food.
  • According to Sus`hruta, wound is the symptom of Raktagata Vaata.
  • Vaagbhat`a adds some symptoms like Raaga (redness on the skin), Anna Visht`ambhaKris`hataa (emaciation), भ्रम (vertigo).

Maamsamedogata Vaata

  • When Vaata vitiates in Maamsa and Medas Dhaatu, the symptoms are Anga Gaurava (heaviness), Ati Toda [Todaad`hya] (severe pricking pain), Dan`d`a Musht`ihatavat Rujaa (pain as if one is stroking by stick or punch), S`hramita (exerted).
  • Sus`hruta says that there are Granthi_s with pain in Maamsagata Vaata. In Medahs`hrita Vaata, there are Granthi_s but relatively less pain and there are no wounds.
  • Vaagbhat`a says that when Vaata vitiates Maamsa and Meda, it manifests with Ati Toda (severe pricking pain), Karkas`ha GranthiS`hramaAnga Gurutaa (heaviness), Ati Ruk (severe pain), StabdhataaDan`d`a Musht`ihatavat Rujaa (pain as if one is stroking by stick or punch).

Asthimajjaagata Vaata

  • When Vaata aggravates in Asthi_s and Majja, the symptoms manifested are Asthi Bheda (Breaking pain in bones), Parva Bheda (breaking pain in Interphalangealjoints), Sandhis`hoola (joint pain), Maamsa Kshaya (depletion of Maamsa), Balakshaya (loss of physical strength), Asvapna (insomnia), Santataa Ruk (Continuouspain).
  • According to Sus`hruta, there is emaciation of AsthiAsthi Prabheda (breaking pain) and S`hoola (pain); and in Majjaas`hrita Vaata, there is Continuouspain (not relieving for a while).
  • There is Sakthi S`hoola (pain in waist region), Asthi S`hoola (bony pain), Sandhi S`hoola (joint pain) and Teevra Balakshaya (severe debility).
  • In Majjaagata Vaata, there is Asthi Saushirya (osteoporosis), Asvapna (Nidraa Naas`ha), Santata Rujaa (Continuouspain).

S`hukrastha Vaata

  • When aggravated Vaata aggravates in the S`hukra Dhaatu, the symptoms manifested are Kshipra S`hukra Mochana (early ejaculation of S`hukra) or delayed ejaculation of S`hukra at the time of sexual act. Premature births or not causing laborpains after the fetal maturation period. The fetus may have some congenital anomalies. There may be the abnormalities in the semen.
  • According to Sus`hruta, there may be early or delayed ejaculation of semen or there may be the abnormalities in the S`hukra (semen).

Snaayugata Vaata

  • When Vaata aggravates in the Snaayu_s, the symptoms manifested are BaahyaayaamaAntaraayaamaKhalliKubjatvaSarvaangarogaEkaangaroga.
  • It manifests with GridhraseeAayaama, and Kubjataa.

Siraagata Vaata

  • When Vaata gets vitiated in the Siraa, the symptoms manifested are S`hareera S`hosha (emaciation of body), (Manda Ruk) mild pain, S`hareera Spandana (pulsation of body), Siraa Supti (Non-pulsatilevessels / numbness in the Siraa), Siraa Tanutva (thinness of Siraa), Siraa Mahatee (enlargement of Siraa). There is Manda Ruk (mild pain) and Manda S`hopha (mild Oedema).
  • According to Sus`hruta, there is S`hoolaSiraakunchana (Kut`ilaa Siraa D`alhan`a), Siraa Pooran`a.
  • There is Siraa Aadhmaana (Siraa Pooran`a) or Siraa Riktataa (emptiness of the vessels).

Sandhigata Vaata

  • When Vaata gets aggravated in the joints, there is Oedemaon the joints. Joint feels like an inflated bag. There is pain while flexing and extending the limbs.
  • According to Sus`hruta, there is inability of joints to move. There is S`hoola (pain) and S`hopha (Oedema) on the joints.
  • These are the Vyaadhi_s which are not that much powerful but relatively can be treated easily. Hence forth, relatively serious वातव्याधि_s are explained.

Ardita (Ekaayaama)

  • Ardayitvaa Anilo Vaktram Arditam Janayati Atah | S.Ni.1/69
  • Vaata severelyaggravated gets harbored in the left or right half of the body. It emaciates and constricts (Upas`hoshan`a and SamkochaRaktaBaahuPaada and Jaanu. The face, nose, eyebrows, forehead, eyes and mandible get crooked. Patient eats with the crooked face. The eyes become still while talking. The sneezing remains obstructed. The speech of the patient becomes Deena (depressed sound), Jihma (crooked sound), SamutkshiptaKalaa (Avyaktaa). There is Dantachaalana (crackling sounds of teeth). Both the ears S`hravan`a Baadhaa (become deaf). There is Svara Bheda. There is pain in feet, hands, eyes, JanghaaOoruS`hamkha, ears, Gan`d`a. Thus, Ardita manifests on the right or left half of the body part or only half of the face.
  • According to Sus`hrutaVaata residing at S`hiraNaasaaOsht`haChibukaLalaat`a moving them restlessly (Ardayitvaa) leads to the Ardita. In this half of the face and neck (Greevaa) gets twisted. There is tremor in the head, can not speak, there is deformity in the Netra etc. sense organs. There is pain in the GreevaaChibukaDanta. This is the disease called as Ardita.
  • According to Vaagbhat`a Ardita is also called as Ekaayaama. There is severe pain in upper clavicularpain or in right or left half of the body. There is major loss of sense organs like; VaaksangaStabdhanetrataaGandhaadnyaanaSmriti Moha.

Difference between Arditaand Ardhaanga
Ardita has paroxysmsbut the Ardhaanga is not manifested in paroxysms. Chakrapaan`i

Asaadhya Criteria for Ardita

  1. In Ksheen`a (emaciated) person
  2. Animisha Akshi
  3. Prasakta Bhaashan`a
  4. Sakta Bhaashan`a
  5. After 3 years (Trivarsha Samvatsara Ateeta)
  6. Sa Vepana Kampanas`heela


  • Vaata gets lodgedin to the Naad`ee (Manyaas`hrita Siraa). It manifests in the stiffness of the neck. This is Antaraayaama. Neck gets stiffed anteriorly. Other symptoms are Dantadas`hanaLaalaaPrisht`haayaamaS`hirograhaJrimbhaaVadana Sanga.
  • According to Sus`hruta, when Vaata jerks the Snaayu Prataana at AnguleeGulphaJat`haraHridayaUra and Gala forcefully, the body bends down like a bow anteriorly. This is Antaraayaama. The symptoms are; Aksha Visht`abdha (still eyes), Stabdha Hanu (locked jaw), Bhagna Paars`hvaKapha Vamana (vomiting of Kapha).
  • Vaagbhat`a has given the involvement of the Dhamanee in Antaraayaama.


  • Baahya Siraa in the back and Manyaa are atrophied by the aggravated Vaata causing Hanustambha which is called as Bahiraayaama. Like a bow body is bended posteriorly. There is Ura Utkshepan`aDanta Das`hanaJrimbhaaLaalaasraavaVaaggraha. At the time of paroxysm, it kills the patient or causes deformity in the body (Vaikalyakara).
  • According to Sus`hruta, when Vaata jerks out the Snaayu Prataana at the posterior side, it causes bending posteriorly. There is breaking pain in Kat`eeUrasOoru.
  • Synonyms
  1. Baahyaayaama
  2. Dhanushkambha
  3. Vegin
  • Vaagbhat`a has given the involvement of Kan`d`araa in Bahiraayaama. He has added some symptoms like Ura Ukshepan`a, Kandharaa AvamridyateDanta Vaivarn`YaAasya Vaivarn`YaPrasveda (perspiration), Srastagaatrataa (displacement of body parts).
  • Baahyaayaama, Abhyantaraayaama, Khallee, Kubjatva, Sarvaroga, Ekaangaroga these are the diseases caused by the Snaayugata Vaata.
  • But in the text Antaraayaama and Bahiraayaama are described as Siraagata Vaata. Here, Chakrapaan`opines that Antaraayaama and Bahiraayaama are to be considered as Siraa and Snaayugata Vaata.
  • Hanustambha (Hanusramsa)
  • Vaata situated in the root of mandible (Hanu Moola) displaces the Hanu from its position. The mouth remains open or it may remain closed. The Hanu becomes stiff. But there is no pain.

Vaata residing at Vaagavaahee Siraa, causes stiffness of tongue, this is Jihvaastambha. Therefore a patient can not eat drink or talk.

Aakshepa (Aakshepaka)

  • There is repeatedly throwing away of body parts due to the aggravated Vaata. There is emaciation (शोष) of hands, feet, SiraaSnaayuKan`d`araa.
  • Muhuh Eva Deham AakshipatiSa Aakshepan`aad Aakshepaka Iti Nirukti
    S.Ni.1/50 Gayadaasa
  • Vaagbhat`a and Sus`hruta has given the involvement of Dhamanee in Aakshepaka. The aggravated Vaata, harbors in the Dhamanee throwing away the body parts. This throwing away of the body parts is Aakshepaka.
  • Types of Aakshepaka


  • Yah Aakshepakah Antaraa Antaraa Paatayati So Apataanakah |
  • Apataanaka is a type of Aakshepaka where a person gets seizures in episodes.
  • Asaadhya Criteriafor Apataanaka
  • Garbhapaatanimittaja
  • S`hon`itaatisraavaja
  • Abhighaatanimittaja


  • There is stiffness of hands, feet, head, back and groin region like a pillar (Dan`d`a) so it is called as Dan`d`aka. It has no treatment.
  • In the वातव्याधि_s like ArditaAntaraayaamaBahiraayaamaHanustambhaDan`d`aka Vegaavasthaa and Avegaavasthaa are seen. It is stated that when there is paroxysm there is pain. But when the paroxysm is over there is relief to the patient.


  • Dan`d`avat Stambhayati Iti Dan`d`aapataanakah | Su. Ni. 1.53 D`alhan`a
  • Dan`d`avat Dan`d`akam | A. H. Ni. 15.42
  • This is a type of Apataanaka, where Vaata is associated with Kapha and it resides in the Dhamanee_s causing a stiffness in the body, is called as Dan`d`aapataanaka.
  • According to Vaagbhat`a, when Vaata is associated with Kapha and the Srotasa_s are blocked with the Aama then it causes stiffness of the whole body like a pillar. This is incurable.


  • Dhanustulyam Named Yastu Sa Dhanustambhasamdnyakah |
  • When body bends like a bow wither anteriorlyor posteriorlyit is called as Dhanustambha.

Ekaangaroga and Sarvaangaroga

  • Right or left half of the body is affected due to vitiated Vaata. The symptoms manifested are: a person can not move the affected part (Chesht`aa Nivritti). There is pain and patient can not speak (Vaak Stambha). The Vaata gets vitiated in to the Siraa and Snaayu of the right or left half of the body. There is constriction of the right or left foot or hand. There is pricking pain. As a side of the body is affected it is called as Ekaangaroga. If this pathogenesis occurs all over the body, it is called as Sarvaanga Roga.
  • When Vaata is associated with Pitta, it manifests with दाहSantaapaMoorchchha.
  • If Vaata is associated with Kapha, it manifests with S`haityaशोथGurutva.
  • When a side only is affected it is called as Pakshavadha.
  • This is also called as Pakshavadha or Ekaangaroga.

In Dan`d`aapataanakaVaata causes locked jaw which is called as Hanugraha.


  • Gridhrasee is a वातव्याधि in which the pain starts from the Sphik (buttocks). Then it traverses to the Kat`ee (waist), Prisht`ha (back), Ooru (thighs), Jaanu (knee joints), Janghaa (region between knee and ankle joint), Pada (foot / paddle region) successively.
  • There is Stambha (stiffness), pain, constriction (Graha), Spandana (pulsations) repeatedly.
  • There are two types of Gridhresee >>
  • Vaataja Gridhrasee The Gridhrasee itself is due to vitiation of Vaata.
  • Vaatakaphaja When there is association of Kapha, then there is association of the symptoms of Kapha Dosha like TandraaGauravaअरोचकBhaktadvesha etc.
  • Kan`d`araa of Paarshn`and Anguli is vitiated by Vaata and the thighs are thrown away, which is a sign of Gridhrasee.


  • Khallee is a वातव्याधि in which there is crushing / grinding / destroying / strangling pain in foot (Paada), JanghaaOoruKaramoola (root of the hand Axillary region)
  • Some has quoted Khallee as combination of Vis`hvaachee and Gridhrasee. S.Ni.1/75 Gayadaasa and D`alhan`a


  • Vaata gets aggravated and harbored in the Dhamanee goingdownward, upward and lateral. It hampers either right or left half of the body causing laxity in the Sandhibandha. It is Pakshaaghaata.
  • If the pathogenesis has occurred all over the body then whole body becomes immobile. Patient falls down and become dead.
  • Asaadhya Criteria of Pakshaaghaata
  1. Kevala Vaataja Pakshaaghaata
  2. Pakshaaghaata due to Kshaya
  • Saadhya Criteria of Pakshaaghaata
  1. Anya Dosha Samsritsht`a Pakshaghaata


  • Vaata associated with Kapha goes upward causing pain in the S`hira, HridayaS`hamkha throwing the body parts and body bends down. The eyes remain closed. A person become still. There is gurgling sound like a dove. The exhalation is difficult. The sensation is lost (Nasht`a Chetana).
  • The patient gets comfort when the Hridaya is free from Dosha and when it gets concealed by Dosha it manifests the disease Apatantraka.
  • It is Asaadhyawhen it is
  • Garbhapaatanimittaja
  • S`hon`itaatisraavaja
  • Abhighaatanimittaja


  • Some opines that Manyaastambha is a succession of Apataanaka. Or it may manifest without Apataanaka.
  • Due to nap in day, staring crookedly, there may be Manyaastambha, due to aggravated Vaata, associated by Kapha.

When Kan`d`araa at the hand and fingers is vitiated by Vaata posteriorlyhampering the movements of the hand. This is Vis`hvaachee.

Due to vitiation of Vaata and Rakta at the knee joint, large Oedemawith severe pain gets manifested. This Oedemaresembles to the head of wolf. (S`hrigaala Mastaka)

Vaata at Kat`ee (waist), when constricts the Kan`d`araa in the Sakthi (thighs), then the locomotion becomes difficult (Vikala Gati), it is Khanja. If both the thighs are involved then a person can not walk, it is called as Pangu.

At the onset of the locomotion, a person walks like a Khanja. The Sandhibandha are dislocated, and then it is called as Kalaayakhanja.

When foot is placed on the ground in uncomfortable position, it causes pain in the foot. It is called as Vaatakan`t`aka. The Vaata aggravates in the Khad`uka or Gulpha (joint of foot and leg ankle joint)

Vaata associated with Pitta and Rakta causes burning sensation in the foot due to excessive walking called as Paada Daaha.

Due to vitiation of Vaata and Kapha, there is numbness and Lomaharsha in the feet.

Vaata residing at Amsa (Scapular region) dries out the ligaments and constricts the Siraa manifesting Avabaahuka.

Vitiated Vaata at the site Amsa, emaciates the Amsabandhana, it is Amsas`hosha.

If Vaata or Vaata associated with Kapha covers the S`habdavaha Srotas causes Baadhirya (deafness).

Vaata causes breaking pain in HanuS`hamkhaS`hiraGreevaaKarn`a called as Karn`as`hoola.

Mooka, Minmin`a, Gadgada
Vaata associated with Kapha covers S`habdavaahee Dhamanee causing Mookatva (speechless), Minmin`atva (speaking indistinctly through the nose), Gadgadatva (stammering / stuttering / convulsive utterance).

When a wound is at the vital spot (मर्म), gets vitiated by Vaata. This Vaata causes all the Dosha to traverse all over the body. Thus the Dosha get spread all over the body. There is thirst (Trishn`aa). The patient becomes पाण्डु. this is called as Vran`aayaama.

Vaata in the Moordhadharaa Siraa aggravates in the Rakta Dhaatu, it causes pain. The Siraa turns into dried state (Rooksha) and black colour(Krishn`a). This is incurable.

In Toonee, pain traverses to the downward direction which is originated from Pakvaas`haya and Mootraas`haya. It causes piercing pain (Bhedana) at Guda and Upastha.

In Pratitoonee, pain traverses from Guda and Upastha to the Pakvaas`haya.

When there is Aat`opaAti Ugra RujaaAadhmaana (distension) then it is called as Aadhmaana. It is caused due to the Vaata Rodha.

When Aadhmaana originates from Aamaas`haya it is called as Pratyaadhmaana. It is caused due to the Kaphaavrita Vaata.


  • Below the umbilicus a Granthi resembling Asht`heelaa (an instrument like a stone), which is immovable or movable. It is an elevated outward and spread growth. It is called as Asht`heelaa.
  • It obstructs the outer channel.

When Asht`heelaa is associated with pain and obstructs VaataMootra (urine), Pureesha (stools); it is called as Pratyasht`heelaa.

Tremors all over the body with the head is a vitiated Vaata called as Vepathu.

Vaata obstructed at the lower end causes Udgaara (belching), it is called as Oordhvavaata.

Krichchhrasaadhya Criteria

Saadhya Criteria

  • Balavaan Rugn`a
  • Nirupadrava


C.Chi.28, Su.Ni.1, A.H.U.Ni.16

Aavaran`a means covering, hiding or concealing. It is special pathology types related to VaataVaata may cover the other entities in the body or it itself may get covered by something. In either case symptoms get manifested. One who gets covered (Aavrita) remains dormant and one who covers (Aavaraka) manifests itself in the symptoms.

It is also possible that the different types of the Vaata (i.e. Praan`a, Udaana, Vyaana, Samaana, Apaana) may cover each other; which is called Anyonya Aavaran`a.

Aavaran`a of Vaata by other entities:

  1. Pittaavrita
  2. Kaphaavrita
  3. Raktaavrita
  4. Maamsaavrita
  5. Medaavrita
  6. Asthyaavrita
  7. Majaavrita
  8. S`hukraavrita
  9. Annaavrita
  10. Mootraavrita
  11. Varchasaavrita

Pittaavrita Vaata

  • Vaata concealed by Pitta manifests with दाह (burning sensation), Trishn`aa (thirst), S`hoola (pain), भ्रम (vertigo), Tama (feeling of entering into the darkness), VidaahaS`heetakaamitaa (desire for cold things).
  • According to Sus`hruta, there is दाहSantaapaMoorchchhaa in Pittaavrita Vaata.

Kaphaavrita Vaata

  • Vaata concealed by Kapha manifests with the symptoms like S`haitya (cold), Gaurava (heaviness), S`hoola (pain), patient desires for Langhana (fasting), Aayaasa (exercise), Rooksha (dry) and Ooshn`a (hot) food. There is decrease in the symptoms by use of Kat`u (pungent) drugs.
  • According to Sus`hruta, there is S`haityaS`hopha and Gurutva in Kaphaavrita Vaata.

Raktaavrita Vaata

  • When Vaata is concealed by Rakta, it manifests with दाहArti (pain), Oedemain the space between Tvak and Maamsa (Tvak Maamsaantara S`hopha) with redness, circular skin eruptions (Man`d`ala), hard and discolouredboils (Pid`akaa) and Oedema.
  • According to Sus`hruta, Pricking pain, hatred to touch, Supti (numbness), other Pitta Vikaara are manifested in Raktaavrita Vaata.

Maamsaga (Maamsaavrita) Vaata
When Vaata is concealed by Maamsa Dhaatu, it manifests with Harsha (bristling), Pipeelika Sanchaara feeling as if the ants are traveling on the skin).

Medaavrita Vaata
When Vaata gets concealed by Medas, it manifests with moving (Chala), unctuous (Snigdha), soft (Mridu), S`heeta (cold) S`hopha (Oedema). There is Aruchi. It is called as Aad`hyavaata, which is difficult to cure.

Asthyaavrita Vaata
Vaata concealed by Asthi manifests with Saada (sinking down), Bhanjana (breaking pain), Soocheetoda (pricking pain). Patient gets relief by Peed`ana and Ooshn`a food or drugs.

Majjaavrita Vaata
When Vaata gets concealed by Majjaa it manifests with Vinaama (crookedness), Jrimbhan`a (yawing), Parivesht`ana, S`hoola (pain). The pain released by Peed`ana by hands.

S`hukraga Vaata
When Vaata is concealed by S`hukra, it is manifested with S`hukra Aavega (agitation), S`hukra Ativega (quick ejaculation).

Annaavrita Vaata
When Vaata is concealed by food then it causes pain in the abdomen / in the flanks. The pain subsides after the digestion of the food.

Mootraavrita Vaata
When Vaata is concealed by Mootra (urine), it manifests with the retention of urine and anurination.

Pureeshaavrita (Varchasaavrita) Vaata
When Vaata is concealed by Pureesha, it manifests with Pureesha Ativibandha (constipation), Parikartikaa (cutting pain in the anal region), Aas`hu Sneha Jaran`a (quick digestion of Sneha), Bhojanapas`hchaat Aanaaha (flatulence after food), faecesare passed out with difficulty, there is pain in groin region (S`hron`i), Vamkshan`a and Prisht`ha. There is malaise in the heart (Asvastha Hridaya).

Aavaran`a of Vaata

  • Vaata which conceals other may manifest with the symptoms but if Vaata which is concealed is aggravated then concealed Vaata will manifest with the symptoms.
  • Total 20 Aavaran`are there due to 5 types of Vaata Dosha, but in the text only 12 are described.

Praan`aavrita Vyaana
There is Indriya S`hoonyatvaSmriti Kshaya and Bala Kshaya.

Samaanaavrita Vyaana
There is MoorchchhaaTandraaPralaapaAngasaadaAgnikshayaOjokshayaBalakshaya.

Udaanaavrita Vyaana
There is StabdhataaAlpaagniAsvedaChesht`aa HaaniNimeelana.

Apaanaarita Vyaana
There is excessive passing of Urine, Faecesand S`hukra.

Vyaanaavrita Praan`a
Ati Sveda PravrittiLomaharshaTvag DoshaGaatra Supti

Udaanaavrita Praan`a
There is loss of locomotion, Ojas, and Bala (strength). There may be death also.

Praan`aavrita Samaana
There is Jad`atvaGadgadMookatva

Samaanaavrita Apaana
This manifests in Grahan`ee, Paars`hva and Hridaya S`hoola (Hridgada)Aamaas`haya S`hoola.

Udaanaavrita Apaana
There is छर्दि and श्वास in Udaanaavrita Apaana.

Vyaanaavrita Apaana
There is Vami (छर्दि), Aadhmaanaउदावर्तगुल्मParikartikaa in Vyaanaavrita Apaana.

Praan`aavrita Udaana

  • There is S`hirograha, Pratis`hyaaya, Nihs`hvaasa and Uchchhvaasa Sangraha, Hridroga, Mukha S`hosha.
  • According to Vaagbhat`a, there is Nihs`hvaasa and Uchchhvaasa Nirodha, Pratis`hyaaya, S`hirograha, Hridroga, MukhaS`hosha.

Apaanaavrita Udaana
There is MohaAlpa AgniAteesaara in Apaanaavrita Udaana.
Though it is said that there are 20 Anyonya Aavaran`aa; only 12 have been explained.
These are:

Praan`a AavritaVyaana AavritaUdaana AavritaSamaana AavritaApaana Aavrita
Udaana Vyaana  

The remaining 8 Anyonya Aaavaran`aa_s are:

 Samaana Praan`aSamaana

Aavaran`a of Vaata by other entities.

Pittavrita Praan`a

  • It manifests with Moorchchhaaदाहभ्रमS`hoolaVidaahaS`heetakaamitaaVidagdha Chhardi.
  • According to Sus`hruta, there is छर्दि and दाह in Pittaavrita Praan`a.

Kaphaavrita Praan`a

  • It manifests with Sht`hivanaKshavathuUdgaaraNihs`hvaasam UchchhvaasaAruchiछर्दि.
  • According to Sus`hruta, there is DaurbalyaSadanaTandraa and Vaivarn`ya in Kaphaavrita Praan`a.

Pittaavrita Udaana

  • It manifests with MoorchchhaaNaabhi DaahaUro DaahaKlamaOjobhrams`haSaada.
  • According to Sus`hruta, there is मूर्च्छादाहभ्रमKlama in Pittaavrita Udaana.

Kaphaavrita Udaana

  • It manifests with Vaivarn`yaVaak GrahaSvara GrahaDaurbalyaGurugaatratvaAruchi
  • According to Sus`hruta, there is AsvedaHarshaअग्निमांद्यS`heetaStambha in Kaphaavrita Udaana.

Pittaavrita Samaana

  • It manifests with Ati SvedaTrishaaदाहMoorchchhaaAruchiUshmaa Upaghaata
  • According to Sus`hruta, in Pittaavrita Samaana there is SvedaदाहAushn`yaMoorchchhaa, in Pittaavrita Samaana.

Kaphaavrita Samaana

  • AsvedaVahnimaandyaLomaharshaGaatra Atis`heetataa.
  • According to Sus`hruta, there is Kaphaadhikya in Pureesha and MootraRomaharsha.

Pittaavrita Vyaana

  • दाहSarvaagaga KlamaGaatra VikshepaGaatra SangaSantaapaVedanaa
  • According to Sus`hruta, there is Gaatra Vikshepan`a, Klama in Pittaavrita Vyaana.

Kaphaavrita Vyaana

  • Sarva Gaatra GurutaaSarva Sandhi RujaaAsthi RujaaGati Sanga
  • According to Sus`hruta, there is Sarva GaatratvaAsthi StambhanaParva StambhanaChesht`aa Stambha in Kaphaavrita Vyaana.

Pittaavrita Apaana

  • Haaridra MootraHaaridra PureeshaTaapa, Raja Atipravartana
  • According to Sus`hruta, there is दाहAushn`ya and Raktapradara.

Kaphaavrita Apaana

  • Bhinna Varcha PravartanaAama Samsrisht`a Pureesha, Guru Pureesha, S`Hleshma Samshrisht`a PureeshaKapha Meha.
  • According to Sus`hruta, there is Adhah Kaaya Gurutva (heaviness in the lower body).

There are some conditions in Aavaran`a of Vaata that Pitta and Kapha Dosha collectively conceal Vaata, this is called as Mis`hra Aavaran`a.

  • S`hleshma Pitta Aavrita Udaana
  • S`hleshma Pitta Aavrita Praan`a
  • These both the conditions are serious. They may lead to death or loss of physical strength.

Asaadhya criteria for Aavaran`a

  1. Aparidnyaata
  2. Parisamvatsarottha
  3. Upekshaa
  4. Durupakrama

Complications of Aavrita Vaata

  1. हृद्रोग
  2. विद्रधि
  3. Pleehaa
  4. गुल्म
  5. अतिसार
  6. Agnisaada

Krichchhrasaadhya Vaatavyaadhi

  • Sandhichyuti, Hanustambha, Kunchana, Kubjataa, Ardita, Pakshaaghaata, Angsams`hosha, Pangutva, Khud`avaatataa, Stambhana, Aad`hyavaata, Majjaa Asthigata Vikaara these all are very difficult to cure or they may not be cured.
  • These diseases at the early stage (Nava), in a strong person and without complication can be cured.

Last updated on February 15th, 2021 at 05:13 am

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