Prakaara Paribhaashaa:
- ¾ýnüªÉÉ´É®hɨÉ ¾ýnüªÉ®IÉÉEú®¨É +Éè¹ÉvɨÉ * Chakrapaan`ee
- The procedure in which effective measures [in the form of medicines] is to be taken to protect the heart from Vishabaadhaa [poison] is termed as Hridayaavaran`a
- This procedure can be used as preventive as well as therapeutic measure.
- ʴɹÉÆ Eú¹ÉÇÊiÉ iÉÒIhÉi´ÉÉnÂü ¾ýnüªÉÆ iɺªÉ MÉ֔ɪÉä* A.H.U. 36/53
- ¾ýnüªÉÉ´É®hÉä SÉɺªÉ ö乨ÉÉ ¾ýtÖ{ÉSÉÒªÉiÉä* A.H.U. 36/54
- For this, any antidote should be consumed along with ghee or only ghee or ghee mixed with honey.
Chikitsaa Karma:
- Prevents विष absorption and protects heart by forming a coat of Kapha in heart.
Last updated on March 9th, 2021 at 06:51 am