S.U.46; M.Ni.17.
मूर्च्छा is fainting, syncope or spontaneous loss of consciousness caused by Pitta and Tama.
A person who is weakened and dominated by Dosha excessively (Bahu Dosha), who consumes Viruddha Aahaara, who is mentally weak; in these situations, Dosha harbor in the Indriya causing Moorchchaa. There is other signs including Hritpeed`aa, Jrimbhan`a, Glaani, Samdnyaa Naas`ha, Bala Naas`ha.
When Sandnyaavaha Srotas gets filled by Dosha, suddenly there loss of consciousness, which is termed as Moorchchhaa. In all the types of Moorchchhaa, Pitta is dominated.
According to Sus`hruta, when a person is dominated by Dosha and Mana is affected by Tama, then he is suffered by संन्यास. A person never gets back to his senses. It is Asaadhya.
- Vaataja
- Pittaja
- Kaphaja
- Raktaja
- Madyaja
In Vaataja, Pittaja and Kaphaja Moorchchhaa, symptoms of अपस्मार get manifested.
Vaataja Moorchchhaa:
Patient faints down and feels as if he is entering into the darkness by looking the space dark blue. He awakes immediately, There is Hrit Peed`aa, Vepathu, Bhrama, Kaars`hya. The complexion of the patient becomes darkcoloured.
Pittaja Moorchchhaa:
Patient enters in to the darkness by looking space red or yellow. He awakes with the perspiration, burning, thirst etc. The eyes become red and yellow.
Kaphaja Moorchchhaa:
Patient faints down looking space colored like clouds. He awakes relatively late. There is Hrillaasa, Praseka, Staimitya etc.
Rudhiraja Moorchchhaa:
Due to the smell of blood, persons suffer from Moorchchhaa. There is rigidity in body parts, and eyes. There is concealed exhalation.
Madyaja Moorchchhaa:
There is Vilaapa, Nasht`a Maanasa, Vibhraanta Maanasa, Gaatra Vikshepa
Vishaja Moorchchhaa:
There is Vepathu, Svapna, Trishn`aa, Stambha.
Saannipaatika Moorchchhaa:
The patient faints down like Apasmaara. But the difference is that there are no loathsome movements in Saannipaatika Moorchchhaa.
Last updated on February 11th, 2021 at 04:17 am