C.Chi.1, M.N.51, B.R.56, Y.R. (Uttaraardha),N.R. अम्लपित्त
अम्लपित्त includes hyperacidity, acid peptic disease and related diseases.
Consumption of food having attributes like Viruddha, Dusht`a, Amla, Vidaahee, Pitta Prakopa (Pitta aggravating) causes Vidagdha State (decomposed) of Pitta.
In this disease, Pitta is a causative Dosha. But, there is association of Kapha and Vaata also. As per the association of Doshaa_s the symptoms get manifested.
- Vidaahaadyamlagun`odriktam Pittam Amlapittam | M. N. 51/1 Madhukos`ha
- Amlagun`odriktam Pittam Amlapittam | Ch. Chi. 1/45-49 Chakrapaan`i
Due to indigestion (Vidaaha) Amla attribute of Pitta gets aggravated. Therefore, this disease is called अम्लपित्त.
- Oordhvaga
It is associated with Kapha. There is vomiting. It may be of different colours. The vomit is mixed with Kapha. - Adhoga
There is तृष्णा (Thirst), दाह (burning sensation), Moorchchhaa (syncope), भ्रम (vertigo), Moha, Hrillaasa, Kot`ha (urticaria), Analasaada (decreased digestive capacity), Harsha (bristling of hairs), Sveda, Angapeetava.
Doshaja Types:
- Vaataja: Main signs are Kampa, Pralaapa, Moorchchaa, Chimachimaayana, Gaatraavasaada, S`hoola, Tamo Dars`hana, Vibhrama, Vimoha, Harsha.
- Kaphaja: Kapha Nisht`heevana, Gaurava, Jad`ataa, Aruchi, S`heeta, Saada, Vami, Lepa, Dahana Saada, Bala Saada, Kan`d`oo, Nidraa are the manifested symptoms.
- Vaata Kaphaja: Symptoms of Vaataja and Kaphaja Amlapitta manifest in the VaataKaphaja Amlapitta.
S`hleshma Pitta:
S`hleshma Pittais another state of अम्लपित्त, which is described by Maadhava Nidaana. It is manifested with Tiktodgaara, Amlodgaara, Kat`ukodgaara, Hriddaaha, Kukshidaaha, Kan`t`ha Daaha, Bhrama, Moorchchhaa, Aruchi, Chhardi, Aalasya, S`hirorujaa.
Saadhya: Nava
Yaapya: Chirotthita
Krichchhrasaadhya: Kasyachit Chirotthita
Last updated on February 9th, 2021 at 07:24 am