विषय सूची पर जायें

संबंधित संगठन, संस्थान

Web addresses of some Ayurveda and health related organizations; institutes are enlisted with important contents on respective webpage. It may be useful for students and researchers to access required information.

  1. World Health Organization


    Available information:

    (Health status with statistics of all member countries, health related news & events, etc)

            About WHO (history, regional offices, general information)

            Health topics (diseases, current issues, ethics, etc.)

            Publications (journals, meetings, current information about diseases etc)

            Research tools (WHO library, health databases, statistics)

            WHO sites (related sites to diseases, WHO offices, collaborating institutes, health initives)

  2. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare Got. Of India


    Available information

            National health policies, India.

            Different Health Related Projects, Schemes

            Project reports/ Publications ,analysis

            Rural health Programe

  3. Department of AYUSH

    (Former department of Indian System of Medicine and Homeopathy ISM&H, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt of India.)


    Available information

            Information on Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy,

            Ayurveda education related acts, regulations etc.

            Information of CCIM, Rashtriya Ayurveda Vidyapeeth, UG/PG Institutions colleges

            Current research and development, related rules and laws

  4. Central govt. Health scheme (CCRAS) Delhi


    Available information

           Information about Right to Information Act, 2005

           List of Research Institutes

           Information about various patents obtained by CCRAS

                           Extra Mural Research Schemes Information about funding from Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and Research Councils functioning under Department of AYUSH .

                           Information about intellectual property right guidelines

  5. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)


    Available information

            Information about grants for research projects, fellowships, short term

      research studentships

                           Assistance for MD/ MS / DM / MCH thesis, funding agencies

  6. National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur


            Information about courses, Entrance exams

  7. Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar


    Available information

            University past, present, prospective plan

            International Center for Ayurvedic Studies

            Institute of Medicinal Plant science

            Courses Details B.A.M.S., M.D., Phd, M.Sc. in Medicinal Plants, B. Pharm (Ayurveda), D.Pharm (Ayurveda) , M.Pharm (Ayurveda) ,other certificate courses.

  8. BHU, Varanasi


            Information about related courses, Entrance exams

  9. MUHS, Nashik


            Details about BAMS course, curriculum,

    Exam Scheduled

  10. Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (T K D L).

    Available information

    Introduction, history of TKDL, Present work Status

  11. National Botanical Research institute. Lukhnow


    Available information

            Information about medicinal plants

            Research Programs

  12. Botanical Survey of India


    Available information

            History of BSI

            Projects ,National Flora/Flora of India

            National Database

            Information about Rare and Endangered Species

            Plant photographs

  13. Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants


    Available information

            Medicinal and Aromatic Plants ,

            Patent Portfolio , Gene BankBioinformatics,

  14. Regional Research Laboratory, Jammu(R R L)


    Available information

            Information about Crude Drug Repository ,Herbarium ,Bioinformatics Centre

            Library , Gene Bank Centre for standardization, quality control and formulation of traditional remedies natural products

  15. Foundation for Revitalization of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT)


    Available information

    Information about work done by FRLHT to revitalize Indian system of Medicine.

  16. National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB)


    Available information

            Information about Annual Demand of Prioritized Medicinal Plants and Its Uses

            State Wise Natural Habitat of the Prioritized Species

            List of Medicinal Plants, Garden in India

            Financial Assistance through National Medicinal Plants Board

            List of Drug Testing Laboratories

            Medicinal Plant Photo Gallery

  17. National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources(NISCAIR )


    Available information

            Information about Raw Material Herbarium and Museum, T KDL Demo

  18. Pharmacopoeia Laboratory of Indian Medicine (PLIM)


    Available information

            Information about Standardization of ISM drug

            Plant, Crude Drug Gallery

  19. Ministry of information and technology of India


    Available information

            Medical related links

            AYUSH related information

  20. Ayurveda Colleges in India


    Available information

            List of Ayurveda Colleges in India

  21. Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM)


    Available information

            Different Indian Medicine Central Council Act

            Information about Ayurveda Colleges & Institutes

            Status of Ayurveda Colleges for the year 2004 – 2005

            Curriculum of Ayurveda, CCIM Regulations

  22. Indian Medicines Pharmaceuticals Corporation Ltd. (IMPCL)


    Available information

            Information about Company ProfileProductsTender NoticesAppointments 

            Right to Information

  23. CSIR: E-journals:

    Available information

            List of CSIR labs, Search journals and Articles

  24. Indian patent office ( Patent related sites )


    History of Indian Patent System

    Information for Filing of International Applications for  Patent

            Exclusive Marketing Rights

            Manual of Patent Practice and Procedure

            Exclusive Marketing Rights

    Address of Patent Offices

    Jurisdiction of Patent Offices

    Patents Act

    Patents Rules 2003

  25. United state patent office:


Last updated on March 31st, 2021 at 12:22 pm

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