विषय सूची पर जायें

ग्रंथि निदान

C.Chi.12, S.Ni.11, A.H.U.29, M.N.38

Granthi is a growth manifesting with a symptom शोथ and which resembles to bunch or protuberance of any kind.


Granthi Samdnyayaa Granthyaakaaratvam Dars`hayati |
Vaataadayo Maamsam Asrik Ca Dusht`aah Samdooshya Medahs`hca Kaphaanuviddham |
Vrittonnatam Vigrathitam Tu S`hopham Kurvanti Ato Granthi Iti Pradisht`ah ||
Kaphapradhaanaah Kurvanti Medomaamsaadragaah Malaah |
Vrittonnatam Yam S`hvayathum Sa Granthih Grathnaat Smritah ||
Vaataadayo Maamsam Asrik Pradusht`aah Samdooshya Medahs`hcha Tathaa Siraas`hcha |
Vrittonnatam Vigrathitam cha S`hotham Kurvanti Ato Granthi Iti Pradisht`ah ||
Vigrathitatvaad Granthi Iti Samdnyaa | M.N.38/11
Sa Grathanaad Granthih Smritah |

Classification of Granthi:


Vaataja Granthi
This Granthi is black coloured (Krishn`a) and (Amridu). It is bulged like an inflated bladder. When it is ruptured, there is secretion of clear blood. There are different pains like Aayamana, Vyathaa, Toda, Pratyasyana (Kshepan`a), Krntana (Chhedana). At the last it bursts out (Bheda). It moves from one site to another. It gets enlarged or decreased suddenly.

Pittaja Granthi
It is yellowish red coloured. It gets it gets suppurated quickly also ruptured due to Pitta secreting hot blood (Ushn`a Asra). There is pain like Dahana, Dhoopana, Choshan`a, Pachana, Prajvalana.

Kaphaja Granthi
This Granthi gets enlarged after longer time. When it gets ruptured, there is secretion of white and thick pus (S`hukla Ghaana Pooya Sraava). It is cold to touch. There is no discolouration. There is mild pain. There is severe itching (AtiKan`d`oo). It is hard like stone.

Medoja Granthi
These Granthi gets aggravated or decreases as per the nourishment of the body. It is unctuous (Snigdha). It is big in size. There is mild pain. There is severe itching (Kan`d`oo). When it gets ruptured, it secretes like Pin`yaaka (Tila Kalka oil cake) and Sarpi.

Vaayu takes the Medas in to the Maamsa or Tvak manifesting with Granthi. This Granthi is Bhris`ha Snighda, it is soft (Mridu). It is Chala. It manifests with the symptoms of Kapha. It increases or decreases with the nourishment of the body. When it gets ruptured, it secretes Taamra and Asita (copper and black coloured) secretions.

Siraaja Granthi
Due to exercises performed by weak person, vitiated Vaayu causes Aakshepan`a (drawing together) of Siraa Prataana (branching of Sira). This Siraa Prataana is pressed (Sampeed`ana), constricted (Samkocha), dried out (Vis`hoshan`a), causing circular elevation which is called as Siraaja Granthi. It is Krichchhrasaadhya with pain and is mobile (Saruja and Chala). It is Asaadhya, it is stable (not movable), it is big in size. It is manifested on the site of मर्म.

Raktaja Granthi
When Rakta Dhaatu gets vitiated due to Dosha, there is formation of Granthi. There is manifestation of कृमि. These कृमि gets harbored on the Siraa and Maamsa. There is Svaapa (numbness). It manifests with the Pitta Lakshan`a.

Maamsaja Granthi
It manifests with the symptoms of Kapha. It is caused due to vitiation of Maamsa. It is Snigdha, Kat`hina. There is Siraanaddhatva (inflated condition of Siraa).

Asthi Granthi
Due to trauma on the Asthi or due to fracture, there is elevation or depression of the Asthi; which is called as Asthi Granthi.

Vran`a Granthi:-
When a wound is not healed or in a healed wound, which is wet and not bandaged, or when there is trauma; Vaayu dries out the Rakta which is not secreted causes Grathita Vran`a (dense wound). There is दाहKan`d`oo also. It is Vran`a Granthi.

Sampraapti of Granthi
It occurs in the particular part of the body because of vitiated Dosha. The signs and symptoms are manifested according to the dominance of Dosha. There are pulsations (Sphuran`a) as it is associated with vessels (Siraa).

Granthi is a muscle tissue in large size (Mahaa Maamsa). It is painless. It Granthi is formed of Meda then it is unctuous and movable. Dosha vitiates Maamsa, Rakta and Medas. There is association of Kapha in vitiation of Medas. They cause circular, elevated protuberance (oedema) i.e. S`hopha which is extremely hard (Vigrathita D`alhan`a); which is called as Granthi.

Kapha dominant Dosha vitiating Maamsa, Medas and Rakta cause circular (Vritta), elevated (Unnata) oedema (S`hvayathu); which is called as Granthi as there is clogging (Grathanaat) of the Dosha and Dooshya.

Granthi and अर्बुद: Differential diagnosis
Granthi and अर्बुद are common in following aspects

Prades`ha (manifesting site on the body)
Hetu (Causative factors)
Aakriti (form or shape)
Dosha (Responsible Dosha)
Dooshya (Involving Dhaatu)

Granthi can have Paaka, while अर्बुद do not get suppurate also they could be differentiated by other factors like touch, signs and history etc.

Therefore, diagnosis of Granthi and अर्बुद should be done considering above factors. However, अर्बुद can be treated with the same principles of Granthi.

Comparative study of Granthi types

DoshaTridosha PrakopaVaata PrakopaPittaPrakopaKapha PrakopaTridoshaPrakopaTridosha PrakopaVaataPrakopaTridosha Prakopa  
DhaatuDusht`iMaamsa,RaktaMedaMaamsaRakta MaamsaRakta MaamsaRakta MaamsaRakta MaamsaRaktaMedaMeda RaktaMaamsaAsthi
Upadhaatu    SiraaAanaddha SiraaPrataanaSiraa Dusht`i 
SrotasMaamsaRaktaMedaMaamsaRakta MaamsaRakta MaamsaRakta MaamsaRakta MaamsaRaktaMeda   
Saadhya if SaadhyaSaadhyaSaadhya Saadhya Saadhya 
KrichchhraSaadhya ifKukshiaas`hritaUdaraas`hritaGalaas`hritaMarmaas`hritaSthoolaKharaBaalaSthaviraDurbala      Ruja yuktaChalaGranthi  
Asaadhya ifSthoolaKhara ChalaMarmasthaKan`t`hasthaUdarastha     Achala,MahaanMarmotthita  

Last updated on March 2nd, 2021 at 10:39 am

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