C. Su.7, S. U. 55, A. H. Su. 4, M. Ni.27
- Ut Oordhvam VaataVin`mootraadeenaam Aavarto Bhraman`am Yasmin Roge Sa Udaavartah | S. U. 55
- VaataVin`mootrajrimbhaas`hrukshavodgaaravameendriyaih |
- Vyaahanyamaanaih Uditaih Udaavarto Niruchyate || S. U. 55/4
- Udbhootena Vegavidhaaran`ena Aavritasya Vaayoh Vartanam Iti Udaavarta Niruktih | M. NI. 27/1 Madhukos`ha
- उदावर्त is a disease in which Vaata travels in the upward direction causing whirl of Vaata, Mootra, Vit`.
- According to some other scholars, when stools are converted in to round shape by Vaata, it is called as उदावर्त. S. U. 55/2 D`alhan`a
It has been guided by Aayurveda, not to suppress the natural urges of any thing that is willing to go out of the body either by upward direction or by downward direction.
When natural urges of (Adho) Vaata,Vit` (stools), Mootra (urine), Jrimbhaa (yawing), As`hru (tears), Kshava (sneezing), Udgaara (belching), Vamee (vomiting), Indriya (S`hukra), Kshut (hunger), तृष्णा (thirst), श्वास, Nidraa (sleep) are suppressed or obstructed, they move in the upward direction, this is called as उदावर्त. In the pathogenesis, aggravation of Apaana Vaayu is the main event (Apaana Prakopa) D`alhan`a S. U. 55/5
Thus, Sus`hruta has explained 13 types of natural urges suppression of which may cause उदावर्त. S. U. 55/6
Not only suppression of the natural urges but Apathya Bhojana (unwholesome diet) is also the major cause of the उदावर्त.
Sus`hruta and Maadhava Nidaana, both has explained suppression of natural urges as उदावर्त. But Chraka and Vaagbhat`a has not labeled it as उदावर्त but they just have explained the suppression of natural urges in Sootrasthaana.
Types of उदावर्त
- Vaatodaavarta
- Pureeshaja Udaavarta
- Mootrodaavarta
- Jrimbhodaavarta
- As`hrujodaavarta
- Chhikkaajodaavarta
- Udgaarajodaavarta
- Chhardijodaavarta
- S`hukrajodaavarta
- Kshujjodaavarta
- Trishn`aajodaavarta
- Uchchhvaasajodaavarta
- Nidraajodaavarta
- When Apaana is obstructed in its normal way, it causes Aadhmaana, S`hoola, Hridayoparodha, S`hirorujaa, श्वास, Ati Hikkaa, कास, Pratis`hyaaya, Galagraha, Balaasa Pitta Prasara (spread of Kapha and Pitta)
- Maadhavanidaana and Charaka has explained it with the symptoms like, Vaata Sanga, Mootra Sanga, Pureesha Sanga, Dhmaana, Klama, Rujaa, Jat`hara and other Vaataja diseases.
- Gulma, Udaavarta, Ruk, Klama, Vaata Sanga, Mootra Sanga, S`hakrit Sanga, drisht`I Vadha, Agni Vadha, Hridgada are the symptoms of suppression of Adho Vaata.
- When natural urge of Pureesha is suppressed, it causes Aat`opa, S`hoola, Parikartana, Pureesha Sanga (retention of stools), Oordhvavaata,, Pureeshasya Aasyaad Nirgamana (stools come out of the mouth).
- In Charaka Samhitaa, the symptoms of suppression of natural urge of Pureesha are given as Pakvaas`hya S`hoola, S`hirah S`hoola, Vaata Apravartana, Pureesha Apravartana, Pin`dikodvesht`ana, Aadhmaana.
- According to Vaagbhat`a, suppression of natural urge of Pureesha causes Pin`d`ikodvesht`ana, Pratis`hyaaya, S`hirorujaa, OordhvaVaata, Pareekartikaa, Hridayoparodha, Mukhena Vit`pravritti and also the symptoms due to the suppression of Adho Vaata.
- When natural urge of urination is obstructed, it causes pain while micturation. The amount of urine passed is very low. There is pain in Med`hra, Guda, Vamkshan`a, Basti, Mushka, Naabhi, Moordhaa. There is distention of Basti (Aanaddha Basti).
- Maadhavanidaana and Charaka Samhitaa add symptom like Vinaama (bending of the body), Vamkshan`aanaaha (feeling of fulfillness of Vamkshan`a (Urusandhi)).
- Angabhanga, As`hmaree, Basti Vedanaa, Med`hra Vedanaa, Vamkshan`a Vedanaa also the symptoms due to suppression of natural urge of Adhovaata and S`hakrit get manifested due to suppression of Mootra Vega according to Vaabghat`a.
- When natural urge of Jrimbhaa is suppreses, it causes Manyaa Vikaara, Gala Vikaara, S`hiro Vikaara, S`hrotra
- Vikaara, Aanana Vikaara (Mukha Roga), Ghraan`a Roga, Netra Roga.
- According to Charaka Samhitaa, suppression of Jrimbhaa manifests with Vinaama, aakshepa, Samkocha, Supti, Kampa, Pravepana.
- According to Vaagbhat`a, symptoms of suppression of Jrimbhaa are same as of Chhikkaa.
- Due to the sorrow or gladness, the tears secreted, if obstructed, they cause S`hirogurutva, Netra Vikaara and Peenasa.
- Charakasamhitaa has given the symptoms like Pratis`hyaaya, Akshiroga, Hridroga, Aruchi, Bhrama as suppression of Baashpa (As`hru).
- Peenasa, Akshiroga, S`hiroroga, Hridaya Roga, Manyaastambha, Aruchi, Bhrama, Gulma are the symptoms due to suppression of Baashpa Vega.
- When natural urge of Chhikkaa (sneezing) is obstructed, it causes the diseases of S`hira, Ntrea, Naasaa, S`hrotra. Vaata gets filled in the Kan`t`ha and Mukha. There is pain in the Kan`t`ha and Mukha. It causes Koojana (the uttering of any inarticulate sound). There may be the obstruction of exhalation (Uchchhvaasanirodha).
- Suppression of Chhikkaa, causes Manyaastambha, S`hirahs`hoola, Ardita, Ardhaavabhedaka, Indriya Daurbalya, Kan`t`haasya Poorn`atvameeva, Toda, Kooja, Vaayoh Apravriti.
- According to Vaagbhat`a, S`hirorti, Indriya Daurbalya, Manyaastambha, Ardita are the symptoms due to suppression of Kshavathu.
- When natural urge of belching Udgaara is suppressed or obstructed, it causes serious diseases due to aggravation of Vaata.
- According to Charakasamhitaa, suppression of Udgaara manifests with Hikkaa, S`hvaasa, Aruchi, Kampa, Hridaya Vibandha, Uro Vibandha.
- After suppression of छर्दि (vomiting), it manifests with कुष्ठ (skin diseases). It may be शीतपित्त, Kot`ha, उदर्द etc.
- कुष्ठ will be dominated by that Dosha, which makes the Aahaara (food) Vidagdha (partly digested and partly undigested).
- According to Maadhava Nidaana and Charaka, suppression of छर्दि causes, Kan`d`oo, Kot`ha, Aruchi, Vyanga, S`hotha, Paan`d`u, Jvara, Kusht`ha, Veesarpa, Hrillaasa.
- When natural urge of S`ukra is suppressed, it causes pain and oedema in urinary bladder, Guda, testes. There is retention of urine. It causes S`hukraas`hmaree. It may get passed or it may cause the diseases due to the suppression of S`hukra like Hritpeed`aa, Angamarda, etc.
- According to Charaka Samhitaa, Med`hra S`hoola, Vrishan`a S`hoola, Hridaya Vyathaa, Mootra Vibaddhatva, these are the symptoms of suppression of the natural urge of S`hukra.
- Jvara, Hridvyathaa, MootraSanga, Angabhanga, Vriddhi, As`hmaree (S`hukra), Shand`hataa are the symptoms due to suppression of natural urge of S`hukra.
- When a person do not consume food, after feeling hungry, he experiences, Tandraa (abnormal sleep), Angamarda, Aruchi, Vibhrama, Drisht`i Kris`hataa.
- There is Kaars`hya, Daurbalya, Vaivarn`ya, Angamarda, Aruchi, Bhrama when natural urge of Kshut gets suppressed.
- When a person though feeling thirsty, does not consume water suffers with Kan`t`ha S`hosha, Aasya S`hosha, S`hravan`aavarodha, Trisn`aa, Hridaya Vyathaa.
- Suppression of natural urge of thirst manifests with Kan`t`ha S`hosha, Aasya S`hosha, Baadhirya, S`hrama, Saada, Hridaya Vyathaa.
- A person who is tired due to fast walking etc., when suppresses the inhalation, it causes Hridroga, Moha or गुल्म.
- Charaka has called it as S`hrama Nihs`hvaasa. Gulma, Hridroga, Sammoha gets manifested due to suppression of Nihs`hvaasa.
- When a person suppresses urge of sleep (Nidraa), it causes Jrimbhaa, Angamarda, Angajaad`ya, S`hirojaad`ya, Akshijaad`ya, Tandraa.
- According to Charakasamhitaa, Jrimbhaa, Angamarda, Tandraa, S`hiroroga, Akshigaurava are the symptoms of suppression of natural urge of Nidraa.
Vaataja Udaavarta
- Due to the consumption of the food having Rooksha, Kashaaya, Kat`u and Tikta attributes Vaata gets aggravated in the Kosht`ha causing उदावर्त.
- The channels for Vaata, Mootra, Pureesha, Rakta, Kapha, and Meda get covered. (Aavartayati Aavrin`oti)
- There is pain in the heart, urinary bladder, Hrillaasa, Ateesaara.
- Vaata, Mootra, Pureesha are passed with difficulty i.e. with pain.
- There may all other diseases due to aggravation of Vaata like S`hvaasa, Kaasa, Pratis`hyaaya, Daaha, Moha, Trishaa, Jvara, Vami, Hikkaa, S`hiroroga, S`hravan`a Vibhrama.
It has been clearly said by Vaagbhat`a that whenever there is suppression of any natural urge, it causes aggravation of Vaata.
Vaagbhat`a has explained उदावर्त as Upadrava of Durnaama (अर्श).
- Apaana Vaayu gets aggravated due to food having Rooksha etc. attributes.
- It obstructs the downward channel.
- It dries up the faecal matter.
- There is retention of Vaata, Vit`, Mootra which causes severe pain in the Kosht`ha, Prisht`ha (back), Hrit, Paars`hva (flanks), Aadhmaana, Udaraavesht`a, Hrillaasa, Parikartana, Basti S`hoola, Gan`d`s`hopha.
- As Vaata travels in the upward direction, it causes Chhardi, Aruchi, Jvara, Hridroga, Grahan`ee, Mootra Sanga, Pravaahikaa, Baadhirya, Timira, S`hvaasa, S`hiroruk, Kaasa, Peenasa, Manovikaara, Trishn`aa, Asrapitta, Gulma, Udara.
- Also, many other Vaata dominated diseases get manifested.
- This is a severe complication of उदावर्त.
This उदावर्त gets manifested without Ars`ha, if Kosht`ha is dominated by Vaata.
Udaavarta: Sampraapti and Saadhyaasaadhyatva
उदावर्त | Vaata | Pureesha | Mootra | Jrimbhaa | As`hru | Chhikkaa | Udgaara | छर्दि |
रोगमार्ग | Aabhyantara | |||||||
Avayava | Pakvaas`haya | Pakvaas`haya | ||||||
Dosha | VaataApaana Prakopa S. U. 55/5 D`alhan`aVaata PrasaraPitta Prasara | VaataApaana Prakopa S. U. 55/5 D`alhan`a | VaataApaana Prakopa S. U. 55/5 D`alhan`a | Vaata Prakopa | Vaata Prakopa | Vaata Prakopa | Vaata Prakopa | Vaata Prakopa |
D_Praadhaanya | Apaana Prakopa S. U. 55/5 D`alhan`a | Apaana Prakopa S. U. 55/5 D`alhan`a | ||||||
Mala | Pureeshasya Mukhaat Kshepan`a Vaata SangaPureesha SangaMootra Sanga | Pureeshasya Aasyaad NirgamanaPureesha Sanga | Krichchhra Mootra PravrittiAlpa Alpa Mootra Pravritti | |||||
Srotas | PureeshavahaAnnavaha | PureeshavahaAnnavaha | Mootravaha | Praan`vaha | Praan`avaha | Praan`avaha | Annavaha | |
Avayava_U | Pakvaas`haya | Pakvaas`haya |
उदावर्त | S`hukra | Kshut | तृष्णा | Uchchhvaasa | Nidraa | उदावर्त |
Asaadhya | Trishn`aarditaPariklisht`aKsheen`aShoolayuktaS`hakrid VaameeTrid`aartaS`hoolaartaKsheen`aVid`vamee | |||||
Dosha | Vaata Prakopa | Vaata Prakopa | Vaata Prakopa | Apaana Prakopa | ||
Mala | Vaata sangaMootra SangaPureesha Sanga | |||||
Srotas | S`hukra | Annavaha | Udakavaha | Praan`avaha | Manovaha | Pureeshavaha |
Indriya | Drisht`I Kris`hataa | S`hravan`aavarodha |
Last updated on February 12th, 2021 at 10:53 am