विषय सूची पर जायें


C.Vi.6, A.H.3, M. N. 6

Literally, अग्निमांद्य refers to the state of lowered digestive capacity.

Agni: Concept
Agni is the digestive capacity. It is one of the Panchamahaabhoota, whose functions are similar to the Agni Mahaabhoota in the Universe. It is the factor responsible for any change in Bhaava Padaartha (matter). Pachana (digestion) is the most important activity carried out by the Agni. Whenever any fruit ripens, the ripening is carried out by the Agni.

It is Agni only, which turns the qualities of food into the qualities of Dhaatu in the human body. Gurutva or Sthira attribute of Godhooma (wheat) is placed into the human body after the transformation of Godhooma by Agni. Therefore to maintain balance of Dhaatu functioning of Agni should be proper.

If this transformation of food attributes into the bodily attributes hampers or loses its balance, then it causes imbalance in the Dhaatu. This is an unwanted effect. This is called a case of hampered or vitiation of Agni (digestion capacity).

Agni, which is responsible for transformation of food, is called Jaat`haraagni as it dwells in the Jat`hara. So whenever the term Agni is used it indicates Jaat`haraagni and not Dhaatvagni (Agni at the level of Dhaatu).

This Agni according to its capacity to digest is divided into four types:

  1. Manda (low digestive capacity) due to the dominanace of Kapha Dosha
  2. Teekshn`a (higher digestive capacity) Due to the dominance of Pitta Dosha
  3. Vishama (irregular digestive capacity) Due to the dominance of Vaata Dosha
  4. Sama (balanced digestive capacity) Sama state of all the three Dosha.

Out of these 4 types of Agni, Sama is the normal state and other states are abnormal (Vikrita) as they cause imbalance in Dhaatu.
Only Sama Agni is the cause of Dhaatu Saamya (Balance in the all seven Dhaatu)

Vishama Agni causes Vaataja diseases. Teekshn`a Agni causes Pittaja diseases. Manda Agni is responsible for Kaphaja diseases.

  1. Sama Agni –
    When food is taken in Sama Maatraa (perfect amount of food to fulfill hunger, not more or less) and is digested easily and without causing any trouble, this digestive capacity is called Sama Agni.
    According to CharakaSama Agni gets vitiated due to an improper conduct regarding food and it remains in balance in the absence of improper conduct regarding food.
    According to Asht`aanga Sangraha, when food is digested in four Yaama (12 hours), Agni is said to be Sama Agni.
  2. Manda Agni
    Though food in fewer amounts, is not digested easily. It takes more time to digest. This digestive capacity is called Manda AgniManda Agni can not tolerate any improper conduct regarding food. It causes Aadhmaana, Aasya S`hosha, Aat`opa, Aantra Koojana.
  3. Vishama Agni
    When food in usual amount sometimes digested and sometimes not; this status of digestion is called as Vishama Agni.
    According to Charaka Vishama Agni is exactly opposite of the Sama AgniVishama Agni causes imbalance in the Dhaatu. When the consumed food exceeds hunger, Vishama Agni may digest it fast whereas food taken in the proper amount as per the hunger, it may digest it very slowly and may take a longer time.
  4. Teekshn`a Agni –
    When food is taken in more amount than the hunger, then also the food may get digested easily. This digestive capacity is called Teekshn`a Agni.
    Teekshn`a Agni, if not supplied with adequate food, causes depletion of Dhaatu.
    Teekshn`a Agni can tolerate any improper conduct regarding food.

    Atyanta Teekshn`a Agni (hyper digestion capacity) is a disease called Bhasmaka.
    Teekshn`a Agni digests food, which is taken in a larger amount than the hunger.
    Amongst all these AgniSama Agni is responsible for health hence should be maintained.
    Thus, अग्निमांद्य includes Vishama Agni, Mandaagni due to Vaata and Kapha respectively.

Last updated on February 9th, 2021 at 07:25 am

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