Prakaara Paribhaashaa:
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- The procedure by which the wound is elevated i.e. Vran`atala is lifted up.
Poorvakarma (Prerequisites):
Medicine Preparation:
- Nyagrodhaadi Gan`a, Padmakaadi Gan`a, As`hvagandhaa, Balaa, Vaataghna, Stanya, Brimhan`eeya, Jeevaneeya, Apaamaarga Moola, Taalapatri, Suvarchalaa Moola, Sooryaavarta Moola, Yava, Godhooma, Godugdha
- Tila Kalka + Madhu
- In conditions where in the wound is not infected, the granulation is fair, and no discharge, though patient is not having any history of diabetes or leprosy, there is a slow process of healing. In such condition the wound is usually deep; hence to bring back such wound to the skin level this procedure should be done.
- There is Kshaya of Maamsa Dhaatu; hence the treatment should include Maamsarasa and otherrecipes containing Maamsa.
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- The Upalepana Karma of Maamsa Dhaatu is helpful here.
Last updated on March 4th, 2021 at 04:44 am