विषय सूची पर जायें

Oorustambha Chikitsaa

C.Ch.27/20-62, S.Ch.5/35-45, A.H.21/48-55, N.R. उरुस्तंभ

Oosrustambha (Oorugraha) is the disease in which the movement of the thigh muscles is hampered due to severe stiffness. Kapha and Medas along with Vaata are the responsible factors.

Oosrustambha (Oorugraha) is the only disease where पंचकर्म like BastiVirechana and वमन are contraindicated. Poorvakarma like Snehana is also contra-indicated.

The reason for contraindication is that, Snehana (Oleation therapy) and Anuvaasana Basti; both aggravate Kapha. In the pathogenesis of OosrustambhaKapha and Medas are the two mainly involved entities. As has been explained by CharakaKaphaAama and Medas are accumulated in the Ooroo and Janghaa (thighs and leg) causing theirstiffness due to theirSthira and S`heeta attributes. Therefore, if Snehana and Basti are done in the patients suffering from Oosrustambha, it will again aggravate Kapha, which in turn will boost up the pathogenesis of Oosrustambha. The prognosis will become graver then before in this situation.

Virechana is also contraindicated as Virechana acts on Pitta dominated Dosha. As in the Oosrustambha, Kapha is the main vitiated Dosha, Virechana has got no potency to remove Kapha, which is vitiated and harboured in the thighs.

वमन and Virechana, both the Karma are potent to root out the vitiated Kapha and Pitta in their own sites (Kosht`ha). But when Dosha are aggravated in the thighs (other than their own sites), they are unable to expel them out making any पंचकर्म useless in this disease as it becomes very difficult to get the water from deep well. Therefore, Poorvakarma Snehana and पंचकर्म like Basti, Vamana and Virechana are contraindicated in Oosrustambha.

In Oosrustambha, it is necessary to do the Kshapan`a, S`hoshan`a and Sams`hamana continuously, as there is dominance of Kapha.

There should be all the Rooksha Upachaara i.e. use of food and drug having dry attributes.

After doing the Rooksha Upachaara (Apatarpan`a), if it has happened in excess, it is necessary to do the Santarpan`a. It is because while doing Apatarpan`a to deplete the Kapha, Vaidya should take care of strength of patient. There should not be the depletion of strength while carrying out the depletion of Kapha. If debility appears, then Charaka has given the food regime to get back the strength.

Saamaanya Chikitsaa:

Aabhyantara and Baahya both are mentioned.

Baahya Chikitsaa:

  • Utsaadana
  • Pralepana
  • Sechana 

Vishesha Chikitsaa:

  • Associated withexcessof Kapha and Aama Dosha Sams`hamana, Ksapan`a , S`hoshan`a and Yuktyapeksha should be the line of treatment


  1. Vyaayaama
  2. Yathaa S`hakti Naaree S`heelana (sexual gratification as per Bala)
  3. Swimming
  4. A special treatment has been mentioned as jumping, walking etc in sand as these bring about Rookshan`a of Kapha

  • Generally, it has been said that Kapha should be depleted (Kapha Kshapan`a) but without aggravation of Vaayu. Anything that can achieve this principle can be done as treatment of Oosrustambha. Digestive capacity (Agni) and physical strength (Bala) should be maintained in the treatment procedure.
  •  According to Sus`hruta, Kapha Medaavrita Vaayu is the causative factor in Oosrustambha.Sus`hruta has advised to treat Oosrustambha as per Kapha Medaavrita Vaata. He also says to treat it as शोथ (specifically Apakva S`hotha).
  • When Kapha and Meda get depleted in substantial amount, then Karma like Snehana can be done.
  • Sus`hruta has advised to use Guggulu in Oosrustambha. The reasons are:-
  1. Guggulu is Kaphavaataghna due to its Teekshn`a and Ushn`a attribute.
  2. Guggulu pacifies Mala and Pitta due to its Sara attribute.
  3. It is Sugandhi (having aroma), therefore it cures Pooti Kosht`ha Vaataghna.
  4. It increases Agni by its Sookshma attribute. (Su. Chi. 5.30)


Rasa- Kat`u, Tikta, Kashaaya, Lavan`a,
Gun`a- Rooksha
S`hooka- Yava, Rakta S`haalee
S`haaka- S`higru, Kaaravellaka, Pat`ola, Vaastuka, Sunnishan`n`aka, S`haalee, Kaakamaachee, Vetraagra, Rasona, Nimba, Haritakee, Arka
S`himbee- Kulattha, S`hyaamaaka, Kodrava
Maamsa- KritaJaangala Maamsa
Drava- Ushn`odaka, Arisht`a, Gomootra, Kshaara
Other- Saktu, Svedana, Kshaara, Lavan`a Varjita S`haaka, Lekhaneeya Aahaara


  • Vyaadhi उरुस्तंभ
  • Effect on Dosha Vaataghna, Kaphaghna
  • Adhikaara – उरुस्तंभ
  • Kalpanaa Guggulu Kalpanaa
  • Chikitsaa Karma Utsaadana, Pralepana, Sechana
  • Last updated on February 18th, 2021 at 11:15 am

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